Mandates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mandates Only Three are Partially Funded All Others are Unfunded Mandates Mandates Mandates are those things that all schools are required to do by state or federal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mandates

  • Only Three are Partially Funded
  • All Others are Unfunded Mandates

  • Mandates are those things that all schools are
    required to do by state or federal law
  • And
  • Either partially funded (circuit breaker for
    special education) or completely UNFUNDED
  • Those things include,
  • but are not limited to

  • Provide English language instruction by a
    certified ESL teacher to all students who are
    identified as English Language Learners (ELL
  • FY11 3 students FY12 2 students FY13 1
    student FY14 4 students
  • Provide services in-district to students with
    disabilities who qualify for special education or
    a 504 plan
  • 300 in-district special education students
    (17 of total enrollment)
  • 80 students on 504 Plan
  • Provide services in out-of-district placements to
    students with disabilities who require those
  • 23 students
  • Nonpublic placements 10 Collaborative
    placements 13
  • Total Cost690,395 Total Cost 470,666
  • CB offset409,571 CB offset 96,658
  • Budget 280,822 Budget 374,007
  • Total Special Education out-of-district cost to
    the budget
  • 1,161,033
  • 4. Provide services to children ages 3 and 4
    years old who have disabilities (pre-school
    age)-In District
  • FY1216 students FY14 48 students

MORE Mandates
  • 5. Provide tuitions to Vocational Schools,
    Agricultural Schools and Charter schools for all
    Carver students who choose to attend
  • Norfolk Agricultural School 4 students _at_ 22,594
    per student each year 90,376/year
  • Charter school _at_ 60,000/year
  • Bristol Plymouth Agricultural school-4students
    _at_18,860 per student 75,440/year
  • School Choice We bring in 90,000/year and We
    spend 5,000/year on (1) student who chooses to
    go to other school choice districts
  • 95 Students attend Old Colony at a total cost of
    680,000 which is in the Town Budget
  • 6. Provide transportation to all students who
    attend Vocational and
  • Agricultural schools
  • Total Cost of 20,000
  • 7. Provide transportation for all students with
    disabilities who attend Special Education schools
    in out-of-district placements
  • 23 students _at_ a total cost of 398,262
  • 8. Share transportation costs for all children
    who are homeless
  • McKinney/ Vento legislation
  • 5 students _at_ a total cost of transportation of
  • PARTIALLY FUNDED by NEW Legislation

More Mandates
  • 9. Provide extended school year services
    (summer) to students with disabilities who
    require these extended services
  • 140 Students (we must also provide
  • 10. Provide educational services after grade 12
    through age 22 for students with disabilities who
    require these services
  • 4 Students (1 student pays tuition
    from Middleboro)
  • Note that the Foundation Budget from the state
    only accounts for 1 of the budget to be
    allocated to all Special Education Costs
  • 1 of the 2014 level funded budget(21,324,3920
    213,242 to fund the entire districts special
    education budget. 1 will not pay for 16 of the
    students identified as Special Needs.
  • The Foundation Budget Formula is flawed due to
    many UNFUNDED mandates
  • Actual 2013 Special Education Costs for out of
    district costs are about 1,, this does not
    include in-district Special Education programs.
    The total Special Education expense for in and
    out-of-district exceeds 5,000,000.

MORE and MORE Mandates
  • 11. Schedule ALL elementary students into 900 hrs
    of structured learning time (5 hours per day
    excluding lunch)
  • 12. Schedule ALL secondary students into 990
    hrs of structured learning time (5.5 hours per
    day excluding lunch and studies)
  • 13. Input and submit student, teacher, school and
    district data several times per month to the Dept
    of Education
  • EPIMS-Educator Information System-evaluation
    data is now part of this system
  • Plus the Student Information System more than
    55 fields of data for every student must be
    continuously updated.
  • DOZENS of reports- School Attending Children,
    Discipline Reports, Enrollment reports, etc. must
    be submitted from the data system
  • 14. Fund 40 hours of SEI (Sheltered English
    Immersion) training for every teacher now
    changing to a more rigorous requirement and all
    teachers must be re-trained in the new system
    even though we only have 1 student.
  • 15. Fund a minimum of 12 hours of Educator
    Evaluation training for every teacher
  • 16. Follow all USDA requirements for school
    lunches (more expensive products)

MORE and MORE and MORE Mandates
  • 17. Provide a trained mentor for every new
    teacher for a minimum of one year
  • 18. Yearly updates on federal and state mandated
    trainings for educators Ethics, Mandated
    reporting, Restraint Training, 504 and I.E.P.
    regulations, Bullying Intervention and Prevention
    and coming soon, the New Discipline Law
  • 19. Yearly updates for bus drivers, custodians,
    and paraprofessionals First Aid, CPR, EPI Pen,
    Bullying Intervention and Prevention and job
    specific training for each of these employees
  • 20. Purchase one to one electronic devices
    (tablets and/or computers) for students to take
    the required online testing for the PARCC test
    which will replace the MCAS in 2015
  • 21. Upgrade the technology infrastructure to
    support a minimum of 150 students taking an
    online test at the same time
  • 22. Train teachers and students to use these
    devices before the tests are actually implemented
  • 23. Provide one to one tutoring or pay for an
    out-or district tuition for students who are
    suspended or excluded for an extended period of
    time (as of 2014 school year)
  • 24. Provide Special Education Services (upon
    request) for Carver students who are enrolled in
    private and or public out-of-district schools
    (such as Charter or Virtual Schools and many
    private or parochial schools)
  • 25. Purchase data system for New Teacher
    Evaluation System Year 1 14,000

Per Pupil Expenditure
  • FY2013 Carver Per Pupil Expenditure
  • 12,904
  • Massachusetts State Average Per Pupil Expenditure
  • 14,000
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