Title: Spatio-Temporal Predicates
1Spatio-Temporal Predicates
Martin Erwig and Markus Schneider IEEE
Presented by Mamadou Hassimiou Diallo
- Challenges
- Dealing with large collections of relatively
simple geometric objects - Modeling, storing, querying spatio-temporal
objects - ExampleDatabase information about the flights
of airplanes and about weather conditionsQuery
whether an airplane crossed a certain storm - Focus
- Nature and formal definition of spatio-temporal
relationships gt Spatio-temporal predicates - Spatio-temporal predicates describe developments
of spatial topological relationships - Approach
- Integrates the two-dimensional topological
relationships and the change of spatial
information over time - Framework Spatio-temporal predicates obtained by
temporal aggregation of elementary spatial
predicates and sequential composition
3Foundations Basic and Spatial Data Types
- Formal definition
- Based on point set
- Used for storing, retrieving, manipulating, and
querying spatial objects - Data types
- Undefined
- Boolean
- Points elements of the Euclidean plane
- Lines two-dimensional curves
- Regions point sets with a two-dimensional extent
and are bounded by lines
4Foundations Basic and Spatial Data Types
- Problem
- Modeling regions as arbitrary point sets
- Can result in undesired geometric anomalies
- Solution
- Point set topology regularization process
- Point set topology point set different parts
- Point set A
- Parts
- Boundary interior closure Not(A)
- interior eliminate dangling points, dangling
lines, and boundary parts - closure eliminate cuts and punctures
- Regularity a point set is regular closed if
- Regularization function
- Regions type
5Foundations Topological Predicates
- Spatial data modeling and reasoning
- Topological predicates between spatial objects in
the two-dimensional space - 9 possible intersections of boundary interior,
and exterior - Matrix for evaluating two dimensional spaces A
and B - 29 512 different configurations
- 8 meaningful configurations
6Foundations Topological Predicates
7Foundations Topological Predicates
8Foundations Spatio-Temporal Data Types
- Definition
- continuous model of time time R
- temporal function t(a) time ---gt a (all total
functions from time a) - Algebraic model
- Moving points t(point), evolving lines t(lines),
evolving regions t(region) - Focus moving points and evolving regions
- Temporal lifting
- Flat functions -----gt temporal functions
- Flat function f a1 xx an ------gt ß
- Lifted function ?f t(a1) x x t(an) ------gt
t(ß) - Example
- Distance ?distance
- distance (point) x (region) -----gt real
- Distance t(point) x t(region) -----gt t(real)
9Spatio-Temporal Predicates Nature
- Definition
- Predicates can be used to express facts (true or
false) - spatial predicate function spatial objects
-----gt boolean - temporally lifted spatial predicate function
spatio-temporal objects -----gt temporal Booleans - A spatio-temporal predicate is a function of type
t(a) x t(ß) ---gt ? for a, ß in point, region - Examples
- inside point x region ---gt bool (Yields true,
undefined, false) - ? inside Point x Region ---gt Bool (Yields true,
undefined, false) - Always-inside true iff î inside true for all
times - this definition is a bit problematic
10Spatio-Temporal Predicates Temporal Aggregation
- Universal and existential aggregation
- Operator spatial predicate -----gt
spatio-temporal predicate - (a x ß ---gt bool) -----gt (t(a) x t(ß) ---gt B)
- Existential quantification semantic is true iff
p is true for the values of S1 and S2 at some
time - lambda-notation
- Universal quantification semanticdepends on
time, t1 U t2, t1, t2, t1 ? t2 - Creation Operators
- spatio-temporal predicates from spatial
predicates - arrowhead indicates which object's lifetime
11Spatio-Temporal Predicates Basic Spatio-Temporal
- Can be defined by temporal lifting and
aggregation - Default expected aggregation behavior (universal
quantifier) - Relaxing symmetric definitions for Meet and
Overlap - Predicate that yields true for two arbitrary
spatio-temporal objects
12Spatio-Temporal Predicates Developments
- Developments
- Sequences of spatio-temporal predicates
- Example A moving point P is located at time t1
outside of an evolving region R and changes
(continuously) its location - If P, at time t3, is inside of R ----gt P enters R
- If P, at some time t5, is again outside of R
----gt P crosses R - P is located on the border of R at some time t2
and at some time t4 - Table Development of P
- Observations
13Spatio-Temporal Predicates Development
- Observation
- developments of objects a need to restrict the
validity of spatio-temporal predicates to
intervals - Definition Predicate Constriction
- Let P be a spatio-temporal predicate, and let I
be a (half-) open or closed interval. Then, - Example Inside (P, R) is false, Inside (P, R) is
false - Two classes of predicates
14Spatio-Temporal Predicates Development
- Combination operations
- from defines a spatio-temporal predicate that
for some time t0 checks p and then enforces P for
all t gt t0 - until P must hold until p is true at some time
t0 - then is true if there is some time point t0 when
p is true so that P holds before and Q holds
after t0 - Definition Temporal Composition
- Let p be a spatial predicate, and let P and Q be
spatio-temporal predicates. Then, - Example
16Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling
- Spatio-Temporal Objects
- Examples
- flight of an airplane, the migration of whales,
the raging of a storm, or the spreading of a fire
region - Characteristic features spatial entities
changing over time continuously - Changes motion, shrinking, growing, shape
transformation, splitting, merging, disappearing,
or reappearing of spatio-temporal objects - Temporal changes modifications of mutual
topological relationships over time - disjoint, intersect