Title: Transformation Lab
1Transformation Lab Student Instructions
2Student Instructions Step 1
- Remove two tubes from the ice bucket.
- Label one B1 and the second "B2."
3Student Instructions Step 2
- Finger flick both tubes to resuspend the cells.
- Open the tube labeled "B1" and use a sterile
pipette to add one drop of the solution from tube
"P." Close the tube. Add nothing to tube "B2."
4Student Instructions Step 3
- Place the tubes in ice for 15 minutes.
5Student Instructions Step 4
- Remove the tubes from the ice and immediately
hold them in a 42 C water bath for 90 seconds. - Place tubes directly back into the ice bucket for
1 minute.
6Student Instructions Step 5
- Use a sterile pipette to add 5 drops of sterile
LB nutrient broth to each of the tubes. Close the
7Student Instructions Step 6
- Allow cell recovery by placing the tubes in a 37
C water bath for 20-60 minutes.
8Student Instructions Step 7
- Label the underside of the four petri dishes with
your groups name. On one "Amp" plate, print
"B1" and on the second "Amp" plate, print "B2." - Use the same labeling scheme to label the two
"No Amp" plates.
9Student Instructions Step 8
- Use a fresh sterile pipette to place 3 drops of
cell suspension from the tube labeled "B1" onto
the center of a petri dish labeled "Amp/B1" and 3
drops to the center of a dish labeled "NoAmp/B1."
10Student Instructions Step 9
- Use a second fresh sterile pipette to place 3
drops of cell suspension from the tube labeled
"B2" onto the center of a petri dish labeled
11Student Instructions Step 10
- Use a fresh sterile paper clip to spread the
liquid evenly across the surface of each plate.
Do not touch the part of the paper clip that
comes in contact with the agar.
12Student Instructions Step 11
- You can use one paper clip to spread both plates
with "B1" solution and one paper clip to spread
both plates with "B2" solution.
13Student Instructions Step 12
- Incubate the plates (agar down) for 2 hours and
then invert (agar up) for the next 24-36 hours in
a 37 C incubator.
14Student Instructions Lab Results