THE ROLE OF UKRAINE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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IN WORLD TRADE FLEET OFFICER SUPPLY ... (SevNTU), Faculty of Marine Technologies and Navigation; ... Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and Watchkeeping ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Prof. Dr. Mykhaylo V. Miyusov
  • Rector of Odessa National Maritime Academy,
    Odessa, Ukraine
  • The International Forum on Seafarers Education,
    Training and Crewing
  • 24-25th April 2013
  • Odessa, Ukraine

Growth of seaborne shipments worldwide in
Around 80 per cent of global trade by volume and
over 70 per cent by value is carried by sea and
is handled by ports worldwide. In tandem with
developments in the world economy and global
merchandise trade, international seaborne
shipments continued to grow in 2011, although at
a slower rate than in 2010. Fuelled by strong
growth in container and dry bulk trades, world
seaborne trade grew by 4 per cent in 2011, taking
the total volume of goods loaded worldwide to 8.7
billion tons. World container port capacity
increased by an estimated 5.9 per cent to 572.8
million 20-feet equivalent units (TEUs) in 2011,
its highest level ever. This increase was less
than the 14.5 per cent increase of 2010 that
sharply rebounded from the slump of 2009.
  • Table 1. Development in international seaborne
    trade, selected years
  • (Millions of tons loaded)

Year Oil and gas Main bulks Other dry cargo Total (all cargoes)
1970 1 440 448 717 2 605
1980 1 871 608 1 225 3 704
1990 1 755 988 1 265 4 008
2000 2 163 1 295 2 526 5 984
2005 2 422 1 709 2 978 7 109
2006 2 698 1 814 3 188 7 700
2007 2 747 1 953 3 334 8 034
2008 2 742 2 065 3 422 8 229
2009 2 642 2 085 3 131 7 858
2010 2 772 2 335 3 302 8 409
2011 2 796 2 477 3 475 8 748
Iron ore, grain, coal, bauxite/alumina and
World Marine Fleet
World Marine Fleet

World Marine Fleet
Practically half of the world tonnage (49.7 per
cent) is owned by shipping companies from just
four countries Greece, Japan, Germany and
China. The year 2011 saw a further increase in
the use of open registries. Among the tonnage
delivered in 2011, an estimated 83 per cent was
registered abroad, and an estimated 71.5 per cent
of the world tonnage is now registered under a
foreign flag. Among the top 30 flags of
registration, three serve exclusively for
foreign-owned tonnage, notably Liberia, the
Marshall Islands, and Antigua and Barbuda. The
flags of Panama, Malta, the Bahamas and the Isle
of Man are also used by a small number of
national shipowners, although the majority of
users of these flags are foreign. One of the
motivations for shipowners to use a foreign flag
is an opportunity of foreign seafarers
recruitment. It is especially attractive for the
companies situated in the countries with high pay
rates. That is why foreign flags are often
called convenient.
  • According to the latter the total amount of
    officers of seagoing vessels in 2010 was
    estimated as 532000, which is 32 per cent more
    than in 1990, and 14 per cent more than in 2005.
    And the shortage is 29800 (5.6 per cent).
    According to the forecast the number of officers
    must increase up to 607000 people in 2014 (14 per
    cent more compared with 2010). Shortage is
    anticipated to halve till 14300 (2.4 per cent).
    Over the period since 1990 the countries of
    Eastern Europe have shown the biggest relative
    growth in the number of officers.


Table 2. The number of Ukrainian Seafarers on the
World Labour Market according to years
(according to Drewry Publishing information )
Year Position 1995 2000 2005 2010
Officers 14000 14000 28908 35400
Ratings 24000 23000 36119 40000
According to the information since 1995 to 2010
the number of Ukrainian officers has become 2.5
times as big on the world labour market.
Table 3. Average Pay Rates in 2005 and 2010 on
the International Labour Market at the Tanker
Fleet for Masters from different countries in US
Dollars(according to Drewry Publishing
Country-Supplier of Crew 2005 2010
India 7500 13500
China 4100 10500
Ukraine 5750 13750
Philippines 5500 11250
Croatia 8200 15750
Table 4. Number of Seafarers on the International
Labour Market in 2010 (according to Drewry
Publishing information)
Country-Supplier of Crew Officers Ratings Total
Philippines 66000 80000 146000
China 51800 104200 156000
Ukraine 35400 40000 75400
India 31200 56000 87200
Russia 22700 34500 57200

Total in the world 532400 758400 1290800
Table 5. Number of Seafarers on the International
Labour Market in 2010 (according to BIMCO/ISF
information )
Pos. Country-Supplier of Crew Officers Ratings Total
1 Philippines 57688 23492 81188
2 China 51511 90296 141807
3 India 46497 16176 62673
4 Turkey 36734 51009 87743
5 Ukraine 27172 11000 38172
6 Russia 25000 40000 65000
7 USA 21810 16644 38454
8 Japan 21297 7308 28605
9 Romania 18575 5768 24343
10 Poland 17923 4746 22669

Total in the world Total in the world 624062 692542 1316604
In BIMCO/ISF report indices differ significantly
from the data given in the work, especially as
for ratings.
Index of countries' population involvement in the
relevant global market
Table 6. Information about the Number of Valid
Certificates of Competency of Officers of
Seagoing Vessels in Ukraine
  Officer's Rank   Number of Certificates issued
Deep-Sea Master 8531
Deep-Sea Navigator 8800
Navigator 18172
Total Masters and Navigators 35503
Chief Engineer 8825
Second Engineer 9933
Third Engineer 17887
Total Engineers 36645
First Electrical Engineer 2632
Second Electrical Engineer 1651
Third Electrical Engineer 3281
Total Electrical Engineers 7564
Total Engineers and Electrical Engineers 44209
Total Officers 79712
Table 7. Information about the Number of Valid
Certificates of Ratings on Seagoing Vessels
issued in Ukraine  
Certificate of Ratings Number of Certificates issued
Seaman 69075
Motorman 37599
Electrician 4304
Total Certificates of Ratings 110978
Researches and Investigations
  • Although Eastern Europe has been assuming even
    greater importance due to increase of the number
    of officers over the recent years, countries of
    Organization for Economic Co-operation and
    Development (OECD) remain an important source for
  • Recent research 3 confirms the former
    tendencies shift in the balance of number of
    seafarers from OECD countries to the Far East,
    Southeastern Asia and Eastern Europe increase in
    general demand for seafarers with a particular
    problem for some groups of specialists and types
    of vessels aging of senior officers from OECD
    countries and personnel shortage for their
    substitution necessity of increase in training
    and recruitment of seafarers as well as reduction
    of their outflow.
  • The investigations held by JITI and Nippon
    Foundation showed that due to tendencies of
    development of the world trade and shipbuilding,
    additional necessity in seafarers in comparison
    with 2010 would be 3.5 per cent in 2015 (23
    thousand ratings and 15.8 thousand officers), and
    7.2 per cent in 2020 (46.9 thousand ratings and
    32.2 thousand officers). The research considers
    only ships of more than 2000 gross tonnage in
    order to analyze only international shipping and
    there has been adopted an assumption that the
    number of vessels will annually be increasing by
    0.7 per cent till 2010. These two facts do not
    allow comparing these data with the results of
    the research.

Recommendations to concerned parties for
supplying necessary number of seafarers of high
  • These recommendations can be generalized as the
  • to form a national policy in the sphere of
    shipping due to the development of world economy
    and expected demand of seafarers on world labour
    market and inform the society about it
  • to contribute to maintenance of prestige,
    importance and seafarers job appeal and shipping
    industry among young people since their childhood
    and primary school
  • to improve Shipping image in the society, avoid
    unjustified dissemination of negative
    information, for instance about accidents, piracy
    and spread positive information about labour and
    rest conditions and social programs for
  • to facilitate cadets' obtaining on-board training
    by financing training vessels and expanding cadet
  • to contribute to development of material basis of
    maritime universities (academies, institutes) by
    supplying them with modern laboratory and
    training equipment
  • to contribute to recruitment of teaching staff of
    maritime universities (academies, institutes) and
    personnel with sufficient sea service
  • to ensure favorable labour and rest conditions
    for seafarers (pay rate, intensity of work,
    period of contract/voyage, food quality,
    possibility of sports activities, insurance
    against accidents policy, health insurance of a
    crewman and his family members, etc.)
  • to facilitate wider recruitment of women on
    sea-going vessels.

The number of Ukrainian Seafarers on the World
Labour Market according to years
  • Diagram shows that the increase in the number of
    Ukrainian marine officers on world labour market
    began in 2000 and made up 153 per cent (2.5 times
    as big) over the last 10 years. It should be
    noted that the total number of officers in the
    world has increased only by 34 per cent
  • within a period from 1995 till 2010.

Ukrainian higher maritime educational
institutions (and their branches)
  • Odessa National Maritime Academy (ONMA) which
    comprises Azov Maritime Institute (in Mariupol),
    Izmail Faculty, Seafaring College of Technical
    Fleet and Maritime College after A.I. Marinesko
    in Odessa
  • Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA), which
    comprises Maritime College
  • Kyiv State Academy of Water Transport named after
    Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sagaidachnyi (KSAWT),
    which comprises branches in Izmail, Nikolaiev,
  • Sevastopol National Technical University
    (SevNTU), Faculty of Marine Technologies and
  • Odessa Maritime College of Fishing Industry (OMC
  • Nakhimov Naval Academy (NNA), Sevastopol,
    Navigation and Ship Power Faculty
  • Kerch State Maritime Technological University
  • Admiral Makarov National University of
    Shipbuilding (NUS), Nikolaiev, The Mechanical
    Engineering Institute (Marine Engineering
    Specialty only)
  • Ukraine Maritime Institute (UMI), Sevastopol
  • Odessa National Maritime University (ONMU),
    Marine Engineering Faculty (Marine Engineering
    Speciality only)
  • Kherson Maritime College of Fishing Industry (KMC

Table 8. Number of Students and Graduates of
Maritime Educational Institutions in Ukraine who
obtained Diplomas of Higher Education in 2012
enabling them to obtain the Certificate of
Competency for Officers
Pos. Name of Academic Institution Graduation according to Educational Levels Graduation according to Educational Levels Graduation according to Educational Levels Graduation according to Educational Levels Total Graduates     Total Students
Pos. Name of Academic Institution Junior Specialist Bachelor of Sciences Specialist Master of Sciences Total Graduates     Total Students
1 ONMA 674 1539 647 88 2948 10987
2 KSMA 418 491 250 21 1180 4541
3 KSMAWT 98 300 186 13 597 2607
4 SevNTU - 457 261 31 749 1931
5 OMC FI 375 - - - 375 2326
6 KSMTU - 276 149 - 425 1106
7 NNA - 229 174 - 403 1188
8 KMC FI 345 - - - 345 1473
9 UMI - 192 21 - 213 848
10 ONMU - 62 38 - 100 640
11 NUS - - 118 - 118 123
Total in Ukraine Total in Ukraine 1910 3546 1844 153 7453 27770
Table 9. Number of Graduates of Maritime
Educational Institutions in Ukraine having
obtained a Diploma of Higher Education enabling
them to obtain the Certificate of Competency for
an Officer on Seagoing Vessels in 2003-2012
Pos Name of Academic Institution General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years General Number of issued Diplomas of Higher Education in Seagoing Specialties according to years Total
Pos Name of Academic Institution 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total
1 ONMA 1320 1305 1824 1779 2250 2261 2434 2448 2809 2948 21378
2 KSMA 631 827 706 999 905 842 1070 878 1083 1180 9121
3 KSMAWT 208 424 51 639 690 988 1099 970 973 597 6639
4 SevNTU 356 382 402 492 556 599 700 697 742 749 5675
5 OMC FI 318 384 471 457 505 468 469 507 505 375 4459
6 KSMTU 209 184 194 216 233 217 192 307 410 425 2587
7 NNA - - 45 72 156 216 305 348 409 403 1954
8 KMC FI - 90 112 131 140 119 117 130 113 345 1297
9 UMI 49 42 59 73 123 83 130 177 182 100 1018
10 ONMU 11 12 11 10 7 11 28 74 127 118 409
11 NUS - - - - - - - 26 104 213 343
  Total in Ukraine   Total in Ukraine   3102   3650   3875   4868   5565   5804   6544   6562   7457   7453   54880
Maritime education in Ukraine
  • The system of ship's crew training in Ukraine
    preserves and develops the best traditions of
    maritime higher education in the USSR
  • competitive selection of university entrants
    having complete secondary education
  • the term of training of a specialist with
    complete higher education is 5.5 years
  • facilitating sea-going service on board vessels
    for at least 8-12 months during studies
    (depending on the specialty)
  • good basic and general technical training
  • a high level of the training facilities
    (laboratory, simulation basis, training fleet)
  • a high potential of academic teaching staff
    (academic degrees and titles, diplomas and
    certificates, which enable them to hold officer
    positions on vessels)
  • consolidation of cadets academic and research
    work, development of creative skills
  • arrangement of cadets education and campus life
    under conditions that are similar to ships
    (daily routine, discipline, uniform,
    self-service, duty service)
  • meeting the requirements of international
  • the system of life-long postgraduate education of
    marine officers for keeping a high level of
    competency, mastery of new technique and new
    methods of operation.

THE SCHEMEof Education in Ukraine
THE SCHEMEof obtaining the Certificates of
Competency without limitations
ONMA Odesa National Maritime Academy, KSMA
Kiev State Maritime Academy, ONMU Odesa
National Maritime University, SCAC State
Competency Assessment Commission, OOW Officer
in charge of a Watch, COC Certificate of
Competency, TRB Training Record Book.
ONMA activity
ONMA Quality Management System Certified by
Russian and Ukrainian Registers
  • Teachers and scientists of the Academy actively
    participate in the following IMO meetings
  • Sub-Committee on Standards of Training and
    Watchkeeping (STW)
  • Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications and Search
    and Rescue (COMSAR)
  • Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
  • Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV)
  • Legal Committee
  • Council.

Manning Business in Ukraine
  • Ukraine is a democratic state, which ratified
    the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
    European Social Charter. The Constitution of
    Ukraine gives citizens extensive rights to choose
    the place of their employment abroad freely,
    including foreign shipping companies. According
    to the data of the Ministry of Social Policy of
    Ukraine of 11.03.2012 in Ukraine 771 business
    entities are licensed to mediation in employment
    abroad, including 259 ones in Odessa region. A
    considerable part of them located in port cities
    (Odessa, Sevastopol, Izmail, Kherson, Nikolaev,
    Mariupol, Kerch) directly deal with seafarer's
    employment. It should be noted that on 2.06.2011
    Ukraine had 1106 companies and entrepreneurs with
    the relevant licenses, thus the number of them
    decreased by 30 per cent within 18 months. After
    coming into force of the International Maritime
    Labour Convention 2006, which considerably
    toughens the requirements for maritime crew
    agencies, the number of them is expected to
    plummet in Ukraine. Most of leading shipping and
    management companies have already had their
    representative offices (recruiting agencies,
    crewing companies) in Ukraine, especially in
    Odessa. Many foreign companies with long-term
    programs for Ukrainian seafarers on board their
    vessels invest significant funds into personnel
    training with the help of their own cadets
    programs, sponsoring maritime training
    institutions, creating their own training
    centers. In the framework of cadets programs
    together with training institutions they select
    cadets in compliance with the company's
    requirements (knowledge of English, professional
    training, necessary certificates), organize
    planning and control over complying with
    on-board training programs. Companies cover all
    expenses connected with on-board training.

The most active companieson the Ukrainian market
  • Global Crewmanagement
  • MOL Ship Management Co
  • BW Gas ASA
  • OSM Crew Management AS
  • Wilhelmsen Ship Management
  • Stolt-Nielsen Transportation Group BV
  • Maersk Ship Management (A.P. Møller A/S)
  • CMA CGM Group
  • ASP Ship Management Group
  • Anglo-Eastern Ship Management
  • Columbia Ship Management
  • Zodiac Maritime Agencies Ltd., etc.
  • V.Ships
  • MSC
  • Bernard Schulte Shipmanagement Ltd.
  • Peter Döehle Schiffahrts KG
  • Marlow Navigation
  • Blue Star Holding
  • Claus-Peter Offen
  • Oskar Wehr KG GmbH
  • Alpha Shipmanagement GmbH Co. KG
  • Danaos Shipping Co. Ltd
  • Epsilon Hellas
  • Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V.
  • Royal Boskalis Westminster B.V.

Recognition of Ukraine
  • Today Ukraine is in the White List of
    International Maritime Organization among
    countries, in which requirements of STCW
    Convention and Code are adhered to full extent.
    As of March 2012 Memoranda on Recognition of
    Ukrainian Seafarers Certificates were signed
    with 53 member-states of International Maritime
    Organization in compliance with Regulation I/10
    of STCW Convention. Besides, the system of
    training and certification of seafarers in
    Ukraine has been approved by the European
    Commission on the ground of regular inspections
    carried out by the European Maritime Safety
    Agency (EMSA) for compliance with the
    requirements of the Directive of the European
    Parliament and of the European Union Council.

  • Ukraine as a maritime state has potential for
    further increasing of the amount of maritime
    specialists' training and good prospects for
    successful competition on the world labour market
    under the conditions of increasing demand for
    qualified maritime professionals in global
    maritime shipping.

Thank you !
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