Old System Priorities: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Old System Priorities:


Old System Priorities: Assoc Prof Cameron Stewart Registration Systems Problems with fraudulent transactions in the early colony 1800 order of Governor King that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Old System Priorities:

Old System Priorities
  • Assoc Prof Cameron Stewart

Registration Systems
  • Problems with fraudulent transactions in the
    early colony
  • 1800 order of Governor King that all agreements
    concerning land be in writing or entered into
    books kept at Sydney, Parramatta and Hawkesbury
  • 1802 Judge Advocates office
  • 1817- Gov Macquarie Fraudulent against a bona
    fide purchaser for value
  • 1825 Registration Act substantially amended
    over time and then repealed in 1984 and sections
    transferred into the Conveyancing Act

Conveyancing Act and the Register of Deeds
  • Section 184C general register of deeds
  • Open to public inspection s 199
  • Deliver original and copy to the Registrar
    registered with a number copy kept on file
  • Any instrument affecting land or not can be
    registered not necessarily a deed as such

The effect of registration?
  • Validity of the document some instruments must
    be registered to have legal force eg short form
    of mortgage discharge, appointment of new
    trustee, powers of attorney
  • Registration for priority s 184G instruments
    affecting land, executed bona fide and for
    valuable consideration take priority over earlier
  • Effect earlier legal interest will be defeated
    by later legal interest upon registration of
    later interest and so on
  • However it only affects priority will not
    perfect a fraudulent transaction, mistake or

Important factors to consider
  • (a) Competing instruments must have an
    instrument to register and then it only concerns
    instruments in writing if no instrument then
    the normal priority rules apply eg a short term
    lease without writing, competing with a legal
    registered interest eg a sale to a third party
    the registration wont give the later legal
    interest priority

Important factors to consider
  • (a) Competing instruments Another eg -
    equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds
    created without writing not defeated by a later
    registered instrument
  • Section 184 confers priority only in cases of
    competition that is if the interests are
    compatible no priority is afforded

Scholes v Blunt
  • In Scholes v Blunt (1917) 17 SR (NSW) 36, A
    conferred an easement on B by means of an
    unregistered instrument. A then sold the land to
    C subject to all easements, if any, affecting
    the same. C registered his instrument first.
    Because the instruments could stand together, s.
    184G did not apply and C took the land subject to
    Bs easement.

  • Boyce v Beckman, in 1834 the Crown granted a
    parcel of land to ODonnell. In 1841 Sparke
    acquired the fee simple in the land. In 1845
    Sparke conveyed the land to Boyce by deed. The
    land was described by reference to a number of
    lots relating to a plan. On 1 January 1852 Sparke
    executed a second deed of conveyance to Turner in
    which the land was described as including all
    and any other lots forming a portion of the said
    grant to ODonnell to which Sparke is
    entitled. The conveyance to Turner was
    registered first. The issue in the case was
    whether this registration gave the second
    conveyance priority over the first.

  • The Court ruled that it did. The result depended
    upon finding that the two conveyances were
    competing. It could have been argued that there
    was no inconsistency in that the latter general
    description of the land meant that Sparke was
    only conveying that land to which he was entitled
    at the time of the second conveyance, ie. the
    land he acquired in 1841 less the land he
    conveyed to Boyce in 1845. On this basis the two
    conveyances executed by Sparke would not be
    competing instruments. However, the Court ruled

  • Innes J, at 146, said
  • Such words, then as lands to which I am
    entitled, when used by a vendor, must be held to
    mean such lands as I possess and am entitled to,
    whether included in any previous conveyance by me
    or not, if that conveyance remains unregistered,
    and cannot be held to except lands previously
    conveyed by him, so long as that conveyance
    remains unregistered. To hold otherwise would, in
    our opinion, be to defeat the very object of the
  • The significance of this case is that although
    registration does not confer title upon the
    purchaser on an interest in old system title
    land, in some cases the failure to register
    results in the loss of title to land. Boyce
    should have registered his conveyance to preserve
    and protect his title. The lesson of this case is
    to register instruments by which interests in old
    system land are acquired.

Important factors to consider
  • Registration can make effective instruments
    which may not have had any legal effect under
    priority rules eg A sells land to B but then
    sells land to C
  • Under the nemo dat principle C would take no
    interest however if C registers before B, C
    will be given priority eg defeats Bs

Important factors to consider
  • Bona fides on the part of the person taking the
    interest notice is enough for there to be an
    absence of bona fides actual, constructive or
  • Eg if a purchaser takes interest with notice
    that someone other than the vendor is in
    possession of the property and fails to make
    proper enquiries is said to be notified and will
    not gain priority in registration

Important factors to consider
  • The onus of proving good faith is upon the person
    asserting priority based upon registration of his
    or her instrument Jones v Collins (1891) 12 LR
    (NSW) (L) 247 at 250.
  • The most significant example of a lack of good
    faith for the purposes of the legislation is a
    where a person takes an interest with notice of a
    prior interest in the land. Notice includes
    actual, constructive or imputed notice s.164,
    Conveyancing Act 1919.

  • In Marsden v Campbell (1897) 18 LR (NSW) Eq 33,
    Campbell leased land to Marsden in 1888 for a
    fifteen year term. The lease was not registered.
    In 1893 Campbell conveyed the land to Byrnes,
    with the deed of conveyance being registered. At
    the time Byrnes took the conveyance he knew that
    Marsden had been in possession of the land for 5
    years and that he was running sheep on the land.
    Byrnes contended that his registration gave him
    priority over Marsdens lease. The Court ruled
    against Byrnes, stating that he could not rely on
    s. 184G because of a lack of good faith on his

  • Simpson J, at 38, said
  • I must hold that the defendant Byrnes knew that
    Marsden had some interest in the land, and that
    he was content to run the risk of what this
    interest might be. In this case Byrnes knew
    that an interest in the land comprised in his
    transfer was outstanding to Marsden, and he
    made no enquiry. I must, therefore, hold that the
    lease to Marsden takes priority over the
    transfer to Byrnes.

Important factors to consider
  • When does notice have to have occurred? Before
    execution of the instrument and not the
  • S 164 CA actual constructive and imputed
  • Constructive notice if an interest is registered

Important factors to consider
  • The crucial issue concerning notice relates to
    the question of timing. Notice received before
    the execution of the instrument upon which
    priority by registration is based precludes
    priority based upon registration of that
    instrument Scholes v Blunt (1917) 17 SR (NSW)
  • Notice received after execution of the instrument
    but before its registration does not preclude
    priority based upon registration of that
    instrument Burrows v Crimp (1887) LR (NSW) (L)
    198 at 210.

Important factors to consider
  • (d) Valuable consideration must not be nominal
    but may be inadequate (eg much lower than market
    value) S 184G(1) includes marriage
  • Thus, in Bullen v a'Beckett (1863) 15 ER 684, a
    conveyance for 10 shillings was held to be for
    nominal consideration and thus not entitled to
    the benefits of the legislation.

Important factors to consider
  • An interest acquired for no or nominal
    consideration should nevertheless be registered
    because such registration will preserve the
    interest holder's priority against interests in
    the land created after registration. For example,
    if A acquires an interest in land for nominal
    consideration and registers it, he or she will
    not be able to claim priority by registration.
    However, if after A's registration B, for
    valuable consideration, acquires an interest in
    the same land, B will not be able to assert
    priority over A by registering his or her
    interest. This is because B's interest will have
    been acquired with notice of A's interest and
    thus B will have failed to satisfy the
    legislative requirement of good faith. Any
    priority dispute between A and B will therefore
    be determined by the general law rules relating
    to priority disputes.

  • Unlike with the Torrens system, registration does
    not make the forgery operative Re Cooper Cooper
    v Vesey (1882) 20 Ch D 611.
  • In Re Cooper, Thomas Cooper in his will appointed
    his son of the same name one of his executors and
    trustees. The father died. The son had possession
    of the title deeds to land. The son concealed the
    fact of his fathers death and without the
    consent of the other executors and trustees,
    mortgaged the land, representing the mortgage to
    be one from his (deceased) father. The mortgagee
    registered the mortgage. The other executors and
    trustees, upon discovering the facts, sought
    recovery of the title deeds and a declaration
    that the mortgage was of no effect. The Court
    held in favour of the executors. The mortgage was
    a forgery and the mortgagee could not rely on
    forged documents. Registration under s. 184G did
    not in any way alter this fact

  • In Fuller v Goodwin (1865) 4 SCR (NSW) 66,
    Stephen CJ said
  • Registration is, at any rate not necessary to
    give efficacy to the deed. It appears clearly to
    us, that, in favour of an innocent taker for
    value who registers his deed, the statute confers
    on the conveying party, notwithstanding his
    previous inconsistent conveyance, a title as
    against the transferee named therein and thus
    enables the person secondly taking, immediately
    upon registration, to acquire that title.

Problems with the deed registration system
  • Improved level of knowledge
  • Offered greater degree of protection
  • But
  • Did not grant a total security of interest
  • Purchasers took subject to unregistered interests
    which have not been documented
  • Purchasers take subject to unregistered
    instruments which they ought to have discovered
  • Purchasers title is still dependant on the chain
    of title and the risk that a prior interest may
    be invalidated breaking the chain of title and
    destroying the purchasers interest
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