Hitler comes to power - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hitler comes to power


... party will address them How Hitler becomes the Leader of Germany In June of 1932 Hindenburg ... without consent of the Reichstag, allow Hitler to make any ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hitler comes to power

Hitler comes to power
  • The early 1930s witnessed the worst economic
    conditions of the 20th century. In a period of
    only 4 years the Nazis went from a small party of
    extremists to holding absolute power within
  • What is your definition of a depression
    (Economically speaking)
  • Why does a depression cause a rise in hatred?
  • Does this still happen today?
  • Did you know? Hitler hated the Reichstag building
    and never used it. Instead the German parliament
    met across the street at the Knoll Opera House

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The Great Depression
  • The Great Depression hit by 1929. Unemployment
    skyrocketed, people lost their homes, farms, and
    investments. Even those with jobs had to take pay
  • People now began to listen to the Nazis. There
    were plenty of disillusioned people in every
    social class. Hitler promised help for farmers,
    jobs for factory workers, a better future for
    white collar workers, and anti-communist programs
    for the rich.
  • Membership in the Nazi party exploded from 27,000
    to 178,000 by 1930. In September a new Reichstag
    election was held and the Nazis exceeded even
    Hitlers expectations.

Look at the past elections, What other party
made gains in this election? What similarities do
they have with the Nazis?
In addition to good economic times, the Nazis
also lacked an issue. Speeches about the
November Criminals and the Treaty of Versailles
could only go so far.
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(No Transcript)
Presidential Election of 1932
  • Despite being 85 years old Hindenburg was
    persuaded to run for a second term as president
    because many thought he was the only person who
    could beat Hitler. Hitler went on a huge campaign
    trail that was dubbed Hitler over Germany,
    visiting many cities and making speeches to
    crowds as high as 120,000. Despite the effort
    Hindenburg still won, a majority of Germans were
    still unwilling to vote for the Nazis.

Hard Times Return Activity Directions
  • All Groups Read the Social Democrat, Communist,
    and Nazi Party Platforms Summarize each Partys
  • Read the selection of each person and answer the
    following questions.
  • What party would this person vote for?
  • Justify your choice by identifying particular
    grievances and explaining how each party will
    address them

How Hitler becomes the Leader of Germany
  • In June of 1932 Hindenburg appointed a man named
    Franz Von Papen to be the new Chancellor of
    Germany. Von Papen called for new elections to be
    held. During this time the effects of the
    depression kept getting worse.
  • Von Papen had good intentions but was an
    ineffective administrator, as a result his time
    in office was only 5 months.

After this election Hitler demanded to be named
Chancellor but President Hindenburg refused. The
Nazis made it impossible for the government to
run effectively and Von Papen resigned, being
replaced by General Kurt Von Schleicher.
  • Kurt Von Schleicher was a longtime and
    influential aid to President Hindenburg. Due to
    this he made many enemies who grew frustrated
    over his power over Hindenburg, and few trusted
    him. Von Papen blamed him for his downfall as
  • Schleicher believed he could divide the Nazi
    party and put an end to Hitler. Greggor Strasser
    was a high ranking Nazi who differed from Hitler
    on core objectives and was asked by Schleicher to
    become Vice-Chancellor. Upon hearing this Hitler
    flew into a rage and forced him to resign.
  • Very quickly everyone realized that Schliechers
    policies were not going to work.

  • Von Papen wanted to get even with Schleicher and
    also thought he could control Hitler. He met with
    Hitler and proposed leading a new government with
    Hitler as chancellor and himself as
    Vice-Chancellor and most of the cabinet being
    non-Nazis. Hindenburg agreed and on January 30,
    1933 Hitler become chancellor. The Third Reich
    was born
  • Hitlers First Step was to establish a
    dictatorship and wipe out all other political

Ludendorff wrote a letter to Hindenburg that
said, I predict most solemnly that this man will
die in incredible misery. Coming generations
will curse you for naming him chancellor.
Hitler Destroys Democracy and becomes Dictator
  • In February 1933 the Reichstag building burned
    down. A Dutch communist was arrested and charged
    with the crime. Hitler lashed out at Communists
    and had all the Communist members of the
    Reichstag arrested. He also arrested many of his
    political opponents and sent more than 27,000 of
    them to concentration camps. The first camp,
    Dachau, opens near Munich in March.

As you can imagine it was the Nazis themselves
who burnt the building, using a tunnel between
Goering's house and the Reichstag to sneak inside.
The Enabling Act
  • In order to support his war against communism
    Hitler demanded broad dictatorial powers which he
    called the Enabling Act.
  • The Enabling Act allowed laws to be passed
    without consent of the Reichstag, allow Hitler to
    make any change to the constitution, and the
    right for Hitler to suspend all civil liberties.
    All members of the Social Democrat party went
    against the bill, but intimidation leads to its
  • By July 1933 The Nazis were able to abolish all
    rival political parties. Hitler was also able to
    replace most of the non-Nazi members of his
    cabinet with loyal Nazis.

All the members of the Communist party couldnt
vote because the SS had sent them to
concentration camps.
The Downfall of the SA
  • The SA grew rapidly because they gave the
    unemployed some purpose and a sense of
    self-respect. Street fighting with communist and
    other political armed groups became common. The
    SA intentionally would start large brawls at
    opposition rallies. In addition they would pull
    fire alarms, send death threats, and even drop
    mice and snakes down women's dresses to cause
    confusion. Membership soared to more than 3
    Million by 1932.

How big was the Army in Weimar Germany? The
army, rightfully so, feared the power of the SA.
Horst Wessel
  • There were also very serious problems with the
    SA. Many of its members took the Socialist part
    of the party seriously and wanted to start a
    social revolution in Germany, as well as replace
    the official German army with the SA, two things
    Hitler had no intention of doing. He needed the
    Army to fight future wars, and he needed the rich
    industrialists to supply his army.
  • Once in power Hitler had to choose between the SA
    and the army, he chose the latter.

One time the SA even went on strike and Joseph
Goebbels had to get police protection. Only after
Hitler made a tearful speech to them did they
return to work.
The Night of Long Knives
  • Hitler needed to show the Army and the
    industrialists that the SA would not pose any
    threat to them. On June 30, 1934, in what became
    known as the Night of Long Knives, Hitler had
    more than 1000 SA leaders arrested and shot,
    effectively eliminating any threat to Hitlers
    power. Ernst Rohm was shot by the SS after
    refusing to take his own life. From this point on
    the SA will play no major role in Nazi Germany
    and will be totally overshadowed by the SS.
  • Hitler also eliminated others including Von
    Schleicher and Gustav Von Khar, the former ruler
    of Bavaria who betrayed him during the Beer Hall
  • On August 2, 1934 Hindenburg dies and Hitler
    combines the office of chancellor and President
    together, becoming the sole ruler of Germany.
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