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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


I follow the Bible
  • Romans 154 NKJV 4 For whatever things were
    written before were written for our learning,
    that we through the patience and comfort of the
    Scriptures might have hope.
  • 1 Corinthians 1011 NKJV 11 Now all these things
    happened to them as examples, and they were
    written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of
    the ages have come.

Obedience Rebellion
  • Genesis 43-7
  • Cain failed to comply with Gods instructions
  • Romans 1017 faith comes by hearing
  • Hebrews 114 by faith Abel offered
  • Necessary conclusion God told Cain what He would

Obedience Rebellion
  • Genesis 43-7
  • God is not bound to accept everything we deem to
    be acceptable
  • Cain is not given any credit for his sacrifice
  • Cain DID believe in God
  • He DID offer something
  • He DID NOT offer what God commanded
  • His works called evil 1 John 312

Obedience Rebellion
  • Leviticus 101-3
  • Nadab Abihu offered different fire that what
    God commanded
  • They were offering worship to God
  • They were not accepted because they did not
    worship the way God had commanded
  • What lesson should this teach us?
  • What made the fire profane was the fact that
    God had not commanded such

Obedience Rebellion
  • Leviticus 101-3
  • Nadab Abihu were not punished because God had
    specifically condemned such fire
  • They were punished because they offered something
    God had not authorized
  • Gods Silence does not authorize a practice
  • Most religious divisions arise, not from what
    the Bible does say, but out of what the Bible
    does not say.

Obedience Rebellion
  • Leviticus 101-3
  • Two Radically Different Attitudes
  • 1. Silence is permissive, free to do what we
    desire in silent teaching or activity
  • 2. Silence is prohibitive we are to do what
    God did say

Obedience Rebellion
  • Leviticus 101-3
  • Two Radically Different Attitudes
  • 1. Silence is permissive, free to do what we
    desire in silent teaching or activity
  • Martin Luther (1483 1546)
  • 2. Silence is prohibitive we are to do what
    God did say
  • Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531)

Obedience Rebellion
  • Leviticus 101-3
  • God specified the fire to use
  • Leviticus 1612 Numbers 1646
  • God still feels the same way about additions or
    substitutions to His Will
  • 2 John 9 transgresses does not abide in the
    doctrine of Christ does not have God.
  • Galatians 16-9 any other doctrine accursed

Obedience Rebellion
  • 1 Samuel 151-3 utterly destroy the Amalekites
  • Exodus Chapter 17 Tried to prevent Israel from
    moving into Sinai Peninsula
  • Deuteronomy 2517-19 God did not forget
  • Been given 400 years of mercy grace
  • 1 Samuel 15 indicates Amalek had not changed over
    the years sinners (V.18)
  • 1 Samuel 158,9 Saul violates what was
    commanded in V.3

Obedience Rebellion
  • 1 Samuel 1510,11 greatly regret I have set up
    Saul as King
  • God takes I personally when we violate His Will
  • Samuel takes no pleasure in Sauls failure nor
    the task confronting him
  • 1 Samuel 1513-16 Saul argues that he carried
    out Gods command
  • 1 Samuel 1520,21 Saul disagrees with Samuel

Obedience Rebellion
  • 1 Samuel 1520,21 Saul disagrees with Samuel
  • Arguing like people who say Yea, thats not
    what God commands, but I cant see what harm
    there is in.
  • Saul stumbled over what prevents many from
    obeying the truth today.
  • Never been baptized for the remission of their
    sins, yet read Mark 1616 or Acts 238 and
    protest they have fulfilled them

Obedience Rebellion
  • 1 Samuel 1522,23 because you have rejected the
    word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from
    being king.
  • Gods view of partial obedience the idea that
    good intentions make up for disobedience
  • It is rebellion. It is arrogance. It is
  • Performing something religious does not make up
    for failure to obey

Obedience Rebellion
  • 2 Samuel 61-7 God struck him there for his
    error he died there by the ark of God.
  • Placing ark on cart, even a new cart, was a
    violation of the Law (Exodus 2514,15 Numbers
    330,31 45-8 79)
  • Uzzah was struck dead for irreverence
  • We are never justified in violating a command of

Obedience Rebellion
  • Mark 76-9 in vain they worship Me, teaching as
    doctrines the commandments of men.
  • God has not changed His expectations
  • God still expects people to Obey His Will Not
    to Add or Subtract from it
  • What were they doing that Jesus called their
    worship vain?
  • Do religions today do the same thing?
  • What will Jesus think if we do this?

What Do We Learn?
1. Believing in God counts for nothing if we do
not obey His commands Cain 2. Gods silence
does not authorize us to do anything Nadab
Abihu 3. Partial obedience is Rebellion
Stubbornness as sinful as Witchcraft Iniquity
before God King Saul 4. Good sincere motives
do not make up for disobedience Uzzah 5.
Replacing commands of God with Doctrines of men
makes worship vain Scribes and Pharisees
Are You Living a life of Obedience before God?
  • If Not, Why Not Begin Now?

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