Social Mix, Neighbourhood Outcomes and Housing Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Social Mix, Neighbourhood Outcomes and Housing Policy


Title: A Social Justice Analysis System for Fife Author: sbe Last modified by: Willie Hunter Created Date: 6/28/2006 4:15:05 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Social Mix, Neighbourhood Outcomes and Housing Policy

Social Mix, Neighbourhood Outcomes and Housing
  • SG Firm Analytical Foundations Conference
  • 22 April 2008
  • Prof Glen Bramley

Whats this paper about?
  • Government policies and rhetoric have placed a
    new emphasis on social mix balance in
  • This raises questions about whether such policies
    are achieveable sustainable, as well as
    whether they are desirable
  • This contribution focuses on aspects of
    desirability, in terms of social, economic and
    environmental outcomes
  • It draws on evidence from a number of studies
  • It discusses some of the analytical uncertainties
  • And draws out some pointers for policy

The Research Base
  • ESRC Cities research in Edinburgh-Glasgow
    (Bramley Morgan, Housing Studies, 2003
  • Treasury/NRU/Scot Exec Mainstream Services
    Neighbourhood Deprivation (Bramley, Evans, Noble
  • Scot Exec Educ Dept Home ownership and
    educational achievement(Bramley Karley,
    Housing Studies, 2007)
  • Welsh Assembly Government Alternative Resource
    Allocation Methods for Local Government
    (outcome-based funding model for schools Bramley
    Watkins forthcoming)
  • EPSRC CityForm Consortium, social
    sustainability urban form (Bramley Power,
    Environment Planning B, 2008 Bramley et al,
    Planning Research Conference, HWU 2007)
  • J Rowntree Cleansweep study of neighbhourhood
    environmental services with Glasgow Univ
    (Bramley/Bailey/Hastings/Day/Watkins, EURA
    Conference, Glasgow, Sept 2005)

How Social Mix Affects Outcomes
  • Poor individuals will have poor outcomes anyway
    simple composition effect
  • Housing market sorts poorest into intrinsically
    least desirable areas (selection effect)
  • Behaviour by poor people (reflecting culture,
    expectations) worsens problems (e.g. rubbish,
  • Social interactions within neighbourhood
    reinforce negative patterns of behaviour (crime,
    ASB) low collective efficacy in resisting
  • Social interactions and cultures within local
    institutions reinforce low outcomes (e.g.
  • Increased workload on local services not
    recognised by resource allocation so performance
  • Housing tenure may have some additional effects
    e.g.home ownership through stability commitment


BACK TO BASICS the Cost of Clean Streets in
Different Physical and Social Circumstances
  • Glen Bramley David WatkinsHeriot-Watt
    UniversityAnnette Hastings, Nick BaileyGlasgow
    UniversityRosie DayBirmingham Univ

Research supported by Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Poor neighbourhoods and environmental problems
  • Previous research suggests the risk factors
    associated with environmental problems
  • Physical features open spaces, housing
    densities built form (alleys, wind tunnels)
    street scape (unfenced gardens, on street
  • Economic, social and demographic factors
    economic inactivity, high child density,
    overcrowding, concentrations of vulnerable people
  • So can service provision predict and control for

S.H.S. Descriptive Analysis
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Initial Modelling Results (national)
  • Worse environmental scores associated with
    poverty, social renting, older people, families
    (esp lone parent), high child density,
    overcrowding, terraced housing, London
  • Better environmental scores in rural suburban
    areas, areas with more flats (?), where adequate
    parking, ethnic minorities, higher occupations
    growth areas
  • Modest positive association with service
    expenditure (in England, not Scotland)

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Cleanliness outcomes by street deprivation
Initial Findings from Case 1
  • Deprived areas have a heavier workload (i.e. less
    resources) for routine sweeping, but attract more
    responsive resources
  • Deprived areas have more problem-generating
    factors non-working population, density,
    overcrowding, flats child density
  • Deprived areas have worse environmental outcomes
  • Regression model confirms relationships of
    context with outcomes problems establishing
    relationship with resources
  • Work to be extended and refined

Urban Form and Social Sustainability planning
for happy, cohesive and vital communities?
Paper presented at EURA Vital City Conference,
Glasgow, September 2007
  • Professor Glen Bramley
  • With Dr Caroline Brown, Nicola Dempsey, Dr Sinéad
    Power David Watkins
  • EPSRC GRANT NoGR/S20529/

Measuring Social Sustainability
  • 8 elements measured all based on responses to
    multiple questionse.g. social interaction based
    on 13 questions, such as whether they have
    friends in neighbourhood, see them frequently,
    know neighbours by name, look out for each other,
    chat, borrow, etc.
  • Where possible, combined positives negatives
    scaled in natural way (100 would be neutral 0
    would be worst possible scores 200 best
  • Factor analysis generally confirmed groupings
  • -Neighbourhood pride/attachment is best single
    representative measure- Closely related to
    environmental quality, home satisfaction,

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CityForm Findings
  • Most social sustainability outcomes (except
    service access collective participation) are
    worse in more deprived /social rented etc. areas
  • Modelled effects of socio-economic variables also
    show this pattern, although sometimes muted after
    controlling for other factors, and sometimes
  • Socio-economic effects tend to be bigger than
    urban form effects although both are important
    (also have to allow for demography,
  • National (S.E.H.) results consistent with
    5-city case study-based results

Social Sustainability by Tenure Class
Social Outcomes by Deprivation Ethnicity
Some Simpl(istic) Simulations
Moving Households from Lowest Ownership Areas to
Middle Areas
Moving Households from Highest Deprivation Areas
to Middle Areas
Comments on Simulations
  • Even these simple examples suggest that there can
    be modest gains in average scores, simply from
    shuffling the pack
  • Worst areas are eliminated former residents
    experience major improvement (Rawlsian
  • Some (probably) middling areas see some worsening
  • However, this ignores (a) individual change
    effects e.g. individuals not only move area but
    some also change tenure, or get a job, etc.(b)
    interactive deprivation effect from
  • Therefore overall impact likely to be
    significantly positive

Alternative Resource Allocation Models for Local
Education Services in Wales
  • Research undertaken for Welsh Assembly Government
    by Glen Bramley and David Watkins(CRSIS/SBE,
    Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)2007g.bramley_at_

Work on School Attainment
  • Work grew out of interest in resource allocation
    for local services and Where does public
    spending go? as well as interest in
    neighbourhoods housing
  • Enabled by major advances in data availability
    associated with PLASC/ScotXEd, SATS, LMS,
  • Fairly standard modelling using data _at_ pupil,
    school, small larger neighbourhood levels
  • Like other work, shows importance of poverty
    (FSM), special needs, parental educational
    background, etc.
  • Draws particular attention to effects of
    clustering of poverty etc. at school (and assoc
    neighbourhood) level
  • Explores particular role of home ownership

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Key Findings
  • Poverty deprivation are key drivers of
    attainment, at both individual and school
    (/?neighbourhood) levels
  • Other significant factors including LAC, SEN,
    parental qualifs, family background, mobility
  • Evidence that home ownership may have an
    additional effect, at individual and school
    levels- but closely correlated with poverty in
    some cases
  • It is clearly better to go to a school with fewer
    poor kids, even if you are poor, and possibly to
    a school with more owner occupiers, even if
    parents are not owners.
  • Search for non-linearities a bit inconclusive,
    but sensitivity appears greater in middle range

What are we trying to achieve?
  • Minimum standards approach - a floor level of
    attainment for all areas/schools
  • A convergence approach a certain proportional
    reduction in the spread of attainment between
    most and least deprived areas/school
  • Equal attainment for individual pupils with
    equivalent initial individual endowment/disadvanta
    ge (i.e. trying to neutralise the school or area
    effect of disadvantage)
  • Equal entitlement to (lifetime) educational
    resources attainment is mainly relevant via
    progression, or later participation in adult,
    further or higher education
  • Maximise percentage attaining (say) 5 A-C at
    KS4 across Wales implies allocating resources
    at margin where marginal productivity, in terms
    of this percentage, is highest social efficiency
    vs equity
  • Incentives approach, whereby schools/LEAs get
    some bonus for attaining above a (need-related?)
    threshold level

Outcome based funding model
  • Analysis at school (virtual catchment) level
  • Standardize school size for settlement size
  • Standardize costs given size, spec needs, etc.
  • Measure relative disadvantage due to social
    factors (in terms of attainment)
  • Allocate enough extra money to bring predicted
    attainment x closer to mean
  • Given minimum school allocation lowest
    observed, feasible x40 (primary)

Outcome-based needs for primary schools
Note needs formula based on standardized costs
and compensating for 40 of social disadvantage
Changing Schools Funding
  • Wales model shows technical feasibility of
    outcome approach
  • But suggests that full equalization could not be
    achieved in short run, even if political will
  • Initial reaction to this report mixed LAs find
    it difficult to agree zero sum game
  • Disparities between schools ( neighbourhoods)
    greater, but LEA formulae allocating to schools
    typically even less redistributive
  • Small rural schools get most funding per pupil,
    and are of dubious educational value, but this
    issue is sensitive

Reflections on Resource Allocation
  • Poor areas tend to get poorer service outcomes,
    across quite diverse kinds of service
  • Poverty/social deprivation makes the service
    provision task more difficult and potentially
  • Poor areas get more resources of some kinds but
    less or the same of others
  • They do not get enough extra resources to make a
    decisive difference to outcomes
  • Therefore it may appear that there is a perverse
    negative relationship of resources with outcomes
  • Local political resistance to re-allocation of
    resources likely to be formidable

Other approaches to improving school outcomes
  • Reduction in poverty thru e.g. tax/benefits,
    labour market, minimum wage, etc. (poverty the
    strongest predictor of poor outcomes)
  • Reduction in concentrations of poverty, e.g.
    thru planning/regeneration including tenure
    diversification( Bramley Karley article in
    Housing Studies 2007 argues that owner occupation
    at indiv/nhood/school levels raises attainment)
  • Focused use of special needs resources e.g.
    special units for disturbed pupils
  • Close or amalgamate failing schools
  • Earlier intervention, preschool/nursery after
    school clubs
  • Changing curriculum (addressing motivation,

Key analytical and policy challenges
  • How far is it a zero-sum game, how far positive
    for all?
  • This depends on significance of area effects,
    school effects, interaction effects, behavioural
  • Do middle classes have to suffer some discomfort
    to achieve a more Rawlsian outcome for worst off?
  • Non-linearities theoretically important,
    empirically elusive not necessarily convenient
  • Possible to simulate both population change and
    system change (e.g. school reorganisation)

More Reflections
  • If cost of good services to poor areas is so
    high, maybe other approaches should be tried (as
    well as redistribution) prevention better than
  • Changing neighbourhoods social mix should help,
    particularly if there are additional adverse
    area concentration effects (as in the case of
  • Mechanisms include planning for affordable
    housing, mix in new build, tenure diversification
    in regeneration, use of LCHO, sales of vacant SR
  • But this is only feasible in some areas in short
    term very long term policy
  • Engagement, motivation, social capital also
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