Title: Children
1Childrens Rights!
From the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Credit Erin Johnson
2Rights are what every child should have, or be
able to do.
Lots of countries around the world have agreed to
these rights in the UN Convention on the Rights
of the Child.
3Article 1!
Credit Sean Sprague
Credit Richard Wainwright
All rights are important, and are the same for
children everywhere!
4Article 2!
Credit Richard Wainwright
Credit Richard Wainwright
We have the right to grow up free, safe and
5Article 3!
Fr Stephen Ano
We have the right to a name and nationality.
6Article 4!
Credit Caritas Switzerland
We have the right to have somewhere to live, to
healthy food, and medicine when we are unwell.
7Article 5!
Credit Caritas Australia
We have the right to get special help if we are
disabled in any way.
8Article 6!
We have the right to be loved and looked after.
9Article 7!
We have the right to a free education...
Credit Peter Saunders
10Article 7!
Credit Richard Wainwright
and the right to play!
11Article 8!
Credit Erin Johnson
Credit Fr Stephen Ano
We have the right to be helped!
12Article 9!
Credit Richard Wainwright
We should not be forced to go to work instead of
13Article 10!
We should be taught about peace understanding and
14Last updated March, 2014 CAFOD is Caritas England
and Wales