Title: Viruses
QAre they alive? AOnly when inside a living
McFadden, 862
2Are Viruses Alive?Life Traits in Viruses
- Organized recognizable shape and size
- contain complex molecules nucleic acids,
proteins - Replicate - no other life processes
- Change over time (mutate)
- Known since 1800s but too small
- to see until electron microscope
- discovered in 1930s
- Did you know? Viruses can be
- as small as 30 nm.
3Viral structure
Core is nucleic acid - DNA or RNA Capsid -
Protein coat surface markers proteins stick out
on surface
Starr, 317
Some have outer envelope made of host cell
membrane and viral proteins
4 What do they look like?
Bacteriophage Infects bacteria
Tobacco Mosaic Virus First one discovered
Adenovirus Causes colds and flu
5How are viruses classified?1) type of organism
infected (animal, plant, bacteria) 2) type of
nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)3) shape (geometric,
thread, rod)
Tulip colors caused by harmless virus
Starr,. 317
Ebola - thread-shape virus
6How do viruses reproduce?
- Viruses must
- be INSIDE living
- cells to reproduce.
- They take over the
- cell machinery to
- make more virus
- particles.
HIV virus entering cell
7Lytic Cycle
2. Viral DNA enters host cell
1. Virus attaches to host cell
3. Virus destroys host cell DNA
5. Host cell bursts new viruses infect more
4. Host cell makes new viruses
8 Lysogenic Cycle Some viruses have a dormant
1. Viral DNA blends into host DNA
2. When cell reproduces, so does viral DNA
3. Later, a cell message activates lytic cycle
9Enveloped Viruses
Some viruses wrap in a piece of host
cell membrane - viral proteins stick out through
the membrane
10How are RNA Viruses different?
- DNA or RNA controls protein synthesis
- In normal cells DNA contains code
- - code is written on RNA molecule
- - RNA goes to ribosome ? makes protei
- 2) DNA viruses ? enter cell? their code is
written on RNA ? make proteins - 3) RNA viruses ? make proteins
11What is a retrovirus?
- A retrovirus is a virus that can make DNA from
its RNA. This DNA blends into the host cell DNA
and changes it - Viral DNA later becomes active
- Did you know? AIDS
- is caused by a retrovirus.
12How a retrovirus changes host cell DNA
Reverse transcriptase enzyme makes DNA from RNA
13How do viruses spread?
- Viruses can be spread by
- air, water, food, insects
- other people (body fluids saliva, blood, semen)
- Some can stay dormant on contaminated surfaces
for decades!!!
14Bodys Defense against Disease
- 1st line of defense physical barriers
- - skin, mucous membranes, tears
- 2nd line Inflammation
- a. chemical messages
- b. White blood cells - phagocytes
- 3rd line Immune Response
- a. Antigens and antibodies
16B and T CellsSpecial kinds of white blood cells
- Lymphocytes - Mature in thymus gland and bone
marrow - B cells make antibodies
- Proteins, specific for each antigen (molecule on
invader) - Attach to antigen, makes destruction easier
17How antibodies work
18Other B and T cells
- Memory B cells - remember invader, so body can
react fast if this invader comes back again -
- Killer T cells destroy invaders
- Helper T cells label invaders for destruction
alert and coordinate immune response
19How do immune cells fight viruses?
20Killer T cells attack a cancer cell
21Role of Helper T cells
22Why HIV stops immunity
- HIV virus attacks helper T cells
- Without labeling by helper T cells, other immune
cells do not recognize pathogen as foreign - No response
23Some Human Disease Viruses
Chicken pox
24Fighting Viral Infections
Immunity resistance to an infection a) active
immunity immune system has responded to an
infection and remembers the invader ex.
Vaccinations, illnesses b) passive immunity -
defense cells and antibodies from another person
to resist a current infection ex.
Mother-to-fetus, serums, injections of
25Drugs that slow viral replication
- Antiviral drugs slow reproduction (ex. Tamiflu)
- Interferon protein made by viral-infected cells
- - sent to neighboring cells
- - interferes with viral reproduction
- 3) Antibiotics DO NOT work on a virus
- - virus hides inside a living cell
26Even Bacteria have defenses!
- Bacteria make Restriction Enzymes
- Cells infected with phage virus send distress
signals to nearby cells - These cells make enzymes that cut up viral DNA
Restricted cut at a specific sequence
27VaccinesMade from dead or weakened
virusPrimes immune system to recognize virus and
respond quickly 1798 Edward Jenner
smallpox 1884 Louis Pasteur rabies 1954
Jonas Salk polio, injected 1960 Albert Sabin
polio, oral
28Gene therapy using viruses
29SourcesSchraer and Stoltze, Biology, the Study
of Life, 7th ed., Prentice-Hall, 1999.Starr,
Cecie. Biology, concepts and Applications,5th
ed., Wadsworth Group,Belmont CA 2003.McFadden
and Keeton, Biology, An Exploration of Life, W.
W. Norton Co, New York, 1995. Big Picture
Book of Viruses http//www.virology.net/Big_Virolo