Title: The Poetics of Childhood
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2Roni Natov Brooklyn College of the City
University of New York
The Poetics of Childhood Routledge 1st edition
(2002 )
3the poetics of childhood
- I personal experience
- ? common experience
- II scope of poetics of childhood
- Chapter 1 Constructions of Innocence
- Chapter 2 Carroll and Grahame
- Two Versions of Pastoral
5William Blake (1757-1827)
6William Blake
- 1. Without Contraries is no progression.
- 2. Children Lost and Found
- 3. To See a World in a Grain of Sand
71 Without Contraries is no progression.
8Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
(1793-1818) 1
- 1 Innocence is a fragile state, and only in art
can it be captured metaphorically in moments. - 2 Higher innocence can be glimpsed in visions. It
takes shapes in the real world, and mostly in the
figure of the child.
93 two types of innocents
- 3.1 those who feel unself-consciously untied
with the world -
Infant Joy "I have no nameI am but two days
old."What shall I call thee?"I happy am,Joy is
my name."Sweet joy befall thee!
10two types of innocents
- 3.2 those who unself-consciously prolong that
The Little Black Boy
The Chimney Sweeper
11Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
(1793-1818) 2
- 4 The central concern of the two Songs seems not
so much Innocence or Experience, but the
borderline between them (11)
12Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
(1793-1818) 3
- 5 Blakes visions of Innocence are
representations of the unity of past and future,
and of the connection between all thingsthe
worldly glimpsed in visions of the heavenly, and
vice versa.
The Divine Image
13Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience
(1793-1818) 4
- 1 Experience was the fallen world.
- The child became the creature furthest and
freest from the fallen world, but within the
child, Innocence battles with Experience toward
some vision of release from its shackles.
142. Children Lost and Found
15the primal fear of children
The Little Boy Found
The Little Boy Lost
16a young girls vulnerability
The Little Girl Found
The Little Girl Lost
17Acceptance of desire is essential to the state of
higher Innocence.
A Little Boy Lost
A Little Girl Lost
183 To see a World in a Grain of Sand
19Blakes holistic vision
- 1 sense of the unity of all things
- 2 He saw the many in the one, which represented
the potential for higher Innocence in every
element and every living thing.
20frontipiece of Songs of Experience
frontipiece of Songs of Innocence
21To see a World in a Grain of Sand ??????????And
a Heaven in a Wild Flower, ??????????,Hold
Infinity in the palm of your hand ????????And
Eternity in an hour. ??????????Auguries of
22 On Anothers Sorrow
231 The Natural Child 2 The Longing for Childhood
3 The Search for Consciousness
William Wordsworth (1770 1850)
24Wordsworth and childhood
- Childhood was the great source of inspiration.
- He connects the consciousness of childhood with
the consciousness of the poet. - We need to draw upon our childhood memories.
25The Natural Child
- We are Seven (22-23)
- Anecdote for Fathers (23-24)
- The Idiot Boy (24-26)
26The Longing for Childhood
- Though nothing can bring back the hour Of
splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower
We will grieve not, rather find Strength in
what remains behind.
27The Search for Consciousness
- Central to this process is recollection,
reflection, and meaning of the spots of time
which point to how,/The mind is lord and
masteroutward sense/The obedient servant of her
will (XII, ll 222-3).
28The Child Poet
Opal Whiteley (1897-1992)
29The Diary of Opal Whitley
- Opal Whiteley was the spiritual child of Blake
and Wordsworth, attuned to the natural world and
to her own nature.
30The Diary of Opal Whitley
- deep connection to the natural world around her
and her keen powers of observation - ability to move from observation to reflection
and to capture both in kind of epiphany - sense of responsibility to the things and
creatures she loves
31To what extent is the literature of childhood
related to the literary pastoral?
32pastoral and the green world
- 1 childrens sense of freedom
- 2 a retreat from the social world or injustices
- 3 a nostalgia for the past
- 2, 3 ? loss, and longing for a return to
an earlier state, real or imagined a critique of
civilization (91)
33the child and the green world
- the child serves as the green world
- (a figure of escape and possibility, a guide
that leads us into the garden, a figure that
engages in a quest) (92)
34 the movement associated with pastoral
- forms of movement
- ( a retreat from and a return to the world, the
retreat as a place of resolution itself the
retreat has occurred before the story opens) (91)
35two trajectories
- Blake and Wordsworth as early paradigms
- versions of pastoral
36Blakes ironic use of the childs voice in his
lyrics is echoed in Carrolls satiric mode. And
Grahame was influenced by Wordsworths
association of childhood with the pastoral
imagery of nature and as the source of
inspiration for creativity. (49)
37Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832 1898)
38Carrolls Alice books
- Carrolls nostalgia
- nonsense humor
- unnatural landscape
- Alice as the disrupter of the Edenic myth of
Victorian morality (50) - critiques of Victorian culture
39 The predominant irony of Carrolls work is
close to Blakes, when the child, in its
innocence, speaks against itself, and takes the
side of the very world that will expel it from
what it envisions as paradise. (55)
40Kenneth Grahame (1859 1932)
Cover of the first edition
41While Wind, like Alice stories, is propelled by
whats not resolvable in adulthood, here what
remains haunting from childhood memory is grated
respite in the liminal borders of childhood and
its accompanying states of dream and trance. (57)