Title: Diapositive 1
1Seals Patented Installation System
Working Area Preparation ( Step by step )
2You need the following
1 seal jig
1 adapted installation tool
1 glue roller
3Seal jig
seal jig is designed to work on all A4 seals
You can ajust seals on left side
if you turn the jig over
or right side
4Adapted installation tool
2 tools exist,
one for HP 1010 / 1200 , one for AX / HP 1320
AX one is wider than HP 1200 one.
5Glue roller
is really inexpensive, use Pritt permanent glue
6First step
Place seal jig in front of you
Place seals on the jig
7Second step
pasting the tool
Tool has to be sticky enough to hold the seal,
But less sticky than seals adhesive,
otherwise, seal will not stick on hopper and will
stay on the tool.
Take glue roller and place glue on bottom both
ends of the tool ( 2 cm ) plus 2-3 cm in the
8Third step
Place the insertion toll on the seal, Using jig
and handle as guides
Act as shown on my video
If you do not see the video, please look at
www.proton.fr home page..
10!! Important Tip !!
Always replace installation toll on next seal
In this case, one gluing operation can last a
full work day
You are saving few more time on production
Tooling will last much longer without anymore
11Has been proud to show you its french patented
sealing system..