STT 430/530, Nonparametric Statistics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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STT 430/530, Nonparametric Statistics


pairing data values (before-after, method1 vs. method2 on same subjects, subject is own control, etc.) often reduces variability and the analysis reduces to single ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: STT 430/530, Nonparametric Statistics

  • pairing data values (before-after, method1 vs.
    method2 on same subjects, subject is own control,
    etc.) often reduces variability and the analysis
    reduces to single sample methods.
  • but be careful about giving the same subject
    both treatments - if the treatments are drugs for
    example, what about residual effects of the first
    drug? how long does it take to completely leave
    the subject's system?
  • see the example data in Table 4.1.1 on page 110
    - both methods of estimating calorie intake are
    given to 5 subjects (though not mentioned, I
    would randomize the order of the method - i.e.,
    flip a coin to see which of the 2 methods is
    asked first.)
  • if there were no differences between the two
    methods, then the 2 calorie values could have
    come from either method, so the difference
    between the two could be either or - see
    Table 4.1.2 on page 111 - this lists all the
    possible /- differences in calories as estimated
    by the two methods (note there are 25 32
    (15101051) such permutations).
  • now use this table to perform a permutation
    test compare our observed mean difference with
    the distribution of all possible mean differences

  • When there are more than a few subjects, 2n
    becomes too large, so we'll do random sampling of
    signs of differences by randomly picking the sign
    (1 or -1) and multiplying it by the absolute
    value of the differences, then get the mean
    difference. Do this 5000 times and compare our
    observed mean difference to this permutation
  • HW (due next Tuesday) Do a permutation test
    (randomly selected permutations, not all
    217131,072 possible differences in signs!) for
    the data in Table 4.1.3 on page 112. Use R as
    we've been doing. HINT See section 4.1.2 to
    guide you through the process. Look at the
    function sample(c(-1,1),1,probc(.5,.5))
  • Instead of using the mean difference as the test
    statistic, we may use either S or S- , defined
    as the sum of the positive and negative
    differences, respectively.
  • Since
  • we see that either one of the sums may be
    used as the test statistic in place of the mean
    of the differences - you may also use one of the
    sums in your permutation test if you'd like to
  • Go over the formulas in section 4.1.3

  • Assuming no difference in treatments in this
    paired-comparison situation, lets find the means
    and variances of the permutation distributions of
    the important statistics in this context (they
    will tend to normality)
  • Let Ui /- 1 with probability .5 First show
    that E(Ui ) 0 and Var(Ui ) 1
  • Now
  • so
  • Now do similar computations of mean and variance
  • Thus for large samples we may use the normal
    approximations to the permutation distributions
    as in Example 4.1.2
  • HW Complete reading section 4.1 well begin
    section 4.2 next time...

  • One last note about this paired data procedure
  • We may use it to test hypotheses about the median
    of a symmetric population of measurements as
    follows... If Xi the ith observation in the
    sample from this population and if M is the
    hypothesized median, then if the null hypothesis
    is true, Di Xi M is equally likely to be
    positive or negative and so the Di s are
    symmetrically distributed around 0 so our paired
    data procedure may be used instead of the
    parametric one-sample t-test for example...
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