Title: Do Now:
1Do Now
- How did Israel come about? Do you think that
there were many tensions surrounding the creation
of Israel? - HW Middle East Map Quiz Wednesday of next week.
2Creation of Israel
3Why would Jews want a separate state for
4Zionist Movement 1890s, Jews should get their
own state to escape discrimination.
5Arabs were angered that their land might be taken
over for Jews.
6Great Britain had a mandate of Palestine, they
tried to push Jews into Arabs territory.
7After what major event did numerous Jews want to
move to Palestine?
8By 1946 Jews made up 1/3 of the population in
- Civil War Erupted.
- Arabs vs. Jews
91947 GB asked the United Nations to intervene.
10Look at both sides What arguments could Arabs
make? What arguments could Jews make?
11Jewish Arguments
- 1? Palestine had once belonged to the Jews.
- 2? Jews had been discriminated against for years,
their lives would be better if they had their own
state. - 3? Arabs had never taken full advantage of
12Arabs Argument
- 1? Palestine had been filled with Arabs for
years. - 2? population was mostly Arab
13A decision had been made.
- United Nations in 1948 split Palestine into two
parts. - Arab nation
- Jewish nation, which was called Israel.
14What countries would invade Israel once Great
Britain left?
15What major waterfront would many different
countries fight over?
16Egyptian leader Nasser wanted Egypt to keep
control over the Suez Canal. For years to come
Egypt would have issues with Israel.
17Six Day War
- Nasser ordered Egypt to blockade the Gulf of
Aqaba, which Israel used to get to the Red Sea. - June 1967 Israel struck first, expecting a full
fledged attack.
18Explain what the cartoon is saying? What is it
19Within six days Israel hit the Egyptian army
hard, Israel was able to expand their borders.
20(No Transcript)
21Arabs used Soviet Union weapons against the
- What kind of reaction would the Soviet Union have
towards this? - What would this do to the Soviet Unions
22October War
- Soviet Union decided to try again, they supported
Egypt and attacked Israel again. - October 1973 Egyptian troops and supplies crossed
the Suez Canal. - Israel which was backed by the U.S. pushed
Egyptian back to the West side of the Suez Canal
into Egypt.
23(No Transcript)
24Do Now
- As you finish the quiz, bring it up and also the
Faith and Followers Questions Only (not article)
make two piles - Why was Jerusalem such a sought after place?
- Why did so many groups of people want to control
this land? - Homework Under the Veil- PICK IT UP
25Egypt decided to come to a truce.
- President Jimmy Carter helped to organize the
peace treaty between the countries.
26In 1978 Sadat (leader of Egypt), Begin (leader of
Israel) reached an agreement- Camp David Accords.
27Camp David Accords
- Camp David Accords
- Israel gave up Sinai Peninsula in return for
28Oslo Accord
- Yasir Arafat (head of PLO)
- Israeli Prime Minister Rabin
291993 agreement
- Palestinians in Gaza? limited self rule under an
independent Palestinian government headed by
Arafat - Palestinian Authority recognized Israelis right
to exist promised to end terrorism against
30Violence continues.
- Both sides were upset with talks.
- Peace talks were discussed again in 2003 by the
United States between these two areas, however
talks stalled