Amniotic Band Syndrome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amniotic Band Syndrome


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amniotic Band Syndrome

Amniotic Band Syndrome ABS
  • Dr Muhammad M El Hennawy
  • Ob/gyn specialist
  • 59 Street - Rass el barr dumyat - egypt

What is Amniotic Band Syndrome?
  • It is a set of congenital birth defects believed
    to be caused by entrapment of fetal parts
    (usually a limb or digits) in fibrous amniotic
    bands while in utero.

Typs Of ABS
  • A membrane formed at an early stage of
    pregnancy may cause severe damage to the
    structure of the various tissues, resulting in
    deformities in a large number of organs this
    often results in intrauterine death. Defects in
    these cases usually include defects in the
    location and structure of the heart, omphalocele,
    gastroschisis, anencephalus, cleft face,
    hydrocephalus, etc. A membrane formed at a
    later stage of pregnancy may not cause damage,
    but if it does, this is usually to limbs. The
    entire limb, part of it, or only digits can be
    involved, and the result can be limb stumps or
    scars in one or more limbs. Often those fingers
    that are not missing in the limb involved have
    signs of scarring or fusion. Sometimes the
    damage is milder, manifesting as a localized
    annular narrowing at the site where the membrane
    entrapped the limb, with swelling distal to the
    ring due to lymphedema.

Amniotic Band Syndrome - Alternative Names
  • Some of these are different names for ABS and
    some are other syndromes that are often confused
    with ABS.  Misdiagnosis is apparently common. 
  • Amniotic Deformity, Adhesions and Mutilations
  • Amniotic band disruption complex or sequence
  • Amniotic bands and sheets
  • Annular constriction bands 
  • Congenital ring constriction 
  • Constriction Band Syndrome  and Amniotic
    Constriction Band Syndrome
  • Intrauterine amputation
  • Streeter's dysplasia
  • TEARS (The Early Amnion Rupture Spectrum)
  • Congenital Transverse Defects or Deficiency
  • Limb-body Wall Complex 
  • Amniotic deformity adhesions mutilations (ADAM).
  • ADAM Complex
  • Amniotic band sequence,
  • Amniochorionic mesoblastic fibrous strings
  • Congenital amputation,
  • Congenital constricting bands

  • Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) is an uncommon fetal
    malformation with increasing prevalence
  • Amniotic banding affects approximately 1 in 1,200
    to 1 in 15,000 live births.
  • It is also believed to be the cause of about 178
    in 10,000 miscarriages.
  • About 80 of cases involve the hands and fingers
    and a significant number of clubfoot cases are
    correlated with ABS

Prenatal risk factors
  • No distinct sex predilection has been determined.
  • Nearly sixty percent of the cases have some sort
    of abnormal gestation history.
  • Prenatal risk factors associated with amniotic
    band syndrome include prematurity (lt37 weeks),
    low birth weight (lt2500 g), maternal illness
    (during pregnancy), maternal drug exposure and
    maternal hemorrhage/trauma.

  • Amniotic Band Syndrome is not genetic (i.e. not
  • It is extremely unlikely that ABS will affect a
    future pregnancy. 
  • To date, no prenatal factors have been associated
    with ABS
  • The primary event is a rupture of the amniotic
    membrane and its detachment from the chorion with
    amniotic fluid leaking through the tear
    (spontaneously or after trauma to the lower
    abdomen ).
  • As a result, the fetus can move digits or limbs
    through this tear and exit the amniotic cavity
    (partially or completely).
  • The outer surface of the amnion, and to a lesser
    degree the naked chorion, produce mesodermic
    fibrous strings which may entangle and entrap
    different fetal organs, leading to constriction
    and amputation anomalies.
  • These deductions agree with the increased
    frequency of constriction bands located more
    distally on the digits, hands and feet, as well
    as with the varying severity of constrictions,
    ranging from slight grooves in the skin to actual
    amputation of the digit or limb
  • However, this theory does not explain the
    association of amniotic bands with damage to
    internal organs and other severe anomalies.

The Timing Of The Rupture
  • The timing of the rupture is believed to occur
    between 28 days after conception to 18 weeks of
  • Late bands can occur and present at birth, even
    after a normal ultrasound was performed earlier
    in the pregnancy.

Features or Stages
  • The constriction of appendages by amniotic bands
    may result in
  • Restrictions of the growth around the digits,
    arms and legs
  • Constriction rings around the digits, arms and
    legs - the bands will partially constrict the
    blood flow in the affected appendage causing a
    deep groove in the baby's skin
  • Swelling of the extremities distal to the point
    of constriction (congenital lymphedema)
  • Amputation of digits, arms and legs (congenital

Range of effects
  • The defect could be merely cosmetic, depending on
    the severity of the constriction.
  • Deeper bands may cause lymphatic obstruction
    leading to edema and vascular compromise,
    conditions that require immediate release.
  • Abnormalities may occur distal to the
    constriction, such as anterolateral bowing,
    hemihypertrophy, pseudarthrosis, leg-length
    discrepancy, and teratologic clubfeet. These
    conditions may lead to limited function and
  • Early in gestation, spontaneous abortions may
    result from the encircling bands. If the
    constriction occurs after development is almost
    complete, fissures, acrosyndactylization, or
    intrauterine amputation occur typically on the

  • ABS affects the hands in almost 90 of cases. The
    distal portion of the extremities is most often
    involved, especially in the longer central
    fingers of the hand. The thumb and small finger
    are rarely involved, presumably because of their
    shorter lengths. In the feet, constricting bands
    most commonly involve the big toe (hallux).
  • Lymphatic and vascular compromise may result from
    severe band compression. Immediate surgical
    release is required if at birth the child
    presents with a swollen, engorged digit or limb.
  • More often, the constricted digit or limb has
    been amputated in utero. Acrosyndactyly occurs
    after digital separation is complete, but the
    fingers get twisted by bands and eventually join

  • Clubfoot occurs in up to 25 of cases of amniotic
    banding. In half of occurrences of clubfoot, a
    tight band wraps around the peroneal nerve, which
    causes muscle imbalance and clubfoot.
  • Constriction bands across the face and head may
    result in facial clefts. Cleft lip and palate
    require reconstruction when the child is
    approximately 3 to 6 months of age.

  • ABS may affect the face with cleft lip or palate,
    asymmetric microphthalmia or severe nasal
    deformity. Encephalocele may be a manifestation
    of Amniotic Band Syndrome / ABS, especially when
    eccentrically placed off the midline.
  • Abdominal wall defects - typically large defects
    with free-floating intestine but large enough for
    the lines to herniate outside the abdomen, can
    also be the result of Amniotic Band Syndrome /
  • The characteristic appearance of an aberrant
    sheet or band of amnion attached to the fetus
    with resultant deformity and restriction of
    motion allows a diagnosis of Amniotic Band
    Syndrome / ABS to be made. Prenatal diagnosis is
    the exception rather than the rule.

  • The findings in Amniotic Band Syndrome / ABS may
    be limited to isolated defects, including
    isolated facial cleft, digital amputation or mild
    elephantiasis of an extremity beyond a
    constrictive band. These features may be
    difficult to diagnose using ultrasound because
    the detailed fetal visualization required is
    beyond the scope of routine obstetrical
    ultrasound examinations.
  • At the worst end of the spectrum, the fetus may
    be so severely deformed by the amniotic bands
    that the spine is contracted and organs are
    formed in perplexing and bizarre proportions. The
    head may be completely misshapen or absent.
  • The bands responsible for these deformities are
    rarely seen and a presumptive diagnosis of
    Amniotic Band Syndrome / ABS is made based on the
    commonly associated deformities.

  • The spinal deformities in Amniotic Band Syndrome
    can be severe, manifesting as kyphotic lordosis
    or scoliosis as well as severe rotational
    abnormalities, even spinal amputation. While
    spinal deformity can be seen in other syndromes,
    severe spinal deformity should suggest Amniotic
    Band Syndrome / ABS.
  • Spinal deformity associated with an
    abdominal-wall defect is particularly suggestive
    of Amniotic Band Syndrome.
  • While the typical appearance of an omphalocele is
    possible, the more common defect is a large
    slash-like defect of both the thoracic and
    abdominal cavities with evisceration.

  • These defects are associated with exteriorized
    bowel, liver and sometimes heart without an
    enveloping membrane. When associated with limb
    abnormalities, this is characteristic of the
    limb-body-wall complex form of Amniotic Band
  • Deformation of the calvarium is another group of
    anomalies characteristic of Amniotic Band
  • If complete, the fetus may appear anencephalic.
    If partial, the fetus may appear to have an

How is ABS diagnosed?
  • ABS is very difficult to diagnose.
  • Prenatal ultrasound may not be able to identify
    the bands as the individual strands are small and
    hard to see on ultrasound but only see the
    results of the fusion such as missing or deformed
  • Misdiagnosis is also common, up to 70 of all
    amniotic bands seen on prenatal ultrasound
    disappear upon repeat ultrasound. If the
    ultrasound demonstrates amniotic bands with free
    fetal movement and lack of fetal attachment to
    the band, they are termed innocent amniotic bands
    and pose little risk to the fetus.
  • 3D ultrasound and MRI can be used for more
    detailed and accurate diagnosis of bands and the
    resulting damage/danger to the fetus.

DD Of Amniotic Sheetsfrom Amniotic Bands
  • Amniotic sheets are the most common with an
    incidence of 0.6. They are thought to be caused
    by scarring inside the womb or 'senechiae' from
    previous operations, such as DC. As the
    membranes develop, they surround these sheets of
    scar tissue. Often they aren't seen until later
    on in pregnancy, presumably following rupture or
    compression by the growing baby. Amniotic sheets
    have been found to be associated with an
    increased risk of early labour.
  • Amniotic bands are even less common, affecting 1
    in 1200 (0.08) of all pregnancies. They are
    fibrous strands of membrane stretching from the
    outer membrane surface into the amniotic cavity.
    They are thought to originate when the inner
    membranes (amnion) rupture without injury to the
    outer membrane (chorion). The ruptured amnion
    remains as a plaque or fragments into bands which
    stretch across the chorionic cavity. Amniotic
    bands are thought to happen spontaneously or in
    association with trauma to the abdomen. There has
    been the suggestion of a relationship between
    amniotic bands, limb shortening and early chorion
    villous sampling (CVS).

Other Bands
  • Other less common types of band-like appearing
    structures may also be observed on obstetric
  • These include chorio-amniotic separation (normal
    finding in the 1st trimester up to 16 weeks),
    velamentous cord insertion, uterine fusion
    abnormalities (bicornuate, septate uterus, etc.),
    and remaining membranes after demise of a twin.
  • In these situations, correlation of ultrasound
    features with patient's clinical history can be

Approach to Evaluating Band-like Structures
  • The following diagram can be utilized to aid
    diagnosis when a band-like structure is
    visualized in the uterus. The authors advise
    caution, however, as there may be some overlap of
    appearances in the different categories

  • Ultrasound Appearance Usually thin membrane-like
    strands criss-crossing the amniotic sac and
    attached to fetal body parts. (ABS)

  • First trimester transvaginal sonogram showing an
    interesting synechia
  • Ultrasound AppearancesShelf-like thick band
    communicating along it's length with the uterine
    wall along it's length. In other words, a
    synechia has a base and a free edge. This
    appearance is caused by a combination of the
    fibrous synechia itself, and the complete
    wrapping of fetal membranes around the synechia.  

  • Amniotic band syndrome is considered an
    accidental event and it does not appear to be
    genetic or hereditary, so the likelihood of it
    occurring in another pregnancy is remote.
  • The cause of amnion tearing is unknown and as
    such there are no known preventative measures.

Interventions and Treatment
  • Treatment usually occurs after birth and where
    plastic and reconstructive surgery is considered
    to treat the resulting deformity.
  • Plastic surgery ranges from simple to complex
    depending on the extent of the deformity.
    Physical and occupational therapy may be needed
    long term.
  • In rare cases, if diagnosed in utero, fetal
    surgery may be considered to save a limb which is
    in danger of amputation or other deformity. This
    typically would not be attempted if neither vital
    organs nor the umbilical cord are affected.

Fetal Treatment
  • In utero limb salvage fetoscopic release of
    amniotic bands for threatened limb amputation.
  • Fetoscopic laser release of amniotic bands in
    extremity ABS offers the potential to prevent
    limb amputation
  • A small camera is inserted through the mothers
    abdomen and uterus into the amniotic sac in order
    to see and cut the bands.
  • Cutting the amniotic bands is performed utilizing
    a fetoscopic technique.
  • The procedure is typically performed under
    regional anesthesia.
  • Early fetoscopic release may prevent amputation
    and allow improved limb development.

Child Treatment
  • Indications for intervention depend on the
    medical stability of the child and on the
    neurovascular status of the limb.
  • Bands that only cosmetically affect the
    superficial skin generally do not require any
  • Only the tight constriction bands, resulting in
    gross lymphedema, vascular compromise, or both
    necessitate immediate surgical release.
  • Surgery also is indicated for patients with
    syndactyly or acrosyndactyly that compromises
    hand function. Thumb amputation (which is rare),
    club feet, cleft lip, and cleft palate require
    reconstruction, but these procedures can be
    performed electively at a later time.

Special Considerations For Delivery
  • Type of delivery - Typically, pregnancies with
    ABS do not require cesarean delivery. The need
    for fetal intervention should not impact the mode
    of delivery. The delivery plan will be carefully
  • Place of delivery - If all the prenatal
    monitoring suggests that the baby is doing well,
    the baby can be delivered at the hospital.
    However, the hospital should be prepared to
    handle any immediate needs of the newborn and
    have a neonatal intensive care unit with the
    capability to provide specialized care.
  • Time of delivery - Unless there are signs of
    serious complications of ABS, there is no reason
    to intentionally induce an early delivery. The
    team at the Center may recommend early delivery
    for pregnancies that appear to be in danger

Follow-up and prognosis
  • All patients with ABS should be monitored
    regularly until skeletal maturity is reached,
    because of the potential for recurrence of the
    rings and for secondary contractures that may
  • The prognosis is good for limbs affected by
    isolated superficial extremity bands. Aside from
    cosmetic irregularities, no functional defects
    are usually present. Deeper bands may be
    associated with progressive problems leading to
    lymphatic and neurovascular compromise that
    requires operative intervention.
  • For patients with acrosyndactyly, hand function
    is limited secondary to stiffness of the joints,
    but reconstruction can result in good prehension
    and grasp. Children whose limbs have been
    amputated in utero usually adapt well to their
    physical limitations, and aside from fitting with
    a prosthesis, little often needs to be done. In
    children with a transverse deficiency proximal to
    the ankle joint, a prosthesis is required for
    full function.

  • The prognosis depends on the location and
    severity of the constricting bands.
  • Every case is different and multiple bands may be
    entangled around the fetus.
  • Bands which wrap around fingers and toes can
    result in syndactyly or amputations of the
  • In other instances, bands can wrap around limbs
    causing restriction of movement resulting in
    clubbed feet.
  • In more severe cases, the bands can constrict the
    limb causing decreased blood supply and
  • Amniotic bands can also sometimes attach to the
    face or neck causing deformities such as cleft
    lip and palate.
  • If the bands become wrapped around the head or
    umbilical cord it can be life threatening for the

  • Acrosyndactyly is a more complex type of
    syndactyly. The fingers had separated but a band
    formed around the fingers causing them to refuse
    during development.
  • These images are the left and right hand of a

Amputated Big Toe
  • ABS is the most common cause of a congenital
    amputation of a limb/digit.

Banded Foot
  • When bands wrap around limbs during development
    they can constrict the limb causing decreased
    blood supply and amputation.

Banding on Leg
  • This image shows a banding line on newborn's leg.

Cleft Lip Palate
  • Oral clefting occurs when the tissues of the lip
    and/or palate of a fetus don't grow together
    early in pregnancy.
  • Children with clefts often don't have enough
    tissue in their mouths, and the tissue they do
    have isn't fused together properly to form the
    roof of their mouths.

  • The umbilical cord of the dead twin is completely

Clubfeet Photo
  • A strong relationship between ABS and clubfoot
  • A 31.5 of associated clubfoot deformity and ABS
    can be correlated with 20 occurring bilaterally.

  • This is typical of Congenital Transverse
    Deficiency, a form of ABS.
  • A short below-the-elbow amputation. The fingers
    may be represented only by nubbins or dimpling
    found on the end.

Overlapping, Underlapping Toes
  • Congenital Overlapping toes are characterized by
    one toe lying on top of an adjacent toe.
    Congenital Under lapping toes usually involve the
    fourth and fifth toes.

Syndactyly - at birth
  • A hand at birth, the banding line from the wrist
    to the pinky finger and around the wrist. The
    three fingers are webbed together (syndactyly).
  • The three fingers are small, with abnormal finger
    nails, and missing some joints.
  • There is also some lymphedema (swelling at the
    joint) of the index finger middle joint.

  • ABS affecting the leg above ankle.

  • Left hand with constriction bands, dystrophic
    nails and fusion of digits II-V by amniotic

  • Right foot with stunted growth of all digits,
    dystrophic nails, constriction bands and partial
    syndactyly of digits II to V.

(No Transcript)
Clubfoot Treatment
  • The accepted method of treating clubfeet is by
    the Ponseti method of Serial Plaster Casting.
    Treatment should be started right away. The
    initial treatment consists of manipulating the
    foot to get it to the best position possible, and
    then holding the correction in a cast.

Syndactyly - Surgically Separated
  • This photo is after two operations that separated
    his webbed fingers (syndactyly).

Distraction Augmentation Manoplasty
  • This surgery creates growth at the rate of an
    inch of bone a month, to create new palms and to
    lengthen the fingers. It consists of the
    insertion of a device through the bone which is a
    complex group of bars, nails and steel screws. It
    requires screwing several turns per day to reach
    a growth rate of up to 1 ml. daily.

  • Amniotic Band Syndrome can be difficult to
    diagnose. Ultrasound does not usually reveal it.
  • Even though the incidence of the condition is
    very low, obstetricians need to be aware of the
    possibility of umbilical cord constriction by an
    amniotic band.
  • The presentation of a patient with decreased
    fetal heart rate and a history of amniocentesis
    must to be monitored closely. There is a high
    fetal death rate associated with this diagnosis.
    When the fetus is at a viable gestational age,
    immediate delivery may be indicated.
  • When Intrauterine Demise does occur, amniotic
    band syndrome should be included as one of the
    possible etiologies. Thorough evaluation of the
    placenta and cord is necessary to rule out
    constriction of the cord by Amniotic bands.
  • Although the finding of Amniotic Band Syndrome
    may not change the outcome identifying a
    definitive cause for the parents may provide a
    small measure of closure in the context of this
    tragic event.
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