Title: World%20Community%20Service
1World Community Service
2We can not do great things on this earth. We can
only do small things with great love."
Mother Theresa
3About World Community Service
- When Rotary clubs or districts in two or more
countries join together to accomplish a
humanitarian service project in one of the
4World Community Service means
- Addressing Major issues
- Water and Sanitation
- Health and Hunger
- Education and Literacy
- Micro-credit/Revolving Loans
- Forming partnerships between Rotarians in two or
more countries - Making a difference
5Why We Support World Community Service
- One of the 4 Avenues of Service
- Opportunity to meet needs
- Furthering international understanding, goodwill
and peace
6How World Community Service helps...
- Partnering to expand financial, material and
human resources - Developing ties with Rotarians abroad
- Providing an opportunity to learn about another
country and its people - Creating a favorable image of our country and
Rotary - Addressing global concerns
- Making a sustainable difference
7How Can We Contribute?
- Financially
- How much and for how long
- Time Effort
- Time to visit build relationship locally and
international - Combination of Time, Effort
8Who will lead and implement?
- Need individual or committee abilities
- Cooperation
- Communication
- Continuity
- Commitment
9Keys to a Successful WCS Project
- Project Champion(s)
- Frequent contact between the co-sponsors
- Prepare to nurture a 2-to-5 year Partnership with
the RC in the Project (Host) country - Do the paperwork
- Regular reporting sponsors and club
10WCS Fosters Sustainable Development by
- Focusing on enhancing quality of life.
- Encouraging participatory involvement, with local
communities individuals having input in design
implementation. - Adapting to constantly changing conditions,
uncertainty, and differences in local conditions
expectations. - Ensuring project continues with local resources.
- Meeting current needs without compromising future
11Our Partners in World Community Service
- Rotary clubs in a host project country
- District 5360 Clubs
- Other Districts / Clubs
- Other organizations
- The Community Initiatives Program (Son of the
Wild Rose Foundation) - The Rotary Foundation (TRF)
- Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International
Development (CRCID) with CIDA funds
12Local WCS Committee
- Typical Roles and Responsibilities
- Frame the Strategic Plan (preparing)
- Find the Right Champion(s)
- Monitor, Record Celebrate Achievements
- Regular (and frequent) Reporting to the Club
- Promote Club-wide Understanding of WCS Activities
13District 5360 WCS Committee
- Committee of 15 Rotarians from across our
District. - Provide information, training, advice and
assistance to Clubs embarking on WCS projects. - Provide an interactive website on all WCS
projects and a webmaster to assist Clubs. - Carry out an annual Funding Seminar to orientate
members on all aspects of International project
implementation - Visit Clubs to give presentations / information
on WCS activities and updates
14District 5360 WCS Update
- New changes to funding sources
- TRF (Currently NO Matching Grants, Volunteer
Service Grants, 3-H Grants available due to
financial strains of economic world-crisis) - Increase in District Designated Funds to 5000
per project for Clubs in District 5360 - Funds for Disbursement in 2009-2010 is 77695
with approx 31,000 still available - Funding Seminar will take place in 2010.
District is looking at co-hosting this seminar
with the District Conference in Banff.
15How to Find WCS Projects
- District Projects List on website (some have no
sponsors) - www.rotary5360.org
- Rotary International ProjectLink Database
- Rotary Volunteers
- Youth Exchange students, TRF Ambassadorial
Scholars, GSE, Friendship Exchange - International Assembly International
Conventions - International Projects Fairs
- And importantly personal contacts!
16District 5360 WCS Database
17Current Rotary Funding Options
Organization Amount / Details Formula Deadline
District Designated Funds Funding up to 5000 per project Can be fully matched with other grants July 1st accept new applications
Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development (CRCID) Administers CIDA funds for Rotary projects in developing countries No upper limit established, but larger projects preferred Requests that mach priorities received at any time .81 match on all funds incl Club cash, DDF, TRF Cycle for new initiatives should be into CRCID by Sept for project start in following April
Community Initiatives Program (CIP) Son of Wild Rose Foundation Up to 25,000 matching, with one application per fiscal year. Takes 2-3 months for approvals 11 match of AB raised funds but will also match DDF, TRF Five deadlines (changes to program, details TBA)
18Sample Funding Ratio
- Contributor Amount requested or donated
- Your Club 3000.00
- Host Club 100.00
- DDF 5000.00
- Sub Total 8100.00
- CIP 8000.00 (matching Club and DDF)
- Total Project 16100.00
19Funds are often used for
- Health care support equipment
- Support and supplies for schools
- Water, filters, latrines
- Micro-credit
- Equipment for all types of institutions
- Agricultural and/or environmental
20Funds cannot be used for
- The purchase of land or buildings
- Construction or renovation
- Salaries, stipends, or honorariums for
individual(s) working for a cooperating
organization or beneficiary
21Remember the Goal
- To break the cycle of poverty
- To make real our commitment to world
understanding and peace by - Doing good in the World, and
- For this the people say
22Thank You