Title: Alan George, Regional Director
1- Treasury Management
- Borrowing
- Alan George, Regional Director
- 26th March 2015
2Audit Scotland Overview Report 19th March 2015
- 32 Councils in Scotland
- Debt 14.8bn
- Asset base 39bn
3Audit Scotland Overview Report Summary
- 14.8bn total debt (not debt liability!!)
- 12.1bn borrowing - 2.7bn PPP/finance
leases - Borrowing remained c 12bn over last 3 years with
total assets of 39bn - Councils only demonstrating short term
affordability - Not always highlighting strategic importance of
borrowing/treasury - Not highlighting affordability and sustainability
- Not support for borrowing decisions to ensure
best value - Treasury management is professional and mostly
integrated with capital functions - Need to improve scrutiny and governance
arrangements of TM - Complex area (Black Art!!)
- Provide wider training for Members
- Clearer more accessible and regular reports to
Members - Link to corporate objectives and investment plans
- Scenario planning
- Capital financing options
- Prudential indicators over longer period
4Local Government Acts and Regulations
5How do we assess the risks?
- Balance Sheet Analysis
- Helps to identify potential treasury risks and
where you sit (not a performance indicator
between organisations) - All organisations at a different point in
delivering their objectives - Also assists in-
- Reviewing/understanding overall financial
position - Identifying options for future treasury strategy
and mitigating treasury risks
6Key Themes Long-term Assets/Liabilities
2012/13 bn 2013/14 bn change y/y
Long-term Assets to be financed 38.3 38.9 1.6
Capital Adjustment A/c / Revaluation Res 22.8 23.0 0.9
To be financed Capital Financing Requirement 15.5 15.9 2.6
PFI and finance leases 2.9 2.8 -3.4
Underlying need to borrow 12.6 13.1 4.0
External borrowing 11.5 11.9 3.5
Internal borrowing 1.1 1.2
Internal borrowing 8.97 9.03
7Key Themes Cash and Investments
2012/13 bn 2013/14 bn change
General Fund balances 0.364 0.422 15.9
HRA balances 0.114 0.111 -2.6
Earmarked reserves 1.727 1.663 -3.7
Capital receipts/grants/provisions 0.240 0.301 25.4
Total reserves and balances 2.445 2.497 2.1
Total cash investments 1.645 1.496 -9.1
- Key point to note
- 52m increase in level of reserves
- But cash and investments decreased by 149m
8Treasury Considerations and Risks?
- 15.9bn debt liability to be repaid through
Annual Revenue Budgets - Scheduled Debt Amortisation and interest payments
for external borrowing - Debt underpinned by strong asset base (39bn)
with regular investment - Austerity Impact?
- Reserves still rising?
- Revenue Grant Settlements? Huge uncertainty!!
- Regulatory Changes? Asset Lives? Loans Fund
9Treasury Considerations and Risks?
- Can level of internal borrowing be sustained?
Helps to reduce credit risk? - What if borrowing rates rise further?
- When will cash run out?
- Where will interest rates be when you need to
borrow in later years? - Economic Outlook?
- Geo-political risksUK electionsEU
Referendum??? - Also need to consider internal issues
- impact of CFR falling, capital plans being
scaled back? - medium-term affordability of borrowing plans?
- Profile of Scheduled Debt Amortisations (Loans
Fund repayments)? - Other options to finance capital expenditure
(e.g. City deals, TIF)
10Treasury Considerations and Risks?
- Affordability and Sustainability!
11CIPFA Prudential Code - Objectives
- Achieved by
- Strategic planning service priorities and
objectives - Asset management planning whole of life costs
- Option appraisal individual projects
- Practicality is plan achievable and realistic?
12Prudential Code Principles
- Under Code, individual authorities responsible
for deciding level of affordable borrowing - Requirement to consider impact on Council Tax /
Housing Rent levels when considering
affordability of capital plans - Indicators set for forthcoming financial year and
next two financial years - Allows self-regulation (previously S94 consent)
- Use of indicators enables Authority to explain to
stakeholders how its finances are managed in the
medium-term - Builds process into financial planning framework
and identifies potential risks - Role of Chief Finance Officer clearly defined
13Corporate Governance
- Integrates financial planning process by
linking- - Corporate Plan and Objectives
- Medium-term Financial Plan/Strategy
- Capital Expenditure Plans
- Asset/Estates Strategy
- Reserves Strategy
- Revenue Budget
- Loans Fund
- And therefore consideration of longer-term
position beyond three-years
- Affordable
- Ratio of financing costs to Net Revenue Stream
- Calculated for both Council Tax and Housing Rents
- Sustainable
- Incremental impact of capital investment
decisions on Council Tax/Housing Rents - Budgetary costs arising from the proposed changes
to the capital programme - Prudent
- Gross debt and the Capital Financing Requirement
- Borrowing only for capital purposes
- External borrowing
- Total sums borrowing including deferred
liabilities (PFI etc)
15Ratio of financing costs General Fund scenario
- New powers provide freedom and flexibilities to
Councils - Brings with it risks and opportunities!
- Capital plans prepared for up to 10 years in
advance - Revenue Budgets cover a shorter-period Why?
- Lack of clarity over funding settlements
- Political Uncertainty locally and nationally
17Boundaries and limits
- Operational boundary
- Day-to-day operational limit for borrowing
- Expected level of borrowing
- Includes other-long-term liabilities in addition
to borrowing - Boundary can be exceeded on temporary basis
- But, provides an early warning!
- Authorised limit for borrowing
- Maximum amount that can be borrowed
- Operational boundary headroom!
- Remember any breach must be reported to Council
18Authorised Limits and Operational Boundary
19 20What is driving the fall in interest rates ?
21What is driving the fall in interest rates ?
22What about the Eurozone ?
23What about the US ?
24What about the UK?
25What about the UK?
26What about the UK ?
27What about the UK ?
28Were doomed, were all doomed !
29What about the UK?
30What about the UK?
31(No Transcript)
32Governance and Scrutiny
- Many treasury and financial risks to consider in
current economic climate - Role of the Prudential Code?
- Reporting to Members frequency??
- Engaging with Members?
- Compulsory financial management and treasury
management training?
33Treasury Management Strategic Considerations
- Deliverability of capital schemes -
realistic/slippage? - Timing of capital receipts / asset acquisitions?
- Cash-flow management budget profiling
- Budget Pressures
- Short-term savings?
- Longer-term certainty?
- Balance Sheet position treasury management
requirements - Regular communication required!
34How does CFR influence External Borrowing?
- Key issue arising, assess what position is best
for your Authority, then - Consider 3 year ahead time frame under the
Prudential Code, then - Which type of external borrowing?
(PWLB/Market/Short Term) - How long to borrow for?
- What is your view of Short/Medium/Long Term
interest rates - Benchmark rate for borrowing?
- Fixed or variable rate borrowing?
35Housekeeping - What TM issues to consider?
- Ensure you are within borrowing / treasury limits
(Authorised Limit and Operational Boundary) - Are your fixed/variable rate maturity profile
limits appropriate? - Ensure there is appropriate authority to borrow
and reschedule and that decision-making for
activity is recorded (e.g. treasury policy and
strategy statements and reports) - Consider all reasonable sources of funding (e.g.
PWLB, market, revenue, capital receipt, etc)
36Issues to include in your Risk Matrix ?
- Revenue to fund services, debt repayment asset
renewal - What level Reserves/Balances, Capital Receipts
Provisions over MTFP - Is expenditure on replacement of existing non
current assets sufficient - Revenue grant funding to support Cap Ex in near
term - Level of Internal Borrowing Forecast if no
new loans taken - Year-end liquidity position if current level of
reserves is reduced - Capital Financing Costs as a of net revenue
37and if we did nothing
. in future years !
- Cost of carry is key in current interest rate
environment - Use the Balance Sheet Analysis and medium term
projections to ascertain when cash is required.
Not an exact science! - Outcomes are sensitive to relatively small
changes in rates - Trigger points should be set and acted upon
- Is house view for bank rate to peak at lower than
normal level - How much long term certainty do you require?
- An individual approach is required taking into
account - CFR forecasts and capital programme delivery
- Maturing debt
- Use of core funds
- Loans Fund Model under review possible move to
Minimum Revenue Provision approach what does
that mean?
- Challenging agenda but great opportunities?
- Risk management/monitoring/mitigation policies
and practices in place - Officers time horizons different to members
- Governance and Scrutiny arrangements need to be
more transparent - Members scrutiny critical (generally not as
effective as could be!!) - Capital investment or revenue spend????
- Grant cuts, service cuts, protecting services
- Assets fit for purpose
- Remember - All organisations are in a different
starting position - Key issue from Audit Scotland Report - Scrutiny
and Governance - CIPFA and Capita Asset Services joint initiative
for Member Training -
40Wood and trees?