Title: Paradise Lost and Found
1ParadiseLost and Found
2Paradise The Story of the Bible
- God dwelling with his people in fellowship is the
whole story of the Bible - Paradise on earth was prepared (Gen. 2) and
paradise in heaven will be prepared (Rev. 22) for
Gods people - Paradise lost (Gen. 3) and paradise found (Rev.
22) is the whole story of the Bible
3Paradise Where All Needs Are Met
- Need for home and security (28)
- Need for food and sustenance (29)
- Need for aesthetics and beauty (29-14)
- Need for work (215)
- Need for restraint self control (216-17)
- Need for family companionship (218-25)
4Paradise Lost
- Obedience was lost (215-17 311)
- Innocence was lost (225 37)
- Unity was lost (224 312)
- Fellowship was lost (28 38,24)
5Paradise The Story of the Bible
- Jesus the seed promise (Gen. 315 124 Acts
325-26 Gal. 316) - Jesus is coming (the OT) Jesus is come (the
NT gospels) Jesus is coming again (Acts
Rev.) - The Devil wants you out of paradise
(Gen. 3 Rev. 12)
6Paradise Lost and Found
Paradise Lost Genesis Paradise Found Revelation
Heavens and earth 11 New heavens 211
Night 15 No night 2125
Sun and moon 116 No sun or moon 2123
Animal creatures 124 Angelic creatures 143
Garden 28-9 Paradise 27 222,14,19
Death present 217 Death removed 214
Satan present 31-5 Satan cast out 2010
7Paradise Lost and Found
Paradise Lost Genesis Paradise Found Revelation
Garden defiled 36-8 Garden undefiled 2127
Disfellowship 39-13 Fellowship 213,6-7
Curse 314-19 No more curse 223
Pain 316 No more pain 214
Driven out 322-24 Invited in 2217
Access denied 324 Access open 2214
Lost in Adam (Rom. 512ff) Found in Christ (Rom. 512ff)
8Paradise Lost and Found
- Where will you spend eternity? You have a choice
heaven or hell (217-8 2125-27 2214-15) - Is your name written in the Lambs book of life
2015 2127)? - How badly do you want to find what was lost (Lk.