Title: Running the Distributed Version of ANSYS
1Running the Distributed Version of ANSYS
- Workshop 10
- Distributed ANSYS
2Distributed ANSYS
- Topics
- Setup Distributed ANSYS
- Run Distributed ANSYS
- launcher90
- Command line
- Troubleshooting Tips
3Distributed ANSYSInstallation
- Distributed ANSYS is installed by default
- Full ANSYS MUST be installed on all machines
- MPICH is also installed by default on Linux
machines - If using MPI and not MPICH, it must be installed
4Distributed ANSYS - Setup
Required Setup files
- hosts90.ans
- .rhosts
- machines.LINUX
5Distributed ANSYS - Setup
- Created using ANS_ADMIN Utility
- Choose Configuration Options Configure
6Distributed ANSYS - Setup
- Configure Machine type, Maximum number of Jobs,
and Directory to use.
7Distributed ANSYS Setup
- The search directories for the host90.ans
- Current Working directory
- Users home directory
- /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/apdl directory
Sample hosts90.ans file
pghosiris.ansys.com linia64 0 4 0 0 /temp MPI 1
1 pghisis.ansys.com linia64 0 2 0 0 /temp MPI 1 1
8Distributed ANSYS Setup
- .rhosts
- Contains all hostnames of all machines being
used and the users login id - Used by rsh to communicate to other machines
- Must exist in the users home directory
- Permissions of .rhosts file must be set to 600
(chmod 600 .rhosts)
Sample .rhosts file
pghosiris.ansys.com glk pghisis.ansys.com glk
9Distributed ANSYS - Setup
- Contains machine hostnames of the machines to be
used - Used by MPICH as a list of machines
- Use uname n to get node name of machine
- Located in /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/mpich/linia/sha
re - One line for every processor to be used on each
Sample machines.LINUX file
pghosiris.ansys.com pghosiris.ansys.com pghosiris.
ansys.com pghosiris.ansys.com pghisis.ansys.com pg
10Distributed ANSYS Setting the Environment
- Running Distributed ANSYS with MPICH The
ANSYS90_DIR and the dynamic load library path
(e.g., LD_LIBRARY_PATH) must be set by the
appropriate shell startup script in order to run
Distributed ANSYS with MPICH. Use the following
scripts (supplied with ANSYS) to configure the
distributed environment correctly for MPICH. - For csh or tcsh shells, add the following line to
your .cshrc, .tcshrc, or equivalent shell startup
file - source /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/bin/confdismpich90.c
sh - For sh or bash shells, add the following line to
your .login, .profile, or equivalent shell
startup file - . /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/bin/confdismpich90.sh
- The following line must be added to the users
path if using MPICH /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/MPICH/li
nia/bin/ - (Where is 32 or 64)
11Distributed ANSYS Setting the Environment
- As a test, rsh into all machines in the cluster
(including the master) and verify that the
ANSYS90_DIR and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set
correctly. - For example
- rsh pghosiris env grep ANSYS90_DIR
- The output should read
- ANSYS90_DIR/ansys_inc/v90/ansys
- and
- rsh pghosiris env grep LD_LIBRARY
- The output should read
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ansys_inc/v90/ansys/lib/ltplatform
gt/ansys_inc/v90/ansys/ syslib/ltplatformgt/ansys_i
12- Distributed Run using Launcher90
13Distributed ANSYS Running (launcher90)
- Start the ANSYS 9.0 Launcher
- (launcher90)
- Parallel Performance License is needed to run
Distributed ANSYS
14Distributed ANSYS - Running (launcher90)
- New Solver Setup tab.
- Select
- Run Distributed ANSYS
- All other configuration fields become available.
- Run Distributed ANSYS will not be accessible if a
valid Parallel Performance for ANSYS license is
not available or it has not been chosen on the
Launch tab.
15Distributed ANSYS - Running (launcher90)
- MPI type
- MPI Native MPI for each unix platform or
MPI/Pro. (HP, IBM, SGI,Sun) - MPICH MPICH that is included with the ANSYS
installation Media. (Linux and Windows Platforms) - MPICH_SHMEM Shared Memory version of MPICHUsed
for Shared-memory Linux machines.
16Distributed ANSYS - Running (launcher90)
- Use local machine only
- You can specify the Number of Processors to be
17Distributed ANSYS - Running (launcher90
Multiple Hosts)
- Use Multiple Hosts
- Available hosts is list of machines retrieved
from hosts90.ans file. - Selected Hosts can be added from Available
hosts or New Host can be added by selecting the
New Host button.
18Distributed ANSYS - Running (launcher90
Multiple Hosts)
- New Host button.
- Opens Window that allows user to specify host and
Number of Processors
- Edit opens similar window New Host opens
- Number of Processors can be increased or
19Distributed ANSYS - Running (Launcher90
Multiple Hosts)
- After all options are set, pressing Run will
start the Distributed version of ANSYS 9.0
20 21Distributed ANSYS Running (Command Line Local)
- You can also start Distributed ANSYS via the
command line using the following procedures. - Local Host.
- If you are running distributed ANSYS locally
(i.e., running across multiple processors on a
single local machine), you need to specify the
number of processors - For native MPI or MPI/Pro
- ansys90 -pp -dis -np n
- ansys90 -pp -mpi mpich -dis -np n
- where n is the number of processors
- For example, if you run a job in batch mode on a
local host using four processors and MPI, with an
input file named input1 and an output file named
output1, the launch command would be - ansys90 -pp -dis -np 4 -b -i input1 -o output1
22Distributed ANSYS Running (Command Line Local)
- Multiple Hosts.
- If you are running distributed ANSYS across
multiple hosts, - you need to specify the number of processors on
each machine - For native MPI or MPI/Pro
- ansys90 -pp -dis -machines machine1npmachine2np
machine3np - For MPICH
- ansys90 -pp -mpi mpich -dis -machines
machine1npmachine2npmachine3np - where machine1 (or 2 or 3) is the name of the
machine and np is the - number of processors you want to use on the
corresponding machine. - For example, if you run a job in batch mode using
two machines (one with four processors and one
with two processors) and MPI, with an input file
named input1 and an output file named output1,
the launch command would be - ansys90 -pp -dis -b -machines machine14machine2
2 -i input1 -o output1
23 24Troubleshooting Tips
- Most errors occur due to improper environment
setup. - One can test the MPI implementation by running
the provided scripts - mpitest90 for native MPI or MPI/Pro
installations - mpitestmpich90 for MPICH installations
- Both scripts are located under
/ansys_inc/v90/ansys/bin - Output from a successful test
- latency 19.5312 microseconds
- Bytes Bandwidth(MB/s)
- ------- -----------------
- 8 0.409600
- 1024 47.662545
- 4096 161.319385
- 16384 310.689185
- 65536 532.610032
- 262144 607.320036
- 1048576 406.720388
- 4194304 340.330214
25Troubleshooting Tips
- Verify that the correct MPICH is being used
- which mpirun
- The above command should return the location of
MPICH provided by ANSYS /ansys_inc/v90/ansys/MPI
CH/linia/bin/ - Again, check the environment to verify the
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ANSYS90_DIR variables are
being set. - rsh pghosiris env grep ANSYS90_DIR
- The output should read
- ANSYS90_DIR/ansys_inc/v90/ansys
- and
- rsh pghosiris env grep LD_LIBRARY
- The output should read
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ansys_inc/v90/ansys/lib/ltplatform
gt/ansys_inc/v90/ansys/ syslib/ltplatformgt/ansys_i
26Troubleshooting Tips
- Some errors encountered due to incorrect
environment setup
p0_26702 p4_error interrupt SIGSEGV11
p2_12443 p4_error 14 p4_error latest msg
from perror Broken pipe p0_12371 (0.621094)
net_send could not write to fd5, errno
32 p0_12371 p4_error net_send write -1 3 -
MPI_RECV Message truncated 3 Aborting
program !