Title: Web Graphics
1Web Graphics
- Image File Formats
- Image optimization
- Accessibility issues
- Using images and colors on the web
2Images in the Web pages
- Images essential part of Web design
- Illustrate content
- Convey the message
- Company identity and branding
- Used as navigational elements
- Two types of graphic formats
- Vector (resolution independent) require
plug-ins - Raster (or bitmap) images resamble a series of
pixels - GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG
3Web Images Formats - JPEG
- Joint Photographic Experts Groups - JPG (.jpg)
- Contains up to 24-bits of color information
-Supports 16.7 million colors) - Typically used for photographs and complex
graphics - Lossy compression method
- The more an image is compressed the more its
quality is reduced
4Lossy Compression example (.JPG)
Uncompressed image (left) 43.6KB high
compression (right) - 5.01 KB
5Web Image formats - GIF
- Graphics Interchange Format
- Supports 256 colors
- Best suited by line art, custom drawings, clip
art, small images, such as bullets, buttons,
icons. and etc. - Supports transparency
- Supports interlacing
- Supports Animation
- Provides lossless compression
- As the image is compressed , no information is
6Lossless Compression (.GIF)
The checkered background represents transparency
Lossless compression reduces the file size
without degrading the visual quality.
7Interlacing (GIF and PNG)
- The ability for an image to render gradually as
it downloads. - Interlaced images give the client something to
look at rather than blank space - GIF file format supports animation
8Portable network graphics PNG
- Developed using open standards (PNG -8). Similar
to GIF - Supports 256 colors (PNG-8)
- Supports transparency
- Interlacing
- Lossless Compression
- PNG Transparency is not supported by earlier
versions of browsers (IE6 and earlier)
9Web Images and Accessibility
- Using the alt attribute with images
- Alt attribute specifies alternative text to
appear while the graphic is loading - Used in place of the graphic in non-graphical
browsers - Displays the alternative text if the image fails
to load or images are disabled in the web browser - Syntax
- ltimg srcdownload.gif altdownload .pdf form
10Placing images
- Aligning images relative to text
- using deprecated align attribute
- ltimg src pic.gif alttwitter alignleft /gt
- ltimg src pic.gif alttwitter alignright
11Placing images using CSS
- Align attribute is deprecated.
- Use CSS float property instead
- ltimg srcpic.gif altABC corp. logo
- stylefloatleft/gt
- CSS rule
- img
- floatright
- To center an image, enclose the image inside a
ltdivgt element which can be aligned to the center - ltdiv styletext-aligncenter"gtltimg
srclogo.gif" altSCF logo" /gtlt/divgt
12Accessibility issues with images and colors
- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
provides a checklist for the accessibility
guidelines - Provide equivalent alternative to visual content
(alt property) - Do not rely on color alone
13Accessibility issues with images and colors
- Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (U.S.
Government Act) electronic and IT accessibility
standard - Based on W3C WCAG
- All electronic and IT developed, procured,
maintained or used by federal agencies should be
comparably accessible to users with disabilities. - Examples
- All non-text elements must have a text-based
equivalent - Information must be equally available in color
and without color
14Setting colors
- Provide a good contrast between text and
background - For no- and low-vision users who cannot see
color, cues based on color alone are meaningless.
Also, many people have various levels of color
blindness what may appear as red to some,
appears as gray to others. - Donts fill out the fields marked in red