Title: Buck Scientific, Inc.
1Buck Scientific, Inc.
Spectroscopy Chromatography
Theory Principle of OPERATION
- Using a LIGHT SOURCE made from a Pure METAL
Solution can be determined by the ABSORBANCE of
this Light by Excited ATOMS of the same METAL
3Basic AA Theory
- There are THREE Primary Modes of measuring an
- Absorption
- Fluorescence
4Basic AA Theory
- While PLASMA EMISSION was also being
investigated at the same time, several companies
developed WORKING AAS instruments rapidly, within
2 years
5Basic AA Theory
The COMPLEX nature of Atomic FLUORESCENCE made it
difficult to FULLY develop as a working
Analytical technique for Quantitative Analytical
- ALL Analytical Spectrometers have several BASIC
design components in common -
- Light Source
- Sample Chamber
- Optical System
- Detector
- Output
7Basic AA Design
- The BASIC Instrument was developed back in 1947
as part of a U.S. Government Grant
8Basic AA Design
- First instruments were DIRECT Current, SINGLE
Beam designs - Next generation were ALTERNATING Current to try
to compensate for high Drift Instability - Final designs had to split the signal into a
DOUBLE Beam path to fully correct for Noise,
Drift Errors
9Basic AA Design
- Light Source
- Buck lamps have the highest output (energy) at
the lowest current for best stability and
lifetime - Amp-hours will determine HCL operating life
Lamp Power effects on Line Signal quality
10Basic AA Design
- BUCK Scientific manufactures its OWN
Hollow-Cathode Lamps to provide the BEST possible
Energy to achieve the highest Sensitivity and
Reproducible Sample Data
11Basic AA Design
- SAMPLE chamber to deliver the Solution is made
12Basic AA Design
- BURNER HEAD uses Dynamic Impact-Bead NEBULIZER
for maximum Sample Aerosol delivery to Flame for
ALL types of Solutions (high salt, organic)
13Basic AA Design
- OPTICAL SYSTEM for the BUCK AAS consists of a
compact, med-high Resolution, SINGLE-BEAM, 1/4M
Ebert Monochromator with variable Slits to
maximize separation of Resonance Lines that come
from the Hollow-Cathode Lamps
14Basic AA Design
- Adjustable SLITS are used to increase the
Resolution / Separation of HCL signals from
Metals with rich Spectra (many lines) such as
Fe, Ni, Mn Co
15Basic AA Design
- The DETECTOR used to measure the Absorbance
SIGNAL is a high-Gain / low-Noise
Photo-Multiplier Tube (PMT) that is OPTIMIZED for
the UV region
16Basic AA Design
- DATA OUTPUT can be read directly from the
Graphics LCD, sent to a Printer or be transferred
to a Computer as an ASCII file to process in
Excel, Lotus, etc.
17BUCK AA Hardware
- The features of high-energy, compactness
economy developed into the 210-series AAS
18BUCK AA Hardware
- 3-Lamp Turret with Self-Aligning Lamps, high
Safety Auto-Gas Box Ignition...
precision Wavelength and Slit adjustments for
Rapid, Simple Reliable analyses
low-cost manual controls...
19AA Techniques
- There are several MODES of Analysis for Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy - Flame AAS
- Graphite Furnace AAS
- Hydride Generation AAS
- Cold-Vapor Mercury AAS
20AA Techniques
- Air-Acetylene (1800oC) or Nitrous Oxide
(2300oC) Flames allow the determination of most
Metals with high-PPB / low-PPM Detection Limits
21AA Techniques
- GRAPHITE FURNACE uses extremely SMALL sample
volumes (20µL), then runs a Temperature PROGRAM
to DRY any liquid, then CHAR or ASH away any
organic or matrix, then ATOMIZE the Analyte for
PPB levels
22AA Techniques
- GFAAS requires a source of Cooling Water and
Argon Gas to operate
The BUCK 220-GF used a proprietary
high-frequency, back-mounted Power Supply for
maximum Efficiency
23AA Techniques
- For Environmental work, the low-level HYDRIDE
GENERATION method is excellent for some Metals
such as As, Se, Sb and occassionally Bi, Ge
Sn. A carefully controlled Reaction with a
STRONG Reducing Agent is used.
Hydride Generation Reaction
24AA Techniques
- The Metal, MERCURY, has the unique ability to
ABSORB light in the Vapor state at ROOM
Temperature. Since it does not require any HEAT
to generate an ABS signal, this method is called
COLD-VAPOR or Flameless AAS
25BACKGROUND Correction
- In AAS, there are several types of INTERFERENCES
that can affect the Accuracy and Precision of the
Data due to various effects on the Metal or the
26BACKGROUND Correction
- SPECTRAL Interferences are addressed by using a
good quality HCL. - PHYSICAL effects are corrected by using proper
Sample Preparation. - CHEMICAL errors are minimized by using Matrix
Modifiers and Reagents
27BACKGROUND Correction
- IONIZATION can be reduced by adding a Buffer to
the Solutions. - Non-Specific absorbances, or NSA, are due to the
BACKGROUND signal from the Sample matrix, and are
corrected using a DEUTERIUM D2 Lamp
28BACKGROUND Correction D2
ABSORBANCE signals for Elements are Narrow
Sharp while signals from BACKGROUND radiation is
Broad. A DEUTERIUM Lamp is used to ISOLATE
Background signals.
HCL generates a narrow band radiation, that
sees BOTH Element-Specific AND Background
Non-Specific Absorbances
D2 Lamp creates a continuum of BROAD band
radiation, that ONLY sees other BROAD band
signals, such as BACKGROUND
29BKG Correction VGP
- For any Analytical wavelengths outside the
180-400nm. Range for the D2 Lamp, Variable GIANT
PULSE Correction will work for many applications
Pb-283nm. _at_ 5mA
Low CURRENTS for Analytical Measurements create a
narrow band source of radiation
Pb-283nm. _at_500mA
High CURRENTS (gt500mA) are used to form the GIANT
PULSE as a broad, wide band to make it SIMILAR
to the D2 Continuum for reading ONLY signals from
30BACKGROUND Correction
- Passing the HCL Beam through a D2 Lamp plasma
coil allows the Analysis of Trace Metals in
Complex Samples such as Cadmium in Fertilizers
without the high levels of Light LOSS from
Sample PREPARATION Applications
- Careful techniques must be used to Collect,
Preserve and then PREPARE the Sample so it can be
run on the AAS Instrument. - This is an OVERVIEW of the Common method for
Sample Preparation
- Samples MUST be in the form of a clear,
particle-free Solution - These Solutions can be based on an Aqueous
(water) or Organic (solvent) matrix - Calibration materials (Blank and Standards) must
be prepared with the SAME procedures as the
- Some of the common procedures for AAS
- Open Beaker Acid Digestion
- Closed Vessel Pressure Digestion
- Soxhlet Solvent Extraction
- Muffle-Furnace Ashing
- Sonication
- Centrifugation
- Simple Filtration
- For the highest Accuracy in the Analysis, it is
important to use Lab-ware that is Calibrated and
Certified! -
- Balances and Pipets are the major sources of
Analytical error in AAS work
- A reliable source of Pure WATER is very important
for doing low-level Trace Analysis, such as GFAAS
work. - A bad Blank can cause as much as a 50 error!!
36Calibration Equipment
- The proper STORAGE containers should be used to
minimize any LOSS of the Sample METALS or
Contamination from the Environment
37Calibration Equipment
- STANDARD Solutions for Calibration of all Atomic
Absorption instrumentation should be NIST/NBS or
ISO / IUPAC Certified for true Accuracy
- 50 Metallic Elements of the Periodic Table can
be determined by Flame or Furnace AAS from the
0.0001 to 100 concentrations
39APPNOTE - Environmental
- SAMPLE Factory Effluent / Discharge
- PREPARATION Digest w/ 100ml. W/ 10ml. HNO3
boil down to 100ml. filter and run directly (no
dilution factor) - ANALYSIS Air- Nitrous Flames w/
- 2-point Calibration
RESULTS mg/L or PPM in Sample
40APPNOTE - Environmental
- ELEMENT Original Treated
- As Hyd 85 PPB 17 PPB
- Cr6 Air 3.7 PPM 0.55 PPM
- Ag Air 212 PPB lt 10 PPB
- Pb GFAA 1.9 PPM 0.05 PPM
- Ba N2O 450 PPM lt 50 PPM
- AAS can monitor the Pollution in any Water, and
any Treatment. Meets ALL USEPA requirements.
41APPNOTE - Metallurgical
- SAMPLE Automotive Parts Plating
- PREPARATION Simple 120 and 1500 dilution of
Plating Bath w/ DI Water - ANALYSIS Air- Nitrous Flames w/
- 1-point Calibration
RESULTS Percent (v/v) or mg/L (PPM) in the Bath
42APPNOTE - Metallurgical
- Element New Bath Old Bath
- Cu (acid) 1.72 1.29 -
- Zn (alkali) 0.35 0.42
- Ag (cyanide) 1250 PPM 490 PPM --
- Cr (acid 6) 0.60 0.57 OK
- Ni (sulfamate) 4800 PPM 3870 PPM -
- AAS can be used for both the MAJOR MINOR Bath
components, contamination build-up and for
Discharge Monitoring to avoid penalties
43APPNOTE - Agricultural
- SAMPLE Rice / Corn Fertilizer Plants
- PREPARATION 1100 dilution of Fertilizer.
Digest 2 gram wet Plant w/ 15ml HNO35ml
H2SO42ml 30 H2O2 - ANALYSIS Air-Flames w/ 1-pt CAL
RESULTS PPM in both Samples, look at metal
RATIO in Plant
44APPNOTE - Agricultural
Element Fertilizer Rice Corn Magnesium
0.15 47 PPM 280 PPM Potassium 1.15 195
PPM 2250 PPM RATIO 7.7 4.2 - 8.0
OK Copper 65 PPM 12 PPM 39 PPM Molybdenum
15 PPM 3.1 PPM 14.6 PPM RATIO 0.23
0.25 OK 0.37 AAS D2 correction gives
the BEST Accuracy for Trace Minerals in these
Complex Samples