Manifest%20Destiny - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Manifest Destiny Chapter 9 accept Mexican citizenship. worship in the Catholic Church. follow the Mexican Constitution, which did not permit slavery. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Manifest%20Destiny

Manifest Destiny
  • Chapter 9

American expansionists had their eyes on Texas.
Only 4,000 Hispanic Tejanos lived there in 1821.
Mexico sought to defend and to develop Texas by
inviting settlers. They offered inexpensive land
on three conditions. Settlers had to
  • accept Mexican citizenship.
  • worship in the Catholic Church.
  • follow the Mexican Constitution, which did not
    permit slavery.

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American settlers arrived, but tensions grew as
Americans ignored the Mexican government.
  • Led by Stephen F. Austin, 30,000 Anglo-Texans
    outnumbered the Tejanos six-to-one by 1835.
  • Many brought slaves and ignored the Church.
  • In 1834, Antonio López de Santa Anna seized
    power in Mexico City, seeking greater centralized
    control. But Texans wanted more autonomy.

  • In 1835, Texans declared independence for the
    Lone Star Republic.
  • Santa Anna personally led a siege of Texan forces
    at the Alamo in San Antonio.
  • After twelve days, he stormed the mission and
    executed any surviving defenders, including Jim
    Bowie and Davy Crockett.

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Several weeks later, Santa Anna took Goliad and
again executed prisoners, in an attempt to
frighten Texas into surrender.
Instead, Santa Anna created a set of martyrs.
Remember the Alamo, became the Texans rallying
cry. Many Southerners were inspired to volunteer
and joined the Texans.
Sam Houston led a counter-attack.At the Battle
of San Jacinto, Santa Anna was defeated and taken
prisoner. Houston later became president of the
Lone Star Republic. After statehood in 1845,
Houstonserved as governor and then asU.S.
Senator from Texas.
Fearing execution, Santa Anna signed a treaty
expanding the Texas border to the Rio Grande and
giving half of New Mexico to the Texans.
  • The Mexican government refused to honor this
    treaty demanding a return to the original border
    at the Nuecos River.
  • Fighting would persist for ten years over the
    disputed borderlands.

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In 1844, expansionist James K. Polk was elected
president on a promise to obtain both Oregon and
Texas. In Congress, northern Democrats
reluctantly agreed to annex Texas if all of
Oregon was also added.
Britain did not concede all of the territory.
Rather then fight, Polk made a deal to split
Oregon and extend the 49th parallel border with
Canada to the Pacific Ocean. Northerners felt
  • President Polk claimed all land as far as the
    Rio Grande, tripling the previous size of Texas.
  • General Zachary Taylor was sent to occupy these
    border lands.
  • Mexico objected to the granting of statehood to
    Texas and saw statehood as an invasion of
    Mexican territory.

The United States annexed Texas in 1845, leading
to war with Mexico.
When Mexican patrols killed American soldiers,
Congress declared war on Mexico.
  • Southern Democrats favored war, while Northern
    Whigs felt that Polk deliberately provoked
  • The war was popular in the United States.
  • Whigs dropped their opposition, fearing they
    would be labeled disloyal as the Federalists were
    for opposing the War of 1812.

The United States easily defeated Mexico.
The U.S. had many advantages, including greater
wealth and a better-equipped military. General
Winfield Scott led an overwhelming campaign in
Mexico from Veracruz to Chapultepec, forcing
Santa Anna to abandon his capital Mexico City and
the war.
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Halls of Montezuma
  • Polk was excellent military planner
  • Taylor occupied northern Mexico and John C.
    Fremont established independent Republic of
  • Winfield Scott and troops advanced toward Mexico
    city while enduring tough battles

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • Nicholas P. Trist was peace commissioner
  • Mexico accepted Rio Grande as border with Texas
    and ceded New Mexico and Upper California to the
  • US paid Mexico 15 million
  • Polk wanted more but to get hed have to continue
    fighting an unpopular war
  • Senate ratified for similar reasons

Slavery Question
  • New territories would be free or slave?
  • David Wilmot proposed anti-slavery laws in any
    land from Mexico. Wilmot Proviso didnt pass
    Senate since southerners had power
  • Calhoun argued Congress couldnt control
  • Two compromises offered
  • Polk and southerners liked plan to extend
    Missouri Compromise line to Pacific
  • Senator Lewis Cass said let local leaders decide
    (popular sovereignty)

Election of 1848
  • Whigs- Zachary Taylor
  • Democrats- Lewis Cass
  • Free Soil- Van Buren (Barnburners)
  • Taylor won election with 1.36 million to Casss
    1.22 million. Van Buren got 10
  • Slavery issue never discussed

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Gold Rush
  • Between 1849-60 over 200,000 people went to
    California looking for gold
  • Spanish population now minority
  • Order difficult to keep, few women
  • Taylor wanted California as state and letting
    people decide on issue of slavery
  • Outlawed southerners angry since tipped balance
    in Senate to North

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Compromise of 1850
  • Clays Proposal-California admitted as free
    state-SW territory had no mention of
    slavery-Southerners could bring in slaves-Slave
    trade (not slavery) over in DC-Congress pass
    more effective fugitive slave law
  • Caused greatest debate in history of Senate

  • Calhoun demanded North yield on every point and
    wanted right of states to secede from Union
  • Webster defended Clays proposal
  • Taylors death and Milard Fillmore taking over
    paved way for compromise
  • Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois pushed each
    measure through Senate separately

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