4UI Orwell Essay - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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4UI Orwell Essay


4UI Orwell Essay An Exemplar Introduction Language is art. The author is the artist and the reader interprets the art. Diction and syntax weave a canvas for the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 4UI Orwell Essay

4UI Orwell Essay
  • An Exemplar

  • Language is art. The author is the artist and
    the reader interprets the art. Diction and
    syntax weave a canvas for the mental images the
    author displays to the reader. Clarity and
    precision give structure to the masterpiece,
    while metaphors, vigorous verbs and colourful
    adjectives in the art allow the reader to create
    an individual interpretation. Ideally, political
    writing should model this art if it lacks colour
    and creativity, it should, at least, be clear and
    precise. Realistically, political writing, when
    analyzed, shows good and bad qualities. Bad
    political writing confuses and bores the reader
    with jargon and redundancies good political
    writing, on the other hand, with vivid
    adjectives, forceful verbs and effective sound
    devices like assonance, alliteration and
    onomatopoeia, drives the reader to emotion
    through the mental images it creates.

Body Paragraph 1
  • First, bad political writing is polluted with
    jargon and redundancies that make the meaning
    unclear and the reader uninterested. After
    meeting in Munich with Hitler in 1938, Nevill
    Chamberlain gives a statement
  • We are resolved that the method of consultation
    shall be the method adopted to deal with any
    other questions that may concern our two
    countries, and we are determined to continue our
    efforts to remove possible sources of difference.
  • Chamberlains statement is ambiguous the reader
    is confused at the outcome of the political
    meeting. The writing is littered with jargon.
    Wordy expressions such as, We are resolved and
    the method of consultation are vague and
    imprecise. Chamberlains pledges to deal with
    any other questions and to continue our
    efforts are abstract and inactive. Phrased
    economically, his statement could be replaced
    with, We will answer any questions and cooperate
    with Germany. One of George Orwells six rules
    for good writing, If it is possible to cut a
    word out, always cut it out, supports this

Body Paragraph 1 contd.
  • Furthermore, his writing is redundant, and
    therefore, indirect. Chamberlains phrase, the
    method shall be the method adopted to deal with
    any other questions, reeks of dignity and
    importance, but is repetitive and without precise
    meaning. As a result, the reader feels detached
    from his statement. Perhaps Chamberlains intent
    is to keep the meetings results and his position
    to himself. Bad political writing, saturated
    with jargon and redundancies, is dull and

Body Paragraph 2
  • In contrast, the vigorous verbs, adjectives and
    effective sound devices, like assonance,
    alliteration and onomatopoeia, of powerful
    political writing awaken an emotional response
    from the recipients. In his acceptance address
    for the Sylvanus Thayer Award, delivered May 12,
    1962, General Douglas MacArthur draws the
    audience into the horrid reality of war through
    his strong language. The listener visualizes the
  • bending under soggy packs, on many a weary
    march from dripping dusk to drizzling dawn,
    slogging ankle-deep through the mire of
    shell-shocked roads, to form grimly for the
    attack, blue-lipped, covered with sludge and
    mud, chilled by the wind and rain, driving home
    to their objective.
  • MacArthur personalizes the war for each audience
    member with verbs like slogging and chilled,
    the audience can imagine themselves in the midst
    of war, victim to the blustery weather and pawns
    in a political game.

Body Paragraph 2 contd.
  • They experience the cruelty of war with
    shell-shocked roads and soldiers that are
    blue-lipped and bitter cold. MacArthurs
    diction is intentional each vibrant adjective is
    deliberately chosen and placed. His language is
    powerful. Furthermore, phrases like dripping
    dusk and drizzling dawn, examples of
    alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia, make
    the battlefield come alive to the listeners.
    Their emotions unit with MacArthurs words as he
    exposes them to the inhumane nature of war. The
    powerful, well-chosen words of a seasoned army
    general recreate the harsh reality of a wartime
    world that is unknown to most people. The
    effective sound devices and vibrant verbs of good
    political writing capture the hearts and minds of
    the recipients.

  • In conclusion, strong and inventive political
    writing, with properly chosen verbs and
    adjectives and effective sound devices, lures the
    listeners or readers emotions to the authors
    words on the contrary, the lifeless jargon of
    bad political writing is perplexing and dull,
    creating a chasm between the authors meaning and
    the readers comprehension. George Orwell, in
    his essay, Politics and the English Language,
    thinks of language as an instrument for
    expressing and not for concealing or preventing
    thought. Language should open, not lock, the
    door to communication. The use of language is an
    art the artist can paint muddled and blotted
    pictures or a clear and beautiful masterpiece.
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