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1Wistar Kyoto and Wistar Rats Differ in
Nicotine-Induced Conditioned Taste Avoidance
Jason B. Tanenbaum1, Lisa M. Bollwage1 and
Anthony S. Rauhut 1,2, Department of Psychology1
and Neuroscience Program2, Dickinson College,
Carlisle, PA
The Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rat is an animal model of
clinical depression. Previous research in the
laboratory suggests that WKY rats are less
responsive to the rewarding and locomotor effects
of nicotine compared to Wistar rats. Such strain
differences may be due to general, non-specific
strain differences in the neuropharmacological
processing of nicotine. Thus, the present
experiment examined if WKY rats were less
responsive to another neuropharmacological aspect
of nicotine compared to Wistar rats.
Specifically, the present study examined if WKY
rats were less responsive to the avoidance
properties of nicotine compared to Wistar rats,
as assessed using the conditioned taste avoidance
(CTA) paradigm. WKY and Wistar rats underwent a
CTA procedure which consisted of 4 alternating
drug and non-drug sessions (counterbalanced).
Drug sessions consisted of 15-min access to
saccharin (0.15) followed immediately by an
injection (s.c.) of either vehicle (physiological
saline) or nicotine (0.2, 0.4 or 0.8 mg/kg). It
was found that WKY rats that received the lowest
nicotine dose (0.2 mg/kg) did not differ from WKY
rats that received the vehicle (i.e., no CTA).
However, WKY rats that received the two highest
nicotine doses (0.4 and 0.8 mg/kg) drank less
than the WKY rats that received the vehicle on
several sessions (i.e., CTAs). Only the Wistar
rats that received the highest nicotine dose (0.8
mg/kg) drank less than Wistar rats that received
the vehicle on several sessions. Thus, WKY rats
were more responsive to the avoidance properties
of nicotine compared to Wistar rats.
- The present experiment found that nicotine
dose-dependently produced a CTA in WKY rats.
Specifically, the two highest nicotine doses (0.4
and 0.8 mg/kg) yielded a CTA whereas the lowest
nicotine dose (0.2 mg/kg) did not. - Only highest nicotine dose (0.8 mg/kg) yielded a
CTA in the Wistar rats. - Collectively, these results suggest that the WKY
rats are more responsive to the avoidance
properties of nicotine relative to the Wistar
rats. - These results are consistent with prior studies
that have shown that WKY rats are responsive to
other drugs of abuse (e.g., alcohol Cailhol and
Morméde, 2001). - Moreover, these results suggest that the
previously-observed deficit in nicotine
conditioned place preference by the WKY rats is
not due to a general, unresponsiveness to the
behavioral actions of nicotine or a general
deficit in learning. - Rather, the results of the present experiment,
when viewed in tandem with the results of
previous unpublished research from the
laboratory, indicate that WKY rats display a
specific deficit in reward-based learning with
respect to nicotine. - This interpretation is consistent with previous
studies suggesting that WKY display anhedonia
under certain conditions (Jiao, Pare, and
Tejani-Butt, 2003 Pare, 2000).
- The purpose of the present study was to examine
if WKY rats were less responsive to the avoidance
properties of nicotine compared to Wistar rats,
as assessed by the conditioned taste avoidance
(CTA) paradigm.
Consumption Data
- If WKY rats are unresponsive to the behavioral
actions of nicotine, then WKY rats are predicted
to display a less robust CTA relative to Wistar
rats. - If, however, WKY rats are responsive to the
behavioral actions of nicotine, then WKY rats are
predicted to display a CTA similar to or more
than Wistar rats.
- Left Panel. The two highest nicotine doses (0.8
and 2.0 mg/kg) produced a CTA on several sessions
and the test session in the WKY rats. ( 0.8
mg/kg nicotine vs. vehicle 0.4 mg/kg
nicotine vs. vehicle), p lt .05. - Right Panel. The highest nicotine dose (0.8
mg/kg) produced a CTA on the test session only in
the Wistar rats ( 0.8 mg/kg nicotine vs.
vehicle), p lt .05.
WKY Wistar
Acclimation 5 Days
- Cailhol, S. Mormède, P. (2001) Conditioned
taste aversion and alcohol drinking Strain and
gender differences. Journal of Studies on
Alcohol, 63, 91-99. - Paré, W.P. (2000). Investigatory behavior of a
novel conspecific by wistar kyoto, wistar,
spraugue-dawley rats. Brain Research Bulletin,
53, 759-765. - Xilu, J., Paré, W.P., Butt-Tejani, S. (2003).
Strain differences in the distribution of
dopomine transporter sites in rat brain. Progress
in Neuro-Psychopharmacology Biological
Psychiatry, 27, 913-919.
- Previous research suggests that Wistar Kyoto rats
are an animal model of clinical depression,
exhibiting less motor activity and greater
anhedonia compared to other rat strains (Pare,
2000). - Previous unpublished research from the laboratory
has found that WKY rats failed to display a
nicotine conditioned place preference or show
alterations in nicotine-induced changes in
locomotor activity compared to Wistar rats.
These results suggest that WKY rats are less
responsive to the rewarding and locomotor
properties of nicotine compared to Wistar rats. - However, the finding that WKY rats failed to
display a nicotine conditioned place preference
or nicotine-induced alterations in locomotor
activity may suggest that WKY rats were
unresponsive to any behavioral actions of
24 h
Initial Water Restriction 1 Session 15 min access
to tap water following water removal
24 h
Pretest 1 Session 15 min access to saccharin
(0.15 )
Weight Data
24 h
Conditioning 8 SessionsAlternating Drug and
NonDrug Sessions (counterbalanced) Drug Sessions
15 min access to saccharin (0.15) followed
immediately by an injection (s.c) of vehicle
(physiological saline) or nicotine (0.2, 0.4 or
0.8 mg/kg) NonDrug Sessions 15 min access to tap
water in the absence of any injections
This research was supported by a National
Institutes of Health grant (DA019866), awarded to
A. S. Rauhut. We would like to especially thanks
Professor Rauhut for his guidance and support
during this experiment.
48 h after last drug session
- Left Panel. Displays weights of WKY rats over 6
sessions. No significant group differences were
observed, p gt 0.05. - Right Panel. Displays weights of Wistar rats over
6 sessions. Although no individual group
differences existed, Wistar rats were heavier and
gained more weight over time compared to WKY
rats, ps lt 0.05.
Test 15 min access to saccharin (0.15) in the
absence of any injections