Title: Wisconsin Mississippi River Parkway Commission
1Wisconsin Mississippi River Parkway
Commission The Great River Road Corridor
2History Mississippi River Parkway Commission
Created by Congress in 1938 to create a parkway
on both sides of the river from Lake Itasca to
the Gulf of Mexico.
3History Mississippi River Parkway Commission
10 Individual State Commissions Arkansas,
Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Mississippi,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Wisconsin
4National MRPC Vision, Mission and Goals
- Vision/Mission
- To improve the quality of life for our residents
and visitors. - Goals
- Increase and maintain the investment in the
Great River Road and its amenities each year. - Maintain and/or increase the awareness and
visitation of the Mississippi River Valley and
the Great River Road.
5Wisconsin MRPC Vision Statement
The Wisconsin Mississippi River
Parkway Commission exists to preserve, protect,
promote and enhance the scenic, historic,
recreational, cultural, natural and archeological
resources of the Wisconsin Mississippi River
Valley to foster tourism in the Great River Road
Corridor and to develop and enhance the National
Scenic Byway known as the Great River Road.
6Wisconsin MRPC Wisconsins Only Nationally
Designated Scenic Byway
- 250 miles of the
- Scenic Byway
- 8 Counties
- 33 Cities/Villages
- 8 River Crossings
7Wisconsin MRPC Members Mississippi River Parkway
Alan Lorenz - Chair, La Crosse County Senator
Kathleen Vineout 31st District Senator Sheila
Harsdorf 10th District Representative Lee
Nerison 96th District Representative Chris
Danou 91st District Mark Clements Vernon
County Dennis Donath Pierce County Jean
Galasinski Trempealeau County Sherry Quamme
Crawford County Bruce Quinton Pepin County Hans
Kostrau Grant County
8Wisconsin MRPC Members Mississippi River Parkway
Alan Lorenz - Chair, La Crosse County Senator
Kathleen Vineout 31st District Senator Sheila
Harsdorf 10th District Representative Lee
Nerison 96th District Representative Chris
Danou 91st District Mark Clements Vernon
County Dennis Donath Pierce County Jean
Galasinski Trempealeau County Sherry Quamme
Crawford County Bruce Quinton Pepin County Hans
Kostrau Grant County
9Committee Members Promotion/Marketing Committee
Dave Smith, Pepin Loretta Richman,
Prescott Patrick Reinsma, WI Dept.
Tourism Michelle Hoch, La Crosse CVB Jean
Lunde, Onalaska Comm./Tourism Don Fossom,
Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien Chmb. of
Comm. Jean Galasinski, Trempealeau Robert
Miller, Alma Sherry Quamme, Ferryville
Promotion/Marketing Committee Dave Smith,
Pepin Loretta Richman, Prescott Patrick
Reinsma, WI Dept. Tourism Michelle Hoch, La
Crosse CVB Jean Lunde, Onalaska
Comm./Tourism Sheila Nelson, Cassville Don
Fossom, Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien
Chmb. of Comm. Jean Galasinski,
Trempealeau Robert Miller, Alma Sherry
Quamme, Ferryville
10Committee Members Promotion/Marketing Committee
Dave Smith, Pepin Loretta Richman,
Prescott Patrick Reinsma, WI Dept.
Tourism Michelle Hoch, La Crosse CVB Jean
Lunde, Onalaska Comm./Tourism Don Fossom,
Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien Chmb. of
Comm. Jean Galasinski, Trempealeau Robert
Miller, Alma Sherry Quamme, Ferryville
Promotion/Marketing Committee Dave Smith,
Pepin Loretta Richman, Prescott Patrick
Reinsma, WI Dept. Tourism Michelle Hoch, La
Crosse CVB Jean Lunde, Onalaska
Comm./Tourism Sheila Nelson, Cassville Don
Fossom, Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien
Chmb. of Comm. Jean Galasinski,
Trempealeau Robert Miller, Alma Sherry
Quamme, Ferryville
11Committee Members Technical Committee
Marty Beekman, Tech/Adm. MRPC Sharonne Baylor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Gary Brunner, WDOT Michael
Douglas, Villa Louis Historic Site Dave Lambert,
Grant County Highway Comm. Peter Fletcher,
MRRPC Allen Schroeder, Stonefield Village
Director Amy Seeboth, SWRPC Bob Fisher, La
Crosse Michael Rewey, Miss. River Trail
Comm. Paul Wydeven, WDOT
Promotion/Marketing Committee Dave Smith,
Pepin Loretta Richman, Prescott Patrick
Reinsma, WI Dept. Tourism Michelle Hoch, La
Crosse CVB Jean Lunde, Onalaska
Comm./Tourism Sheila Nelson, Cassville Don
Fossom, Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien
Chmb. of Comm. Jean Galasinski,
Trempealeau Robert Miller, Alma Sherry
Quamme, Ferryville
12Committee Members Technical Committee
Marty Beekman, Tech/Adm. MRPC Sharonne Baylor,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Gary Brunner, WDOT Michael
Douglas, Villa Louis Historic Site Dave Lambert,
Grant County Highway Comm. Peter Fletcher,
MRRPC Allen Schroeder, Stonefield Village
Director Amy Seeboth, SWRPC Bob Fisher, La
Crosse Michael Rewey, Miss. River Trail
Comm. Paul Wydeven, WDOT
Promotion/Marketing Committee Dave Smith,
Pepin Loretta Richman, Prescott Patrick
Reinsma, WI Dept. Tourism Michelle Hoch, La
Crosse CVB Jean Lunde, Onalaska
Comm./Tourism Sheila Nelson, Cassville Don
Fossom, Desoto Patty Wacker, Pr. du Chien
Chmb. of Comm. Jean Galasinski,
Trempealeau Robert Miller, Alma Sherry
Quamme, Ferryville
13MRPC Partners Regional Marketing
14Grant Assistance Grant County
Potosi Brewery Museum 847,418
15Grant Assistance Grant County
Wildlife Observation Platform 100,000
16Tourism/Economic Impact Marketing Analysis
- In 2003 recreational users along the Great River
Road generated an estimated 337.5 million in
expenditures - 145 million in salaries and business owner
incomes - Spending generated an estimated 10,000 full time
job equivalents - An average expenditure per day of 76.73 for
each non resident user and 46.97 for each
resident user
17Tourism/Economic Impact Marketing Analysis
- FINDINGS (continued)
- Over 50 of dollars spent on shopping
- Approximately 20 spent on food and beverage
- State taxes and fees collected from users equaled
39 million - Local taxes and fees collected from users equaled
16 million - The average total household income for visitors
was 64,800
18Tourism/Economic Impact
- For every 1 the MRPC receives in local funding
can be leveraged and gain 4 in State/Federal
matching funds. - Shared marketing opportunities (tourist
destinations) - Communication and Cooperation
- Resource Preservation/Enhancement
19Question 1
What are the benefits of the Wisconsin Great
River Road?
20Question 2
In your opinion, what should we/WI MRPC be
working on?
21Question 3
What do you think about the Grant County Great
River Road Corridor?
22Wisconsin Mississippi River Parkway
Commission The Great River Road Corridor