Title: Cognitive Science
1Cognitive Science
Engineering Psychology
- Multidisciplinary aproach
Jakub Jura jakub.jura_at_fs.cvut.cz http//users.fs.c
vut.cz/jurajaku/ing-psych/ info_at_psychoterapie-jur
2What is Cognitive
- From latin cognoscere getting to know
- Distinguish emotional and rational
- Descartes Cogito ergo sum.
- Cognition is close to episthemology
- Symbolic cognitive models are theories of human
cognition that take the form of working computer
programs (Wilson Keil 1999).
3What is Cognitive Science
- Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary
scientific study of mind and its processes. It
examines what cognition is, what it does and how
it works (wiki). - It si complex of study, which have an aim to
answer old epistemological question by the
empiral way. Mostly answer about nature of
cognition, their resources, development,
components and structuration (I. Havel). - Study of all form of human inteligence from
sensation and perception, to speech, language and
problem solving.
4Cognitive Science Components
How human psyche working?
Philosophy of science as a phylosophy of cognition
How to realise all of this on computers?
Language mediated cognition.
Cultural determination of cognitive processes
Cognition, from biological point of view.
5PhilosophyPhilosophy of science as a philosophy
of cognition
- Positivism (Positive Philosophy )
- Aguste Comte (1798-1857)
- Positiv (fr.) is certain and it is means
repetitively observable. - Phenomenology
- Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) , Martin Heidegger
(1889-1976 ) - There is no objective reality.
- Subjective reality come of interpretation of the
phenomenon. - Constructivism
- George Kelly (1905-1967), Humberto Maturana (),
Keneth Gergen - Reality is constructed by the humans.
6Mind-Body Problem
Theory of identity
7EmergentismPhilosophy of unexpectedness in AI
- Sudden, unexpected, unpredicable.
- Emergent entities (properties or substances)
arise out of more fundamental entities and yet
are novel or irreducible with respect to
them. - For example, it is sometimes said that
consciousness is an emergent property of the
8PsychologyHow human psyche working?
- Edward C. Tolman Cognitive map
- Ulric Neisser Cognitive ecology
- David Marr (1945-1980) Human vision
- Jean Piaget Structural invariants of cognitive
9Edward C. Tolman Cognitive map
- Multimodal mental representation
- Not only propositional code.
- Not only analog code.
- Since schema integrated both representation.
- Cognitive maps are a method we use to construct
and accumulate spatial knowledge, allowing the
"mind's eye" to visualize images in order to
reduce cognitive load, enhance recall and learning
of information (Wiki). - If you try to draw a plan of yours dwelling
10Neisser's cycle of perceptionCognitive Ecology
Actual world
Object available information
Schema of environment
Locomotion and action
Cognitive map
11David Courtnay Marr Human vision
- Vision as an information processing system .
- From a two-dimensional visual array (retinal
image) to a three-dimensional description of the
world. - Retinal (intensity) image
- Primal sketch edges, regiones
- 2.5D sketch textures, highlights, shades
- 3D sketch 3-dimensional map of the scene
- Computational investigation into the human
representation and processing of visual
12Jean PiagetStructural invariants of cognitive
- Grupa G (A,)
- Felix Klein Erlangen program
- Geometrical space is set of properties of a space
that is invariant under a given group of
transformations (e.g. Given object is invariant
to a transformation translation). - Classification of geometries (projective, ) by
their underlying symmetry (Klein) groups.Each of
geometry have a specific invariant of
transformation, which characterized them. - Jean Piaget psychological structuralism
- Each of developmental stage have a specific
invariant of transformation, which characterized
13Linguistics Language mediated cognition.
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- John L. Austin
- John R. Searle
- Noam Chomsky
Syntax the study of grammar of
sentences. Semantics the study of the
meaning. Pragmastics the study of the using
the language.
14Ferdinand de Saussure Diachronic and synchronic
- Diachronic (historical) Linguistics
- Study of language change (development).
- Etymology.
- Synchronic Linguistics
- Linguistic phenomena occur only at one point in
15Ogden-Richards semiotic triangle
Meaning Designat
Refers to
Denote / symbolise
Stands for
Sign Vehikulum Symbol
Object Denotat
16Valence Grammar Lucien Tesnièr .
- The core of the sentence is the verb (valence
verb). - Others constituents is called actants.
- obligatory in a sentence must be realised lt
AAAAAA gt - fakultative in a sentence could be realised lt
AAAAAA gt - Grammar pattern is
ZZZZZZ - Computer example
- ARJ ltcommandgt -ltswgt -ltswgt... ltarchive_namegt
17Transformational grammar TG Noam Chomsky.
Phrasal categories S sentence NP nominal
phrase VP verbalní phrase PP prepositional
Lexical categories N nomen V verbum Adj
adjektivum Det determinátor Aux auxiliary
verb prep/P preposition Pro pronomen conj
18Transformation rules
- The sequence of rules for transformation the
sentence to question in France language - VP ? Pro V
- VP ? V ( - ) Pro
- NP ? N
- S ? VP NP
- ?S ? VP NP ( ? )
- VP ? Il parle
- NP ? français
- S ? Il parle français
- ?S ? parle ( - ) il français ( ? )
- ?S parle-il français?
19Noam Chomsky (1928)
- American lingvist. He postulated hypothesis of
deep and surface structures of language. The deep
structure is common for all nations and is inborn
is called Internal language (I- language). The
surface language is usually nationally language
and is called external language (E- language).
Transformation between deep and surface language
structure is realized by the transform grammar. - http//www.chomsky.info/
20John Langshav Austin (1911 - 1960)
Distinguish performatives and constantives. Consta
ntive is only statement, e.g. The computer is
old, or the sky is blue etc. Performative is
realization of speech action, e.g. The permission
is granted, I promise you do something etc.
- British philosopher - linguistic phenomenalist.
Object of his interest was an natural language
(not artificial/logical like a B. Russel). His
main work is theory of speech act. The language
is not static system, but language is activity,
is realisating of a speech act. - . http//www.philosophypages.com/ph/aust.htm
21John Rogers Searle (1932)
- English philosopher, concentrated to a natural
language philosophy (follower of J. L. Austin). - He developing theory of speech acts.
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Searle
22Social AnthropologyCultural determination of
cognitive processes
- How can culture influence the cognition?
- SapirWhorf hypothesis - structure of a language
affects the ways in which its speakers are able
to conceptualize their world.
23Minimal Social Convention Cultural concept used
in AI
- Minimal social convention is agreement, that all
in-group members known our goals and
make a commitment to - norm ( T f ? ?)
- Norm standard
- T comunity of (agents)
- F common goals
- ? prerequisite of achieve of a goals.
24NeuroscienceCognition from biological point of
- Karl Pribram holografic theory of memory.
25NeuroscienceCognition from biological point of
- Karl Pribram holografic theory of memory.
26K. H. Pribram
- Informations in the brain are stored in more
layers and same information lay in more or all of
this layers. Thus made a complex image and allow
reconstruction of complete information from their
fragment. - http//www.cts.cuni.cz/events/pribram.html
K., H., Pribram. Mozek a mysl. Gallery, Praha
1999. Fourier transformation transfer of the
data from space-time (global) domain to spectral
(local) domain.
27Projection of phenomenon in cortexSomething is
accessible for the consciousness when has an
image in cerebral cortex.
28Brodmann Cytoarchitectonic mapWhat given part
of cerebal cortex do?
- German neurologist Korbinian Brodmann (1868-1918)
29Artificial IntelligenceHow to realize all of
this on computers?
- The science and engineering of making intelligent
machines. - pattern recognition
- planning
- machine learning
- representation of knowledge
- inference
- learning from experience
- ontology
- genetic programming
30Marvin Minski (1927)
- American mathematician. He imagine human thinking
as a process of transformation of symbols of
outer and inner world, according to given rules. - http//web.media.mit.edu/minsky/
- AI is the ability of a computer or other machine
to perform those activities that are normally
thought to require intelligence.
31Cybernetics Norbert Wiener
- Feed Back Control
- Positive feed back
- negatife feed back
32(No Transcript)
33Cognitive Science Components
How human psyche working?
Philosophy of science as a phylosophy of cognition
How to realise all of this on computers?
Language mediated cognition.
Cultural determination of cognitive processes
Cognition, from biological point of view.
34Cognitive Science Interconnections
What do the lines (asociations) means
Draw your interconnections and intersections
35Cognitive science
36George Kelly (1905 - 1967)
.A person.s processes are psychologically
channelized by the way in which he anticipates
- Teorie osobních konstruktu (Personal construct
theory) - zpusob popisu, hodnocení, interpretace a
vysvetlení sveta - test repertoáru rolových konstruktu (role
construct repertory test)