Title: Diapositive 1
1Effect of the pedagogical approach on incidental
2Incidental vs. intentional learning
Always taking place Unsystematic Unconscious Intri
nsically motivated Highly relevant to many
Highly formal systematic Institutionally
sponsored Classroom-based Extrinsically motivated
While we learn intentionally only in some very
specific situations and periods of our life
(school, formation) incidental learning is much
more important for most of the skills and
knowledge we learn and during the vast majority
of life. As a matter of fact incidental learning
is seen as the normal way of learning for
children in non-scholar context they appropriate
themselves with knowledge and skills en passant
as a by-product of seemingly not aimed activity.
3Incidental learning in pedagogical context
A study of LP Rieber (1991) on the effect of
animated graphics on incidental learning and
motivation on 4th grade students (topic
Newtons law of motion) has shown a high impact of
these animations on incidental learning without
impeding the intentional learning goals. It also
showed that the animations had a considerable
motivational effect on students as well. Both
effects were much weaker for static graphics.
I will study the effect of pedagogical approach
(transmissive vs. cognitive/constructivistic) on
incidental learning. I will also analyse the
effect of learning situation (single vs. pairs)
on the intentional and incidental learning.
- Transmissive teaching material is less favourable
to incidental learning than material based on a
cognitivistic approach. - 2. Working in groups will favour incidental
learning since it favours an open cognitive
attitude - 3. Incidental learning does not impede
intentional learning - 4. Incidential learning is linked to intrinsic
motivation and to a better score in intentional
learning (?)
Programmed learning Cognitivistic approach (simulation with clearly defined tasks)
Work alone Group 1A Group 1B
Work in pairs Group 2A Group 2B
- All four groups pass a pretest to evaluate for
basic knowledge - 2. All groups work with material covering the
subject (20 minutes?) - 3. All four groups pass a posttest (MC) which
tests for intentional and incidental learning