Spin%20polarization%20phenomena%20in%20dense%20nuclear%20matter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spin polarization phenomena in dense nuclear matter Alexander Isayev Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology Ukraine Basics of Formalism CONCLUSIONS Thus, modern ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Spin%20polarization%20phenomena%20in%20dense%20nuclear%20matter

Spin polarization phenomena in dense nuclear
  • Alexander Isayev
  • Kharkov Institute of
  • Physics and Technology
  • Ukraine

  • The spontaneous appearance of spin polarized
    states in nuclear matter is the topic of a great
    current interest.
  • Could nuclear matter, formed in heavy ion
    collisions at high and intermediate energies,
    undergo a phase transition to a spin polarized

  • The spontaneous appearance of spin polarized
    states in nuclear matter is the topic of a great
    current interest.
  • Could nuclear matter, formed in heavy ion
    collisions at high and intermediate energies,
    undergo a phase transition to a spin polarized
  • Spin correlations in the medium significantly
    influence the neutrino cross section and
    neutrino luminocity. Hence, different scenarios
    of supernova explosion and cooling of neutron
    stars can be realized, depending on whether
    nuclear matter is spin polarized or not.

  • Precisely Nucleons possess spin. Hence,
    nuclear matter is a paramagnetic medium and under
    lowering temperature or changing density nuclear
    matter can undergo a phase transition to the
    state with nonequal numbers of spin-up and
    spin-down nucleons spin polarized state.
    Usually majority of neutron spins are aligned in
    the same direction as majority of proton spins
    (like ferromagnetic ordering).
  • Another possibility majority of neutron spins
    and majority of proton spins have the opposite
    directions (like antiferromagnetic ordering).
  • Main emphasis the structure of a ground state
    of nuclear matter, whether it is spin polarized
    or not and what type of spin ordering can be

  • The possibility of ferromagnetic phase transition
    in nuclear and neutron matter
  • Calculations of magnetic susceptibility with
    Skyrme effective forces
  • A. Viduarre, J. Navarro, and J. Bernabeu,
    Astron. Astrophys.
  • 135, 361 (1984). Ferromagnetic transition occurs
  • The Fermi liquid criterion for the ferromagnetic
    instability in nuclear matter with Skyrme
    interaction is reached at
  • being nuclear matter saturation density.
  • S. Reddy, M. Prakash, J.M. Lattimer, and J.A.
    Pons, Phys. Rev. C 59, 2888 (1999).

  • In the models with realistic nucleon-nucleon (NN)
    interaction the ferromagnetic phase transition
    seems to be suppressed up to densities well above

I. Vidana, A. Polls, and A. Ramos, Phys. Rev. C
65, 035804 (2002). S. Fantoni, A. Sarsa, and E.
Schmidt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 181101 (2001).
Here the study of spin polarizability of
nuclear matter with the use of effective NN
interaction (Skyrme, Gogny effective
forces). Framework for consideration Fermi
liquid (FL) description of nuclear matter,
allowing to obtain the self-consistent equations
for the order parameters, and, after solving
them, to calculate the free energy and to make
conclusions concerning thermodynamic stability of
different phases.
Basics of Formalism
Normal states of nuclear matter are described
by the normal distribution function of nucleons
The matrix
self-consistent equation for in the state
of thermodynamic equilibrium The
single-particle energy
is the density matrix of the system
Structure of the normal distribution function
and single particle energy
are the Pauli matrices in spin and isospin spaces
Normalization conditions for the distribution
- the isospin asymmetry parameter
FM spin order parameter
AFM spin order parameter
In symmetric nuclear matter with FM ordering
AFM ordering
The energy functional of the system
FL amplitudes
describe density, spin, isospin and spin-isospin
correlations in nuclear medium.
Self-consistent equations
Set of integral equations to be solved
self-consistently. Numerical procedure
iterations on the Gaussian grid in momentum
space until convergence with required accuracy is

Amplitude of NN interaction for Skyrme effective
In numerical calculations SLy4, SkI3, SkI5
Amplitude of NN interaction for Gogny effective
Two Gaussian terms reflect the finite range
character of the Gogny interaction. In numerical
calculations D1S force.
Neutron and proton spin polarization parameters
SLy4 1. Antiparallel ordering only! 2. Even
small admixture of protons to neutron matter
strongly decreases the onset density of spin
instability. 3. Protons become totally polarized
in a narrow density domain at strong isospin
asymmetry, unlike to neutrons.
Neutron and proton spin polarization parameters
as functions of density at zero temperature
SkI5 1. Parallel ordering only! 2. Small
admixture of protons to neutron matter
insignificantly change the onset density of spin
Neutron and proton spin polarization parameters
as functions of density at zero temperature
The energy gain per nucleon is decreased with
isospin asymmetry for SLy4 force while it is
increased for SkI5 force.
Total energy per nucleon, measured from its value
in the normal state, as a function of density at
SkI3 1. Transient behavior from antiparallel
ordering to parallel ordering under increasing
density. 2. There are no long tails in the
density profile of neutrons at strong isospin
asymmetry. 3. The energy gain is increasing
function of isospin asymmetry at the given
Symmetric nuclear matter
AFM spin polarization parameter as a function of
density at zero temperature for D1S Gogny force
and SkM, SGII Skyrme forces.
For D1S force only AFM spin ordering is realized
and there are no solutions, corresponding to FM
spin ordering.
Total energy per nucleon, measured from its
value in the normal state, for the AFM spin
state as a function of density at zero
temperature for D1S Gogny force and SkM, SGII
Skyrme forces.
  • Thus, modern effective nuclear forces being
    relevant for calculations at wide range of
    isospin asymmetries and high densities provide us
    with different possible scenarios of a phase
    transition to a spin polarized state in dense
    nuclear matter
  • a) nuclear matter with SLy4 Skyrme and D1S Gogny
    interactions undergoes at some critical density a
    phase transition to a spin polarized state with
    the oppositely directed spins of neutrons and
  • b) for SkI5 interaction, a spin polarized state
    with the like-directed neutron and proton spins
    is formed
  • c) nuclear matter with SkI3 interaction under
    increasing density, at first, undergoes a phase
    transition to the state with the opposite
    directions of neutron and proton spins, which
    goes over at larger density to the state with the
    same direction of nucleon spins.

The different behavior at high densities of the
interaction amplitudes, describing spin-spin and
spin-isospin correlations, lays behind this
divergence in calculations with different
effective potentials. These results clearly
indicate the necessity to construct a new
generation of the energy functionals with the
properly constrained time-odd part. Probably,
these constraints will be obtained from the data
on the time decay of magnetic field of isolated
neutron stars. S.B. Popov and M.E. Prokhorov,
Surveys in High Energy Physics 15, (2001) 381.
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