Title: Personal Finance: Another Perspective
1Personal Finance Another Perspective
- Your Future 1
- Learning to Give
- A. Understand the five myths of giving
- B. Understand what the scriptures say about money
and giving - C. Understand the principles of wise giving
- D. Understand why we should give
- E. Understand the basics of wise giving
3Case Study 1
- Data 1
- You are sitting at home and the phone rings. It
is a person soliciting donations for an
organization that you have never heard of. While
you dont want to be rude, this is not one of the
charities that you choose to donate to. What do
you do? - Data 2
- The difference this time is you are aware of the
charity, The World Wildlife Fund and would like
to know more. Where do you get information on
the charity, their goals, programs, or the
quality of their giving?
4Finding Information on Charities
- One of my favorite charity websites is Charity
Navigator - http//www.charitynavigator.org
- You can log in for free
- They can give you lots of information about
various charities which file Form 990 with the
IRS - However, they do not include religious
organizations listed as church or convention or
association of churches which are exempt from
filing Form 990
5Charity Navigator
6Charity Navigator
7Charitable Giving
- Is giving a one-time event or a Christ-like
attribute? - Elder Mark E. Petersen commented
- Instead of taking from our fellowmen, we must
learn to giveto be good Samaritans in very deed
to share with our less fortunate neighbors, and
in reality show love for our fellowmen. So He
said remember the poor, and consecrate of thy
properties for their support. And inasmuch as
ye impart of your substance unto the poor, ye
will do it unto me (DC 4230-31) (Honesty, a
Principle of Salvation, Ensign, Dec. 1971, 72).
8The Visit to Taz Murrays Candy Store
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16Life is Like Taz Murrays Candy Store
- We all have our little bags of candy, the
experiences we are to have while here on earth - We have been given instructions as to what is
good and badwe have agency - If we choose wisely, we can enjoy the good
- If we fail to choose wisely, we are accountable
as there are consequences for our actions - And interestingly, the more we share, the greater
will be our joy later on
17Understand the 5 Myths of Giving
- 1. Giving makes us poorer
- While in giving we have less financially
initially, it really makes us richer in the long
term - Givers are happier. Research has shown that
happy people make more money, have better
marriages, and contribute more to society - Givers are healthier. Research has shown that
when people are happier, they put less stress on
their bodies and live longer - Givers are leaders. Research has shown that
those who give are perceived to be leaders by
those who observe. We are all leaders! - (Arthur C. Brooks, Why giving Matters, BYU
Magazine, Summer 2009, p. 25-28)
18Giving Myths (continued)
- 2. People are naturally selfish
- People are selfish yes, but not naturally
selfish. People are unnaturally selfishwe learn
selfishness - Research as shown that when we are at our best
selves, in equilibrium, where we are supposed to
be cognitively, neuro-chemically, and
spiritually, we are a giving people (Ibid.)
19Giving Myths (continued)
- 3. Giving is a luxury
- Giving is not a luxury--it is a necessity. It is
the critical first 10--not the last 10 - And this is not just from a spiritual point of
view either - And if we want to do better and to be better, we
must learn to give
20Giving Myths (continued)
- 4. If the government would do its job correctly,
we would not need to give - The day the government does all the giving in
this country is the day we become poorer,
unhappier, and unhealthier (Ibid.) - We must continue to take our place as givers and
support the communities and people who need what
we can give - We need it as much as they do!
- When ye are in the service of your fellow
beings, ye only in the service of your God
(Mosiah 217).
21Giving Myths (continued)
- 5. You must have money to give
- Giving doesnt depend on the checkbook, but on
the heart - What you do is more important than what you have
- I believe that if you dont give when you are
poor, you will not give when you are rich
22B. Understand the Scriptures on Money and Giving
- The scriptures give good counsel on money and
giving? - It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of
a needle than for a rich person to enter the
kingdom of God (Mark 1025). - For where your treasure is, there will your heart
be also (Luke 1234). - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain
the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what
shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark
23Money and Giving (continued)
- Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we
eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal
shall we be clothed? - (For after all these things do the Gentiles
seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye
have need of all these things. - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his
righteousness and all these things shall be
added unto you (Matt 631-33).
24Money and Giving (continued)
- What about Christ and his parables
- How many of his parables were about money (or
property and wealth)? - It is no different today than it was then!
Matthew (8 of 10) The hidden treasureThe pearl
of great priceThe draw-net.The unmerciful
servant The laborers in the vineyard.The two
sonsThe ten virginsThe talents
Luke (9 of 12) The two debtors The good
Samaritan The importuned friendThe rich fool The
lost piece of silverThe prodigal sonThe unjust
steward The Pharisee and the PublicanThe ten
pieces of money
25Money and Giving (continued)
- What about other comments on money and giving?
- Money is the way in which we express our
aspirations, our dreams, our ideals. Money can be
used to build up or to tear down, to serve or to
dominate, to liberate or to oppress (Will
Saunders). - Money doesnt change us. It just reveals us to
ourselves (Anonymous).
26C. Understand the Principles of Wise Giving
- There are a number of principles of wise giving
that can help us as we learn to give - 1. We are to give out of love
- We are to give out of gratitude for all that God
has done for us. Paul writes - And though I give all my goods to feed the poor,
and though I give my body to be burned, if I have
not love, it profits me nothing (1 Corinthians
27Principles of Giving (continued)
- 2. We are to give sacrificially
- Ours is a sacrificial religion
- A religion that does not require the sacrifice of
all things never has power sufficient to produce
the faith necessary unto life and salvation
(Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith, comp. N. B.
Lundwall, Salt Lake City Bookcraft, n.d.), p.
58. - C. S. Lewis wrote If our charities do not at
all pinch or hamper us, they are too small.
There ought to be things we should like to do and
cannot do because our charitable expenditure
excludes them (Mere Christianity 1952, 67).
28Principles of Giving (continued)
- 3. We are to give wisely
- We are to give within our capacity to give.
- King Benjamin counseled And again, I say unto
the poor, ye who have not and yet have
sufficient, that ye remain from day to day I
mean all you who deny the beggar, because ye have
not I would that ye say in your hearts that I
give not because I have not, but if I had I would
give (Mosiah 424). - And see that all these things are done in wisdom
and order for it is not requisite that a man
should run faster than he has strength. And
again, it is expedient that he should be
diligent, that thereby he might win the prize
therefore, all things must be done in order
(Mosiah 427).
29Principles of Giving (continued)
- 4. We are to give of our abundance
- There is a different type of accounting in
heaven, not of dollars and cents, but of our
capacity and willingness to give - And he Christ looked up, and saw the rich men
casting their gifts into the treasury. And he
also saw a certain poor widow casting in thither
two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto
you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than
they all For all these have of their abundance
cast in unto the offerings of God but she of her
penury hath cast in all the living that she had
(Luke 211-4).
30Principles of Giving (continued)
- 5. We are to give freely according to what we
have been given - We are to give of our own free will
- And again Alma commanded that the people of the
church should impart of their substance, every
one according to that which he had if he have
more abundantly he should impart more abundantly
and of him that had but little, but little should
be required and to him that had not should be
given. And thus they should impart of their
substance of their own free will and good desires
towards God, and to those priests that stood in
need, yea, and to every needy, naked soul
(Mosiah 1827-28). -
31Principles of Giving (continued)
- On the subject of giving, Elder William R.
Bradford commented - It is not the amount of money that we donate to
the Church or others that matters to the Lord.
Rather it is whether we give of our abundance or
of our living. We should give until it is a
sacrifice to give (William R. Bradford, Words of
Jesus Riches, Ensign, Feb. 2003, 52).
32Principles of Giving (continued)
- On the subject of fast offerings, President
Spencer W. Kimball said - Sometimes we have been a bit penurious (stingy)
and figured that we had for breakfast one egg and
that cost so many cents and then we give that to
the Lord. I think that when we are affluent we
should be very generous and give, instead of the
amount we saved by our two meals of fasting,
perhaps much, much moreten times more where we
are in a position to do it. I know there are some
who couldnt (In Conference Report, April 1974,
p. 184).
33Principles of Giving (continued)
- Statistics on Charitable giving (1991 data)
- Charitable giving as a percent of income
- Individuals earning 20-30K gave 1,207 or 4.8
- Individuals earning 30-40K gave 1,318 or 3.8
- Individuals earning 50-100K gave 1,837 or 2.5
- Why did those who earned more money give less
than half, in percentage terms, as those who made
less? - Why should our giving decrease as our blessings
increase? - Although the data is old, the results have not
changed much in the succeeding years
34Principles of Giving (continued)
- What has been the Lords counsel on giving?
- The prophet Alma recounted
- And they did impart of their substance, every man
according to that which he had, to the poor, and
the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted (Alma
35Principles of Giving (continued)
- And this is entirely from the book of Bryan (this
is my opinion only) - Think about giving in percentage terms, rather
than in dollar terms - Tithing is easy, its the other contributions
that are hard - Put those in percentage terms as well
- That way Heavenly Father will know that
regardless of how much or how little you are
blessed financially, your giving will always be
the same - Dont let your giving decline as your income
increases! - In fact, over time it should likely increase
36Principles of Giving (continued)
- President Hinckley commented
- You know, as I know, that when you pay your
honest tithes and offerings, the windows of
heaven are opened and blessings are showered down
upon you. That which you give is never missed
it becomes not a sacrifice but an investment
under the wondrous powers of the Almighty to
bless you (Discourses of President Gordon B.
Hinckley, Volume 2, Intellectual Reserve, USA,
2005, p. 330).
37Principles of Giving (continued)
- Elder F. Burton Howard wrote
- The real reason for our mortal probation is to
confront challenges, not escape them. It is to
learn to give, not to learn to get. In earth life
as in the university, we cannot complain about
not getting passing grades if we are unwilling to
take the test. There are no shortcuts to the plan
of salvation. There is no exaltation without
effort. We have nothing more important to do than
to fully, honestly, and completely obey the laws
upon which blessings are predicated. Make no
mistake about it, we will reap what we sow
(Galatians 67) (On Giving and Getting, New
Era, Oct. 1985, 44).
- Any questions on learning the principles of wise
39D. Understand Why We Should We Give
- 1. We have been commanded to give
- The prophet Jacob taught
- Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and
be familiar with all and free with your
substance (Jacob 217). - President Gordon B. Hinckley stated
- Without sacrifice there is no true worship of
God. The Father gave his Son, and the Son gave
his life, and we do not worship unless we
givegive of our substance, our time,
strength, talent, faith, and testimonies
(Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley 1997, p. 565).
40Why Give? (continued)
- King Benjamin commented
- And now, for the sake of these things which I
have spoken unto youthat is, for the sake of
retaining a remission of your sins from day to
day, that ye may walk guiltless before GodI
would that ye should impart of your substance to
the poor, every man according to that which he
hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the
naked, visiting the sick and administering to
their relief, both spiritually and temporally,
according to their wants (Mosiah 426).
41Why Give? (continued)
- 2. Giving shows our love for God
- King Benjamin stated
- And behold, I tell you these things that ye may
learn wisdom that ye may learn that when ye are
in the service of your fellow beings ye are only
in the service of your God (Mosiah 217). - Sister Carol B. Thomas commented
- Sacrifice is an amazing principle. As we
willingly give our time and talents and all that
we possess, it becomes one of our truest forms of
worship. It can develop within us a profound love
for each other and our Savior, Jesus Christ
(Sacrifice An Eternal Investment, Ensign, May
2001, 63).
42Why Give? (continued)
- 3. Giving helps others
- King Benjamin further counseled
- But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of
truth and soberness ye will teach them to love
one another, and to serve one another. And also,
ye yourselves will succor those that stand in
need of your succor ye will administer of your
substance unto him that standeth in need (Mosiah
43Why Give? (continued)
- 4. Giving helps us to become more like Christ!
- President Marion G. Romney (1897-1988) taught
- The Lord doesnt really need us to take care of
the poor, but we need this experience for it is
only through our learning how to take care of
each other that we develop within us the
Christ-like love and disposition necessary to
qualify us to return to his presence (Living
Welfare Principles, Ensign, Nov. 1981, 92
emphasis in original).
44Why Give? (continued)
- 5. Giving helps us repay an un-payable debt
- There is one final debt, a debt we can never
repay. And while we can never repay the debt, we
can try. King Mosiah, in Mosiah 2 20-21 states - I say unto you, my brethren, that if you should
render all the thanks and praise which your whole
soul has power to possess, to that God who has
created you. . . I say unto you that if ye should
serve him who has created you from the beginning,
and is preserving you from day to day, by lending
you breath. . .I say, if ye should serve him with
all your whole souls yet ye would be unprofitable
- Any questions on why we give?
46E. Understand Basics of Wise Giving (phone,
door-to-door, or mail)
- Before you give a penny!
- 1. Ask for the charity's full name and address.
- Get identification from the solicitor.
- Don't be fooled by names that look impressive or
that closely resemble the name of a well-known
organization - 2. Ask if the charity is licensed by state and
local authorities - Registration or licensing is required by most
states and many communities - 3. Ask if your contributions are tax deductible
- Contributions to tax exempt organizations are not
always deductible. Is it a 501c3 organization?
47The Basics of Giving (continued)
- 4. Check out the organization with the Better
Business Bureau (BBB). - Find out what percent of their donations go to
programs, fund raising, and administrative. The
BBB recommends - 1. At least 50 of the charity's total income to
be spent on programs discussed in the literature - 2. No more than 35 of contributions to be spent
on fund raising, and - 3. No more than half of the charity's total
income to be spent on administrative and fund
raising costs - Supporting causes where these limits are not
reached may not be the best use of your funds
48The Basics of Giving (continued)
- 5. Watch out for statements such as "all proceeds
will go to the charity" - This can mean that the money left after expenses,
such as the cost of written materials and fund
raising efforts, will go to the charity. These
expenses can make a big difference, so check
carefully - 6. Dont worry about unordered merchandise.
- If unordered items such as key rings, greeting
cards or pens are enclosed with an appeal letter,
remember you are under no obligation to pay for
or return the merchandise
49The Basics of Giving (continued)
- 7. When you're asked to buy candy, magazines,
card, or tickets to a dinner or show to benefit a
charity, be sure to ask what the charity's share
will be - You cannot deduct the full amount paid for any
such items, as the IRS considers only the part
above the fair-market value of the item to be a
charitable contribution. If you pay 10 for a 8
box of candy, you can only deduct 2 for tax
50The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Once you decide to give
- 1. Do not give cash
- Always make contributions by check and make your
check payable to the charity, not to the
individual collecting the donation - 2. Keep records of your donations (receipts,
canceled checks, and bank statements) so you can
document your charitable giving at tax time - Although the value of your time as a volunteer is
not deductible, out-of-pocket expenses (including
transportation costs) directly related to your
volunteer service to a charity are deductible
51The Basics of Giving (continued)
- 3. Don't succumb to pressure to give money on the
spot or allow a "runner" to pick up a
contribution - The charity that needs your money today will
welcome it just as much tomorrow - 4. Call your local BBB if a fund raiser uses
pressure tactics such as intimidation, threats,
or repeated and harassing calls or visits - Such tactics violate the CBBB's recommended
Standards for Charitable Solicitations - These ideas are from Tips on Charitable Giving,
1986, Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
52The Basics of Giving (continued)
- What About Unwanted Mail?
- Decide in advance which charities you want to
support and discard appeals from all other groups - Don't feel guilty about not supporting all groups
writing to you. You physically and financially
cant! But you can help the most important to
you! - Stop giving to all those that mail you
solicitations, and they will stop soliciting you
53The Basics of Giving (continued)
- What about unwanted Telephone, Door-to-Door, and
Street Solicitations? - Decide in advance what your Family Giving
Policy is and stick with it - I tell them We have a Family Giving Policy
that we do not give over the phone or to
door-to-door salespeople over 12 years old. If
you will send (or leave) material covering your
charity, I will be happy to review it later and
make a decision. We do not commit to anything via
phone or door-to-door - Rarely do I get things in the mail (or left) in
response to our Family Giving Policy
54Other Sources
- Two good locations for information on charities
are - Better Business Bureaus Wise Giving Alliance at
www.give.org. It rates over 400 different
charities. It is a great resource - Charity Navigator, an independent charity
evaluator at www.charitynavigator.org. It works
to advance a more efficient and responsive
philanthropic marketplace by evaluating the
financial health of America's largest charities
55 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- President Gordon B. Hinckley said
- Generally speaking, the most miserable people I
know are those who are obsessed with themselves
the happiest people I know are those who lose
themselves in the service of others (Whosoever
Will Save His Life, Ensign, Aug. 1982, 5). - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the
Twelve Apostles has said - If the Savior were among us in mortality today,
He would be found ministering to the needy, the
suffering, the sick (Inspired Church Welfare,
Ensign, May 1999, 78).
56 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Tithing Principles and Promises
- Malachi 310
- Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that
there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now
herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not
open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out
a blessing that there shall not be room enough to
receive it. - DC 64 23
- Behold, now it is called today until the coming
of the Son of Man, and verily it is a day of
sacrifice, and a day for the tithing of my
people for he that is tithed shall not be burned
at his coming.
57 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- My Favorite Charities
- Following are a few of my favorite charities
- My principles are
- Support charities which are consistent with my
personal goals and values - Support charities which help people worldwide and
make the world a better place - Support charities which are effective in their
use of the widows mite. They will be wise with
others and my funds
58 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Fast Offerings Principles and Promises
- President Marion G. Romney stated
- Caring for the poor is a covenantal obligation.
It follows, then, that we look after our poor and
distressed not only because it is convenient, or
exciting, or socially acceptable we should do it
first and foremost in fulfillment of our covenant
with the Lord that we will do so (Marion G.
Romney, Caring for the PoorA Covenantal
Obligation, Ensign, Nov. 1978, 87). - He also said
- If we will double our fast offerings we shall
increase our prosperity, both spiritually and
temporally. This the Lord has promised, this has
been the record (Henry D. Taylor, The Law of the
Fast, Ensign, Nov. 1974, 14).
59 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- LDS Charities (Humanitarian Services)/Perpetual
Education Fund - 100 of everything you give goes to those in need
- Missionary Funds
- I believe the Lord helps those who help
missionaries - Deseret Industries
- What a better way to give of things that are
still good - Other charities
- BYU Annual Fund, BYU Scholarships, Boy Scouts of
America, The United Way, Habitat for Humanity,
60 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Elder Robert D. Hales of the Twelve stated
- You have received much in your life go forth and
freely give in the service of our Lord and
Savior. Have faith the Lord knows where you are
needed. The need is so great, brothers and
sisters, and the laborers are so few (Couple
Missionaries A Time to Serve, Ensign, May 2001,
61The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone said
- Now my young friends, think of all the
opportunities you will have to serve at
inconvenient times. I promise you that most of
the service you render to the Lord will come at
times not convenient to you (Vaughn J.
Featherstone, True Christlike Service Is Seldom
Convenient, Tambuli, Aug. 1984, 34).
62 The Basics of Giving (continued)
- Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone concluded
- My beloved young friends, determine to serve one
another. Listen to the spirit when your flesh is
weak. For truly the Master said, Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of these my
brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matt 2540).
The blessings are tenfold when we do those good,
kindly acts of Christian service when it is
inopportune or not convenient (True Christlike
Service Is Seldom Convenient, Tambuli, Aug.
1984, 34).
63The Visit to Taz Murrays Candy Store
64Review of Objectives
- A. Do you understand the myths of giving?
- B. Do you understand what the scriptures say
about money and giving? - C. Do you understand why we should give?
- D. Do you understand how to give now?
- E. Do you understand the basics of wise giving?