Title: SATURN:
1SATURN A double-blind, randomized, phase III
study of maintenance erlotinib versus placebo
following non-progression with 1st-line
platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with
advanced NSCLC
2Rationale for Investigating Erlotinib In
Maintenance Setting
Adapted from 1Ciuleanu et al, 2008 2Fidias et
al, 2009 3Shepherd et al, 2005 4Gatzemeier et
al, 2007.
3SATURN Study Design
Cisplatin/paclitaxel cisplatin/gemcitabine
cisplatin/docetaxel cisplatin/vinorelbine
carboplatin/gemcitabine carboplatin/docetaxel
4Statistical Analyses
5Baseline Characteristics
6PFS All Patients (ITT)
PFS is measured from time of randomisation into
the maintenance phase assessments were every 6
weeks ITTintent-to-treat population
7PFS EGFR IHC Tumours (co-primary end point)
PFS is measured from time of randomisation into
the maintenance phase assessments were every 6
8PFS Primary Analysis (ITT)
9Best Overall Response
Stable disease 6 weeks.
10Disease Control Rate 12 Weeks
CR PR SD 12 weeks.
11Subgroup Analysis of PFS
12PFS According to Histology
13PFS in EGFR Wild-type Tumours
14PFS in EGFR Mutation tumours
60 censored
15Summary of Safety Data
16Post-study Treatment