Black and Blue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Black and Blue


Black and Blue Rebus – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: black | blue | puzzle | rebus


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Black and Blue

Black and Blue
  • Rebus

Rebus Name
  • a puzzle where you decode a message consisting of
    pictures representing syllables and words
  • He is trying to solve puzzles
  • He, as a character, is a puzzle

  • Rebus occasionally is violent
  • Rebus reached out a hand until it touched the
    mans forehead, faith-healer style. Then he
    pushed, not very hard. But there was no
    resistanceRebus was kneeling in front of
    Shand, hauling him up by the front of his
  • Here his behaviour seems controlled but at other
    times he acts angrily

Third Person Limited Narration
  • Rankin uses this technique to show the reader
    things from Rebuss point of view
  • And help us empathise with him
  • Yes, Craigmillar was a choice posting. (p6 )
  • Another comedian, another waste of time. (p7)

  • Throughout Rebus thinks of songs and song titles
    which are relevant at that time
  • P27, Pet Shop Boys Its a Sin. Segue to the
    Glimmer Twins Fool to Cry.
  • 1968, Bible Johns first victim. To Rebus it
    meant Van Morrison, Astral Weeks. 1969, victims
    two and three the Stones Let it Bleed.
  • Music helps him make sense of the world

Rebuss Thoughts
  • It gnawed at Rebus, as it had at so many before
    why would Bible John leave such a good witness
    behind? ...Why had he been so reckless? Had he
    been taunting the police..? ...Australia, Canada,
    the USA? (p96)
  • We see Rebuss thought process as he tries to
    work things out

  • P27 Pet Shop Boys Its a Sin. Segue to
    the Glimmer Twins Fool to Cry.
  • 1968, Bible Johns first victim. To Rebus it
    meant Van Morrison, Astral Weeks. 1969, victims
    two and three the Stones, Let it Bleed.

  • The way a lot of them saw it, when you worked a
    murder investigation, your client was the
    deceased, mute and cold, but still screaming out
    for justice. It had to be true, because
    sometimes if you listened hard enough you could
    hear them screaming. Sitting in his chair by the
    window, Rebus had heard many a despairing cry.
    One night, hed hear Angie Riddell and it had
    pierced his heart, because hed known her, liked
    her. In that instant it became personal for
    him. (p51)

  • all the victims he couldnt help and would never
    be able to help. (325)
  • surrounded by loss
  • All the ghostsyelling at himbegging
    himshrieking. (381)
  • He feels haunted by the people he cant help
  • Why me? (18)
  • He sounds like he has had enough of the police
    but it is like an addiction he needs his job

  • the act of delivering from sin or saving from
  • The closing words of the novel suggest he may be
    able to move on ...pulled open the cupboard
    and lifted out the newspapers and cuttings.
    Dumped the whole lot of them into the bin.
    Grabbed his jacket and took that walk.

a man who is not himself mean
  • When Maclay calls Mitchison Spike he replies
    His name was Allan Mitchison
  • He is fiercely loyal to the few people he has
    respect for he didnt want Gill fucking up.
    He could see this was important to her (114)

A man of honour
  • He sees it as his duty to fight for Justice
    the gigwas his Mitchisons reward and
  • Ill see if I can do better, Rebus said.
  • He does not compromise, when Ancram says Wake
    up to reality. This isnt a linoleum floor, big
    squares of black and white.
  • No, its grey silk suits and crisp green
  • He hates the way other policemen are more
    interested in money and promotions than the truth

The best man in his world
  • Rebus sides with victims and underdogs
  • P256. He empathises with the protestors Rebus
    had half a mind maybe more than half to throw
    the torch over the side.
  • The torch is to be used to cut through the chains
    they have chained themselves to the oil rig
  • Pp321-322 He reminisces about a homeless man
    called Frank, one old guyRebus saw every

  • He wants to pay his respects to Johnny Bibles
  • P276 Ancram all this interest is because
    you once bought a prostitute a cup of tea?
  • Her name was Angie Riddell. Rebus paused.
    She had beautiful eyes.
  • He insists on seeing everyone as a person with an
    identity, not just as a statistic or a

Relatively poor man
  • His obsessive nature and unconventional methods
    mean that he has lost out in both his career and
    personal life
  • P225 he thinks that the bouncer at Burkes will
    see him as a middle-aged lush, a pathetic figure
    in a cheap suit.
  • P361 There was music, and there were books,
    but neither in great quantity nor of great
    quality. The clothes were utilitarian, one
    jacket much like another. No shoes. He found
    that bizarre in the extreme. Did the man possess
    only one pair?

Lack of respect
  • He has no respect for the establishment. This is
    why he is posted to Craigmillar at the start of
    the novel Hed upset some people, people who
    mattered. They hadnt been able to deal him a
    death blow, so had consigned him to purgatory.
  • He is unimpressed by his own bosses and those
    made rich by oil
  • P173 he steps into the life where Minchell
    waits with a slight bow

He will take no mans money dishonestly
  • The officers from Glasgow are corrupt
  • P76 Rebus thought of the fancy suits everyone
    seemed to be wearing, the good watches and shoes,
    the general air of prosperity and superiority.
  • It was west coast dirt.
  • Rebus shows total contempt for this

A proud man
  • P373 He Jack Morton might have changed
    become a yes man, a pencil-pusher, a careerist
    but John was the same as always.
  • He does not want to change

A lonely man
  • sometimes if you listened hard enough you could
    hear them screamingOne night hed heard Angie
    Riddell and it had pierced his heart, because he
    had known her, liked her.

  • Pp189-190 Rebus had always found relationships
    with the opposite sex difficulthis job had
    proved more seductive, more all-consuming than
    the relationship.
  • Notice word choice like seductive.
  • Even Bible John, when he searches his flat felt
    the loneliness of his life

Rude wit
  • P179 ..interested in leasing one oil tanker?
  • Where would I park it?
  • Can I ask you something, Major? Why did you
    name your oilfield after an oatcake? (p209)

  • He feels empathy with Kayleigh Burgess
  • She needs a break, he thought, as in a rest. But
    she was obsessed with her job...He thought of a
    story World War One, Christmastime, the
    opposing sides emerging from their trenches to
    shake hands, play a game of football, then back
    into the trenches, picking up their guns again.
  • He compares their lives to a war with only
    temporary respite possible

A disgust for sham
  • Rebus is unimpressed by Ludovic Lumsden and his
    attempts to impress Rebus
  • He describes the fanciest hotel room hed ever
    been in as a bit rich for my taste (167)
  • When Lumsden suggests he can use his position to
    get certain privileges Rebus does not commit
    himself. (p169)

In search of a hidden truth
  • Rebus is motivated throughout not by
    self-interest or furthering his own career
  • But by getting justice
  • Rebus saw her picture again Angie. Hoped she
    was getting ready to rest. (462)

The Dark Side
  • The problem lay somewhere inside him...Rape was
    all about power killing, too, in its way. And
    wasnt power the ultimate male fantasy? And
    didnt he sometimes dream of it, too? (p190)
  • Here Rankin makes clear the parallels between the
    criminals and Rebus,
  • And by extension all men
  • Violence and cruelty are in everyone

  • Rebus was fidgeting. He wanted to be flippant,
    ironic, his usual self (324)
  • This is an admission that the humour he uses is a
    defence against his feelings getting the better
    of him
  • However here he runs away from accusations that
    he wrongly convicted Lenny Spaven.
  • He walks away and when Jack tries to stop him
    they fight
  • And then he started crying. Crying for
    himselfmost of all for Elsie Rhind and all her
    sisters, all the victims he couldnt help and
    would never ever be able to help. (p325)
  • He gets out all the feelings he has been bottling
    up, letting him sleep without alcohol

Meeting Bible John
  • Pp179-181
  • They seem to hit it off
  • Ryan Slocum says Why do I still come to these
    things? and downs whisky

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