Title: MAT 2720 Discrete Mathematics
1MAT 2720Discrete Mathematics
- Section 2.2
- More Methods of ProofPart II
- Indirect Proofs
- Contrapositive
- Contradiction
- Proof by Contrapositive is considered as a
special case of proof by contradiction - Proof by cases
- Existence proofs
3Proof by Contradiction
- Proof by Contrapositive
- Proof by Contradiction
4Example 2
Analysis Proof
5Proof by Contradiction
Analysis Proof by Contradiction of If-then Theorem Suppose the negation of the conclusion is true. Find a contradiction. State the conclusion.
6Proof by Contradiction
- The method also work with statements other then
If P then Q
7Example 3
Analysis Proof
8Proof by Cases
9Example 4
Analysis Proof
10Proof by Cases
Analysis Proof by Cases of If-then Theorem Split the domain of interest into cases. Prove each case separately. State the conclusion. Note that the cases do not have to be mutually exclusive. They just have to cover all elements in the domain.
11Existence Proofs
12Example 5
Analysis Proof
13Existence Proofs
Analysis Existence Proof Prove the statement by exhibiting an element in the domain of interest that satisfies the given conditions. State the conclusion.
14MAT 2720Discrete Mathematics
- Section 2.4
- Mathematical Induction
- Review Mathematical Induction
- Why?
- How?
16The Needs
- Theorems involve infinitely many, yet countable,
number of statements.
17Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI)
- PMI It suffices to show
- 1. P(1) is true.
- 2. If P(k) is true, then P(k1) is also true, for
all k.
18Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI)
- PMI It suffices to show
- 1. P(1) is true. (Basic Step)
- 2. If P(k) is true, then P(k1) is also true, for
all k (Inductive Step)
19Format of Solutions
- In this course, it is extremely important for you
to follow the exact solution format of using
mathematical induction. - Do not skip steps.
20Format of Solutions
- In this course, it is extremely important for you
to follow the exact solution format of using
mathematical induction. - Do not skip steps.
21Example 1
- Use mathematical induction to prove that
- whenever n is a nonnegative integer.
22Checklist A
23Checklist B
24Checklist C
25Checklist C
26Checklist D
27Proof by Mathematical Induction
Declare P(n) and the domain of n. Basic Step Write down the statement of the first case. Do not do any simplifications or algebra on the statement of the first case. Explain why it is true. For AB type, simplify and/ or manipulate each side and see that they are the same. Inductive Step Write down the k-th case. This is the inductive hypothesis. Write down the (k1)-th case. This is what you need to prove to be true. For AB type, we usually start form one side of the equation and show that it equals to the other side. In the process, you need to use the inductive hypothesis. Conclude that p(k1) is true. Make the formal conclusion by quoting the PMI
28Example 2
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30Example 3
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