Title: Ground Rules, exams, etc. (no
1Mutualism Equations (pp. 234-235, Chapter
11) dN1 /dt r1 N1 (X1 N1 b12
N2 /X1)dN2 /dt r2 N2 (X2 N2
b21 N1 /X2) (X1 N1 b12 N2 )/X1 0
when N1 X1 b12 N2 (X2 N2
b21 N1 )/X2 0 when N2 X2 b21
N1 If X1 and X2 are positive and a12 and a21
are chosen so that isoclines cross, a stable
joint equilibrium exists. Intraspecific self
damping must be stronger than interspecific
positive mutualistic effects.
3(No Transcript)
4The ecological niche, function of a species in
the community Resource utilization functions
(RUFs) Niche breadth and overlap Competitive
communities in equilibrium with their
resources Hutchinsons n-dimensional hypervolume
concept Niche dimensionality and diffuse
competition Euclidean distances in n- space
(Greek mathematician, 300 BC) Fundamental versus
Realized Niches Niche dynamics
5 Resource matrices of utilization
coefficients Niche dynamics Niche
dimensionality and diffuse competition Complement
arity of niche dimensions Niche Breadth
Specialization versus generalization. Similar
resources favor specialists, different resources
favor generalists Periodic table of lizard
niches (many dimensions) Thermoregulatory axis
thermoconformers gt thermoregulators
6 Experimental Ecology Controls Manipulation
Replicates Pseudoreplication Rocky Intertidal
Space Limited System Paines Pisaster removal
experiment Connell Balanus and
Chthamalus Menges Leptasterias and Pisaster
experiment Dunhams Big Bend saxicolous
lizards Browns Seed Predation
experiments Simberloff-Wilsons defaunation
7Defaunation Experiments in the Florida
Keys Islands of mangrove trees were surveyed
and numbers of arthropod species
recorded Islands then covered in plastic
tents and fumigated with methyl bromide Islands
then resurveyed at intervals to document
Simberloff and Wilson 1970
8Simberloff and Wilson 1970
9Evidence for Stability of Trophic Structure?
First number is the number of species before
defaunation, second in parentheses is the number
after ____________________________________________
Trophic Classes ____________________________
Island H S D W A C P
? Total__________________________
E1 9 (7) 1 (0) 3 (2) 0
(0) 3 (0) 2 (1) 2 (1) 0 (0) 20 (11)E2 11 (15) 2
(2) 2 (1) 2 (2) 7 (4) 9 (4) 3 (0) 0 (1) 36
(29)E3 7 (10) 1 (2) 3 (2) 2 (0) 5 (6) 3 (4) 2
(2) 0 (0) 23 (26)ST2 7 (6) 1 (1) 2 (1) 1
(0) 6 (5) 5 (4) 2 (1) 1 (0) 25 (18)E7 9 (10) 1
(0) 2 (1) 1 (2) 5 (3) 4 (8) 1 (2) 0 (1) 23
(27)E9 12 (7) 1 (0) 1 (1) 2 (2) 6 (5) 13
(10) 2 (3) 0 (1) 37 (29)Totals 55 (55) 7 (5)
13 (8) 8 (6) 32 (23) 36 (31)
12 (9) 1 (3) 164 (140)
herbivoreS scavengerD detritus feederW
wood borerA antC carnivorous predatorP
parasite? undetermined
10Wilson 1969
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12 Predation and Parasitism
13Predator-Prey Experiments
Georgii F. Gause
14Predator-Prey Experiments
Georgii F. Gause
15Predator-Prey Experiments
Georgii F. Gause
16 Lotka-Volterra Predation
Equations coefficients of
predation, p1 and p2 dN1 /dt r1 N1
p1 N1 N2 dN2 /dt p2 N1
N2 d2 N2 No self damping (no density
dependence) dN1 /dt 0 when r1 p1 N2
or N2 r1 / p1 dN2 /dt 0 when p2 N1
d2 or N1 d2 / p2
Alfred J. Lotka
Vito Volterra
17Neutral Stability (Vectors spiral in closed loops)
18Vectors spiral inwards (Damped
19Damped Oscillations
20Prey self damping
Vectors spiral inwards (Damped
21Robert MacArthur
Mike Rosenzweig
22Robert MacArthur
Mike Rosenzweig
23ltMike Rosenzweig
Robert MacArthur gt
Moderately efficient predator Neutral stability
Vectors form a closed ellipse. Amplitude of
oscillations remains constant.
24ltMike Rosenzweig
Robert MacArthur gt
Unstable extremely efficient predator Vectors
spiral outwards until a Limit Cycle is reached
25ltMike Rosenzweig
Robert MacArthur gt
Damped Oscillations inefficient
predator Vectors spiral inwards to stable
equilibrium point
26Functional response rate at which Individual
predators capture and eat more prey per unit
time as prey density increases
C. S. Holling
27Numerical response increased prey density
raises the predatorspopulation size and a
greater number of predators consume An
increased number of prey
28Gauses Didinium ExperimentsLotka-Volterra
Predation Equations N1 N2 Contacts
coefficients of predation, p1 and p2 dN1
/dt r1 N1 p1 N1 N2 dN2
/dt p2 N1 N2 d2 N2 No self
damping (no density dependence) dN1 /dt 0
when r1 p1 N2 or N2 r1 / p1 dN2
/dt 0 when p2 N1 d2 or N1 d2 /
p2Neutral StabilityPrey RefugesFunctional and
Numerical Responses
29Adding Prey self-damping stabilizes Prey-Predator
isocline analyses Predator efficiency, Prey
escape ability Prey refuges, coevolutionary
race Predators usually destabilizing
30Prey Isocline Hump Efficient Predator gt
unstable Inefficient Predator gt stable Predator
Switching, frequency dependence,
stabilizes Prudent Predation and Optimal
Yield Feeding territories Consequence of
31Prey Isocline Hump Inefficient Predator gt
stable Damped Oscillations Efficient Predator gt
unstable Increasing Oscillations gt Limit Cycle
32 Limit Cycle
Predator Population Density
Prey Population Density
33 Predator Escape Tactics Aspect
Diversity Cryptic coloration (countershading) Di
sruptive coloration Flash coloration Eyespots,
head mimicry Warning (aposematic) coloration
Alarm signals Hawk alarm calls Selfish
callers Plant secondary chemicals
34Aspect Diversity in Tide Pools Cottid Fish
lt Shrimp gt
Secondary Chemical Defenses of Plants
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42Head Mimicry Papilio caterpillar Pit
Viper caterpillar DeVries Snake head
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45Batesian Mimicry
Viceroy (Mimic)
Monarch (Model)
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49Mullerian Mimicry
50Batesian Mimicry
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53Parasitism gt Commensalism gt
Mutualism(, ) lt (, 0)
lt (, )Host-Altered
BehaviorEvolution of VirulenceBiological