South America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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South America


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: South America

South America
  • Student will demonstrate knowledge of major
    civilizations of the Western Hemisphere,
    including the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan by
  • Describing the geographic relationship, with
    emphasis on patterns of development in terms of
    climate and physical features
  • Describing cultural patterns and political and
    economic structures
  • Essential Questions
  • What were the characteristics of Mayan, Aztec,
    and Incan civilizations

Early Civilizations
  • Caral
  • 1200 B.C.
  • Located in the Supe River Valley of Peru
  • Contains buildings, apartments, and stone
  • Irrigation systems
  • Moche
  • 200 B.C.
  • Pacific coast of Ecuador
  • Urban center
  • Grew crops maize, peanuts, potatoes, cotton
  • Capital of powerful state
  • Pottery and paintings

Early Civilizations
  • Chavin
  • 850 B.C.
  • Huge temple complex
  • Worshiped ferocious god, part jaguar-part man
  • Nazca
  • Etched glyphs into desert
  • Southern Peru

The Inca
  • Arose in 1200s
  • Inca started as small group near Cuzco
  • Word was originally the name of the ruling family
    of a group of people living in high plateau of
    the Andes
  • Located in the high mountains in Peru
  • Incan beginnings
  • Belief the Incan ruler was descended from the Sun
    god Inti
  • Worshiped dead rulers, preserved as sacred

  • Pachacuti
  • 1438 C.E. took the throne
  • Claimed himself Sapa Inca, or Emperor
  • Expanded the Incan state
  • By 1500 C.E. the Incan empire covered over 2500
  • Accomplished through diplomacy and military force
  • Lived in splendor
  • Never wore same clothes twice
  • Built Cuzco into a capital city

Inca Political Structure
  • 12 million people in Incan empire
  • Incan state built on war
  • Offered enemy an honorable surrender before war
  • Allow them to keep customs and rulers in exchange
    for loyalty to Incan state
  • All young men required to serve in army
  • Single official language Quechua
  • Incans built cities in conquered areas
  • All roads led to Cuzco
  • 24,800 miles built
  • Two major roadways went north-south
  • One in the Andes, one along the coast
  • Rest houses and storage depots were placed along

Incan Roads
Incan Political Structure
  • Empire divided into 4 quarters
  • Each ruled by a governor
  • Quarters were divided into provinces
  • Each province had around 10,000 people
  • Families divided into groups of 10, 100, 1000,
    and 10000
  • Emperor was at the top of the system
  • Descended from sun god, Inti
  • Community cooperation
  • Small groups called ayllu worked together for the
    common good
  • Used to build roads, irrigation canals,
    agricultural terraces, and stored food
  • Labor was used as a tribute, called Mita
  • Required all able-body citizens to work a certain
    number of days every year

Socialist State?
  • Incan state controlled most economic activity
  • Regulated the production and distribution of
  • Allowed little private commerce or trade
  • Land ownership divided into three parts
  • State, religious, and community lands
  • Citizens expected to work for state
  • Cared for in return
  • Aged and disabled were supported by state
  • People didnt go hungry in bad harvest
  • Government stored freeze-dried potatoes in
    warehouses in case of emergencies

Incan Social Structure
  • Society and life was structured
  • Based on ayllu, extended family group
  • Chief led group, part of chain of command
  • Marriage
  • Men and women required to pick partner from
    within own social groups
  • Women
  • Expected to care for children and weave cloth
  • Only exception were priestesses
  • Rural Areas
  • People lived by farming
  • Created terraces and irrigation system
  • Planted corn and potatoes
  • Lived in stone homes or adobes

Daily Life
  • Farming
  • Expanded hillside terraces
  • Terraces kept rain from washing away soil
  • Spent part of year working for emperor
  • Metalworking
  • Best metalworkers in Americas
  • Learned to work and alloy, or bend, copper,
    bronze, silver, and gold
  • Medical Advances
  • Surgery on human skull
  • Created clean operating areas
  • Made patient unconscious with a drug

Incan Farming
Building and Culture
  • Great Builders
  • Cuzco
  • Administrative and ceremonial capital of Incan
  • Temples, plazas, and palaces
  • Temple of the Sun
  • Sacred shrine
  • Decorated in gold
  • Fine streets, houses made of stone
  • Did not use wheel for construction

Machu Picchu
  • Machu Picchu
  • Ceremonial religious center?
  • Retreat for Incan rulers?
  • Sun temple
  • Public buildings
  • Central plaza
  • Water system

Machu Picchu
  • No writing system
  • History and literature part of oral tradition
  • Kept records with Quipu
  • System of knotted strings
  • Knots and their positions counted
  • Colors told what was being counted
  • i.e. yellow gold
  • Court theater
  • Tragedies and comedies
  • Actors were members of nobility
  • Poetry recited and music played

  • Reinforced power of the state
  • Worshipped less gods than the Aztec
  • Focused on key natural spirits
  • Moon, stars, thunder
  • Balance of nature
  • Patterns in how humans should relate to each
    other and the earth
  • Religious Practices
  • Sun-worship services
  • Priestesses-Led services
  • Trained in rituals
  • Sacrificed Ilamas

Conquest of the Inca
  • Breakdown of Inca
  • Began to occur in early 1500s at height of empire
  • 1531
  • Francisco Pizarro arrives with 180 men on pacific
  • Brings steel weapons, gunpowder, and horses
  • Also brought smallpox
  • Emperor died of smallpox, his sons fought over
    ruling the empire
  • Led to civil war
  • Pizarro took advantage and took Cuzco
  • By 1535, Pizarro had established Lima as the new
    capital of the colony of the Spanish Empire

Incan Mummies
  • Death was important part of life
  • Worshiped spirits and bodies of ancestors
  • Believed in afterlife
  • Tombs and mummies considered holy
  • Mummies
  • Embalmed
  • Bundled with offerings like food, tools, precious

Review - Objectives
  • Student will demonstrate knowledge of major
    civilizations of the Western Hemisphere,
    including the Mayan, Aztec, and Incan by
  • Describing the geographic relationship, with
    emphasis on patterns of development in terms of
    climate and physical features
  • Describing cultural patterns and political and
    economic structures
  • Essential Questions
  • What were the characteristics of Mayan, Aztec,
    and Incan civilizations
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