Title: Part 2: Introduction to scaling in precipitation and hydrology
1Part 2 Introduction to scaling in precipitation
and hydrology
S. Lovejoy, Physics, McGill
D. Schertzer, ENPC, Paris
Dam Safety Interest Group, Experts meeting 9
November, 2004
- Fractal Sets, dimensions
- Co-dimensions
- Spectra
- Examples from hydrology
- Nonclassical Probability distributions
3Some Classical Fractal sets and their dimension
- Cantor set
- Cantor square
- Devils staircase
- Koch snowflake
- Sierpinski Triangle
- Sierpinski Pyramid
- Peano curve
4Cantor set
and let us iterate
5Koch snowflake
and let us iterate
6Fractal Dimension
- take advantage of self-similarity.
- a 1-dimensional line segment with the
magnification of 2, yields 2 identical line
segments, - a 2-dimensional (e.g.square or a triangle), with
the magnification of 2, yields 4 identical
shapes, - a 3-dimensional cube, magnify it 2 times. you
will get 8 identical cubes,
7Fractal Dimension (2)
- Lets use a variable D for dimension, l for
magnification, and N(l) for the number of
identical shapes - D
- N l
- Or
- D log N / log l
8First Examples
D log N / log l log 2 / log 3 0.63
-Koch Snowflake
D log N / log l log 4 / log 3 1.26.
9 Rain Fall Events
- Daily Rain Fall Events in Dedougou (SW
Africa)1922-1966 - Each line is a different year,
- eachblack point a rainy day.
- Cantor-like set
- Dlog(7)/log(12)
- i.e. divide into 12 parts keep only 7..
- (Hubert et Carbonnel, 1990)
10Cantor Square
D log 4/ log 31.26
- Isotropic Cascade. The left hand side shows an
non-intermittent (homogeneous) cascade, the
right hand side shows how intermittency which can
be modeled by assuming that sub-eddies are either
alive or dead (b-model).
- The b-model for l  2, C 0.2.
- the set of the surviving active regions has a
dimension equal to D 2-C 1.8. - the cascade process is iterated an in?nite number
of times, here it is followed for only four
generations on a 256Â Â 256 point grid, - Novikov and Steward (1963), Mandelbrot (1974),
Frisch et al (1978)
13Sierpinski Triangle
14Sierpinski Triangle (2)
15Sierpinski Pyramid
10 th iteration
D log 4/ log 2 But DT 1
16Topological Dimension
- Definition
- the empty set Ø has topological dimension -1.
- the topological dimension of a set is DT if and
only if you can disconnect it (by cutting it) by
taking out a subset of topological dimension
DT-1. - Classical examples
- isolated point(s) DT 0 can be cut only by Ø
- lines DT 1 can be cut by an isolated point
- Surfaces DT 2 can be cut by a line.
- indeed a topological invariant, i.e. invariant
under 11 and bicontinuous transformations.
17Peano Curve
Dlog 9 / log 3 2 i.e. it is a plane filling
A model of hydraulic network, From Steinhaus 1962
18Geometric Method
- The similarity method is great for a fractal
composed of a certain number of identical
versions of itself - A way out graph log(size) against
log(magnification), - details add additional irregularities, which add
to the measurement. - Fractal dimension slope
Cloud perimeters over 5 decades yield D1.35
(Lovejoy, 1982)
19Isotropic Scale Invariance and fractal sets
Dscale invariant
20Box Counting Dimension
Defined as the scaling exponent of the number
of (nearly) disjoint boxes necessary to cover A
- Sketch of the lava flow field from Etna
(1900-1974) using box-counting technique - resolution is decreased by factors of 2 at each
step. The finest resolution was 43 m. - From Gaonac'h et al (1992).
Better understood as a crude approximation of
the Hausdorff dimension
21Are classical geostatistics Applicable to rain?
Test using functional box counting
-Classical geostatistics D(T)2 -Monofractal
D(T)const lt2 , -Multifractal D(T)lt2,
decreasing function
A) the ?eld is shown with two isolines that have
thresholds values the box size is unity. In B),
C) and D), we cover areas whose value exceeds by
boxes that decrease in size by factors of two.
In E), F) and G) the same degradation in
resolution is applied to the set exceeding the
22Functional Box counting on 3D radar rain scans
Classical geostatistics
Log10 N(L)
Vertical and horizontal
Log10 L
reflectivity thresholds increasing (top to
bottom) by factors of 2.5 (dat from Montreal).
Science Lovejoy, Schertzer and Tsonis 1987
23Functional box counting on French topography 1
Slope 2 (required for classical geostatistics
-regularity of Lebesgue measures)
Multifractal slopes vary with threshold
Systematic resolution dependence
N(L) number of covering boxes for exceedance
sets at various altitudes. The dimensions d
increase from 0.84 (3600m) to 1.92 (at 100m).
Lovejoy and Schertzer 1990
24Fractal Codimension
- Geometric definition
- natural extension of vector subspace codimension
- If the set is A included in E (embedding space)
D(A)dim(A)lt dim(E)d - Geometrical codimension Cg (A)d-D(A)
- As a consequence Cg is bounded
- OCg (A)d
Ex. In 3D space (dim(E)3), the codimension of a
line (dim(A)1) is Cg3-12
25Fractal Codimension (2)
- stochastic processes
- Probability of events, not the number of
occurences - Statistical definition
- Codimension scaling exponent of the probability
that a -dimensional ball of resolution l
covers/intersects A
Example of the Cantor Set
26Fractal Codimension (3)
- Relating the two definitions
bounded codimension
Unbounded codimension
 latent dimension paradox, in fact a
statistical exponent !
27Meteorological measuring network
Fractal set each point is a station
9962 stations (WMO)
28The fractal dimension of the network 1.75
L et al 86
29Intersection Theorem
a trivial consequence of
no trivial results for geometrical codimensions !
then the intersection is almost surely empty
Consequence if
Ex. Sparse but violent regions of storms - no
matter how large - with Dlt0.25 cannot be
detected by the global network
30Energy Spectra
31Correlation functions, structure functions
32Spectral densities
in 1-D "spectral density" (e.g. time) is defined
in D dimensions (e.g. space)
33The(isotropic) spectrum
In 1-D
In D dimensions
34Wiener-Khintchin Theorem
This is the "Wiener Khintchin theorem" which
relates the spectral density to autocorrelation
function of a stationary process.
35Tauberian theorem
Fourier scaling
Structure function scaling
Note this is valid for 1lt?lt3 (0H1) for S(?),
1lt? (Hlt0) for R(?).
36Spectra in hydrology
37f295, 11293 drops
38The angle averaged drop spectra5 storms, 18
Corrsin-Obukov passive scalar theory
White noise (standard theory)
Top f142, 2nd f145, 3rdf295, 4thf229,
5thf207 thick line has theoretical slope -2-5/3
39Temporal Scaling of radar rain reflectivities
Temporal spectrum of the radar reflection from a
single 30X27X37m pulse volume at 1km altitude. w
is in Hz.
(Duncan 1993)
40Hourly Rainfall
Synoptic maximum
Log10 Energy
Log10 frequency (hr-1)
11 Years of hourly rainfall in Assink. De Lima
41Temporal scaling and the Synoptic maximum
Average daily river flow and rain for 30 French
stations (catchmentslt 200km2).
16 days  synoptic maximum the lifetime of
planetary size structures.
11 years
2 days
Tessier, Lovejoy, Schertzer, 1996
42Spectra of rivers from 1 day to 70 years
a Mississippi bSusquahana cArkansas d
Osage eColorado fMcCloud gNorth
Nashua hMill i Pendelton jRocky Brook
Synoptic maximum
Ensemble average
Pandey, Lovejoy, Schertzer, 1998
43Low frequency rain spectra
Annual peak
Synoptic maximum
The average spectrum from 13 stations in Germany
(daily precip)
Fraedrich and Larnder 1993
44Climate Northern Hemisphere average temperatures
From Lovejoy and Schertzer 1985
45Scaling of paleotemperatures GRIP Greenland Ice
- High resolution (200 yr average) record the GRIP
Greenland ice core (Johnsen et al., 1992 GRIP
members, 1993 Dansgaard et al., 1993) - 3,000 m long, 1,200 data points
- sharp fluctuations at small time scales.
- The power spectrum of the data (log-log plot)
- global straight line is an indication of
scaling. - no obvious frequency at (20 kyr)-1 or (40 kyr)-1
Schmitt, Schertzer Lovejoy 1995
46Spatial Spectrum of radar reflectivity
Horizontal spectrum of 256X256 (McGill) radar
scan with 75m resolution (from Tessier et al
47Montreal Clouds spectra
Spectra of the smaller scenes, seperated in the
vertical for clarity, with power law regressions
Larger scenes
Sachs, Lovejoy, Schetzer 2002
48What is the outer scale of atmospheric turbulence?
- Spectra of hundreds of satellite images spanning
the scale range 1-5000 km, and 38 clouds spectra
(1m-1km) from ground camera. - A multifractal analysis is more informative (see
Leff gt 5 000 km !!
Lovejoy and Schertzer 2002
49Topo-graphy Spectrum
Inadequate dynamic range
Slope -1.8
Energy spectra over a scale range of 108 Global
(ETOPO5, 10km), continental US (GTOPO30 1km and
90m), Lower Saxony, 20cm).
50Fractional Integration and Differentiation
51Brownian motion
52Fractional Integration, Fractional Brownian Motion
53Real space properties
54Dimensions and spectra
For monofractal functions CH(b-1)/2 So that
for surfaces defined by d dimensional
processes Dsurfd1-Cd(3-b)/2 Although this
relation has been frequently used to estimate
Dsurf from b, it is only valid for monofractals
55Probability Distributions
(Tail) Cumulative Distribution Function
Thin tailed distributions
Fat tailed distributions (e.g. Pareto / power
56Hydrometeorological long time series
Return period 100 years (algebraic law)
Return period 1000 years (exponential law)
Padova series (Italy) empirical probability
distribution (dots), normal fit (continouous
line) and aymptotic power-law (dashed line).
Bendjoudi et Hubert Rev. Sci. Eau,1999
57Radar reflectivity of rain Probability
Probability distribution of radar reflectivities
from 10 constant altitude maps (resolution
varying from 0.25 to 2.5 km, range 20 to 200km).
From Schertzer and Lovejoy 1987.
58French rivers and precipitation (lt200km2)
qDÂ Â 3.6
Prob of a daily rainfall accumulation P'
exceeding P from 30 time series, France.
qDÂ Â 2.7
Prob of a daily river flow Q' exceeding Q from
30 time series from the corresponding river.
Tessier, LS 1996
French river, small basins
59Extreme events
Probability distributions of Normalized US
Rivers Divergence of moments
Pandey, Lovejoy, Schertzer 1998
20 US rivers with basins in the range 4-106 km2
10-75 years in length
60Temperature distributions, northern hemisphere
64 years
4 years
16 years
Lovejoy and Schertzer 1985 (data from Jones et al
61Temperature probability distributions for
22400 years
350 years
5600 years
1400 years
Lovejoy and Schertzer 1985 (data from Greenland
Camp Century core)
1. Scaling/scale invariant sets are
fractals Fractal dimensions and codimensions are
scaling exponents
2. Scaling fields multifractals, spectral
- Rain, temperature, topography, river flow show
wide range scaling.
4. Probabilities can have fat tails slow,
algebraic fall-off.