Title: Model-based elastance and optimal peep selection
1Model-based elastance and optimal peep selection
- Geoffrey M Shaw1
- Yeong Shiong Chiew2
- J Geoffrey Chase2
- Ashwath Sundaresan2
- Thomas Desaive3
- 1 Dept of Intensive Care, Christchurch Hospital
- 2 Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Canterbury - 3 Thermodynamics of irreversible processes,
Institute of Physics, University of Liege,
NZ ANZICS Dunedin March 15 2013
- Member, Medical Advisory Board, Baxter NSW
- Director, Lifevent Medical
- Hold world-wide patents on Low flow CPAP device
- Multi-modal high frequency ventilator
3- What do marriage and ARDS have in common?...
- You only have a 50 change of getting out of
either alive!
4Acute lung injury /respiratory distress syndrome
- 10 to 80 cases per 100,000 persons per year
- Mortality rate for ARDS 30 to as much as 80
- In the US
- 190,600 cases of ALI, including ARDS, per year
- 74,500 associated deaths per year
- 3.6 million hospital hours per year
- Thus, 12000 in the ANZ ICUs with 4800
associated deaths
5Acute lung injury /respiratory distress syndrome
- Inflammation Capillary leak Alveolar collapse
6Superimposed pressure
(modified from Gattinoni)
7Acute lung injury /respiratory distress syndrome
8Current practice based on one size fits all...
High Vt
9Current practice based on one size fits all...
10The conundrum......
Too high Injure healthy lung tissue
Too low No lung recruitment
- To develop a model-based solution to guide PEEP
selection in mechanical ventilation that - Predicts patient-specific response to treatment
- Balances risks of overstretch vs. derecruitment
- Monitors disease state
- Optimises work of breathing
12Study design
- Ten patients with ALI/ARDS (PaO2/FiO2 150-300)
- Protocolised recruitment manoeuvre PEEP
increased in 5 cmH2O increments until Paw 45
10 breaths
13Study design
- Participant is sedated and paralysed for duration
of RM - PB 840 ventilator Vt 400-600 ml
- Pnuemotachometer to measure pressure flow
- (Hamilton Medical, Switzerland flow sensor)
- National Instruments USBB6009 and Labview Signal
Express to obtain measurements at 100Hz - (National Instruments, TX, USA)
- Analysis performed using MATLAB
- (The Mathworks, Natick, Mass, USA)
- Laptop (Dell)
14Model-based analysis
- Validated relevant recruitment model using single
compartment - Captures patient-specific fundamental lung
mechanics in real-time to identify - Constant lung elastance (E lung)
- Dynamic lung elastance (Edrs )
- Compliance 1/Elastance
15- Some scary maths on next side, look away if you
16Model-based analysis
Lung Component
Airway Component
Paw (t) Edrs (t)V (t) Rlung Q (t)
17Model-based PEEP selection
- During each breath Elung will fall if new lung
volume is recruited faster than the pressure
builds up ? RECRUITMENT - If little or no recruitment occurs Elung rises
with PEEP, because at that pressure level there
is no further recruitment recruited lung is now
beginning to stretch - Hence recruitment and potential lung injury can
be balanced by selecting PEEP at minimal Elung - Edrs allows this change to be seen within a
breath providing a more detailed view.
18Three approaches to PEEP selection
- Minimum Elung and Edrs
- Over all peep levels (and pressure for Edrs)
- Minimum Edrs Area.
- Integrating Edrs over each breath for each PEEP
level is more clinically relevant and is
proportional to WOB - Inflection Method
- The PEEP that corresponds to the point where
Edrs or E lung is 105-110 of the minimum as
the point of inflection where there are
diminishing returns
Patients Sex Age (year) Clinical Diagnostic P/F Ratio (mmHg) FiO2
1 F 61 Peritonitis, COPD 209 0.35
2 M 22 Trauma 170 0.50
3 M 55 Aspiration 223 0.35
4 M 88 Pneumonia, COPD 165 0.40
5 M 59 Pneumonia, COPD, CHF 285 0.40
6 M 69 Intra-abdominal sepsis, MOF 280 0.35
7 M 56 Legionnaires 265 0.55
8 F 54 Aspiration 303 0.40
9 M 37 H1N1, COPD 193 0.40
10 M 56 Legionnaires, COPD 237 0.35
APE Absolute Percent Fitting error
Similar results for Elung (APE 5.9 ) and Edrs
21Dynamic lung elastance Edrs vs. PEEP
Pt 6 (Abdominal sepsis, CHF)
Pt 2 (Trauma)
Pt 10 (Legionnaires, COPD0
Pt 8 (Aspiration)
22Constant lung elastance Elung vs. PEEP
Pt 2 (Trauma) Minimal Elastance PEEP
15cmH2O Inflection PEEP 69cmH2O
Pt 6 (Abdominal sepsis, CHF) Minimal Elastance
PEEP 15cmH2O Inflection PEEP 7.510cmH2O
Pt 8 (Aspiration) Minimal Elastance PEEP
25cmH2O Inflection PEEP 1218cmH2O
Pt 10 (Legionnaires, COPD) Minimal Elastance
PEEP 20cmH2O Inflection PEEP 1215cmH2O
Similar results for Edrs Area
23Response to PEEP in H1N1
24Low heterogeneity recruitment
PEEP (cmH2O) 5 10 15
Edrs (cmH2O/L) Median IQR 40.5 36.4-52.8 39.9 35.8-48.7 31.2 30.2-33.6
E drsArea (cmH2Os/L) 55.2 51.3 38.3
Elung (cmH2O/L) 39.1 38.2 31.1
- Reduced Edrs range with increased PEEP shows
improved heterogeneity
25Clinical vs. modelled Edrs Area (inflection) PEEP
Modelled PEEP
Clinical PEEP
Patient No.
PEEP (cmH2O)
- In all but one patient (pt 2), clinically-selected
PEEP was significantly less than a model-based
estimate using minimal elastance
- Uses a single compartment model, so results are
for the whole lung. Thus regional differences
are not detected - Patients required sedation/paralysis. Model
assumes pleural pressure 0, which may not
always be valid - Elung , Edrs are effective respiratory system
elastance values within these metrics are
unmeasurables such as regional resistances
within the lung - Requires validation in prospective clinical
27Summary (1)
- This model-based approach provides
patient-specific insight not easily directly
measurable - Method can be easily implemented with minimal
PEEP titrations. Currently PEEP is selected on
descending limb of RM - Obviates the need to use a one-size-fits-all
maximal recruitment technique, typically with
pressures up to 55cmH2O -
- Modest changes in PEEP will detect Edrs changes
- Can be used to trend changes in lung condition
28Summary (2)
- Current methods of PEEP selection poorly agree
with model-based results. This suggests nearly
all patients are sub-optimally ventilated, which
may significantly impact on outcomes - Results from large RCTs to date have not
optimised PEEP to minimal elastance and therefore
we may need to re-think the interpretation of
these findings- 6 ml/kg cannot be optimal for all
29Where are we going? What does the future hold?
30(No Transcript)
31Elastance changes following recruitment
Successful recruitment manoeuvre
Two unsuccessful recruitment manoeuvres
Elastance (cmH2O/L)
PEEP (cmH2O)
Time (mins)
Time (mins)
32Elastance trending
Improving condition
Worsening condition
Elastance decrease
Elastance (cmH2O/L)
PEEP (cmH2O)
Elastance (cmH2O/L)
Elastance increase
Time (mins)
Time (mins)
- Decreases in elastance over time means patient
condition is improving - Good PEEP selection
- Increases in elastance over time indicates
patient is derecruiting - PEEP change or recruitment maneuver may be needed
33dFRC Model Monitoring patient lung volume
1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
Recruited lung
Derecruited lung
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Airway pressure (cm H2O)
Picture (modified) sourced from UCSMT
34dFRC Model Monitoring patient lung volume
Patient condition constant, average dFRC constant
Volume (L)
Pressure cmH2O
Patient condition improving with more lung
Time (h)
35Clinical interface
Edrs following RM
- Yeong Shiong Chiew
- J Geoffrey Chase
- Ashwath Sundaresan
- Thomas Desaive
- Richard Fernando
- Laura Badcock
- Sarah Poole
- James Williams
- Intensive Care Staff Christchurch Hospital