3D IC technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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3D IC technology


3D IC technology Pouya Dormiani Christopher Lucas – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 3D IC technology

3D IC technology
  • Pouya Dormiani
  • Christopher Lucas

What is a 3D IC?
Stacked 2D (Conventional) ICs
Could be Heterogeneous
  • Interconnect structures increasingly consume more
    of the power and delay budgets in modern design
  • Plausible solution increase the number of
    nearest neighbors seen by each transistor by
    using 3D IC design
  • Smaller wire cross-sections, smaller wire pitch
    and longer lines to traverse larger chips
    increase RC delay.
  • RC delay is increasingly becoming the dominant
  • At 250 nm Cu was introduced alleviate the adverse
    effect of increasing interconnect delay.
  • 130 nm technology node, substantial interconnect
    delays will result.

3D Fabrication Technologies
  • Many options available for realization of 3D
  • Choice of Fabrication depends on requirements of
    Circuit System

Beam Recrystallization Processed Wafer Bonding Silicon Epitaxial Growth Solid Phase Crystallization
Deposit polysillicon and fabricate TFTs -not practial for 3D circuits due to high temp of melting polysillicon -Suffers from Low carrier mobility -However high perfomance TFTs have been fabricated using low temp processing which can be used to implement 3D circuits Bond two fully processed wafers together. -Similar Electrical Properties on all devices -Independent of temp. since all chips are fabricated then bonded -Good for applications where chips do independent processing -However Lack of Precision(alignemnt) restricts interchip communication to global metal lines. Epitaxially grow a single cystal Si -High temperatures cause siginificant cause significant degradation in quality of devices on lower layers -Process not yet manufacturable Low Temp alternative to SE. -Offers Flexibilty of creating multiple layers -Compatible with current processing environments -Useful for Stacked SRAM and EEPROM cells
Performance Characteristics
  • Timing
  • Energy
  • With shorter interconnects in 3D ICs, both
    switching energy and cycle time are expected to
    be reduced

  • In current technologies, timing is interconnect
  • Reducing interconnect length in designs can
    dramatically reduce RC delays and increase chip
  • The graph below shows the results of a reduction
    in wire length due to 3D routing
  • Discussed more in detail later in the slides

Energy performance
  • Wire length reduction has an impact on the cycle
    time and the energy dissipation
  • Energy dissipation decreases with the number of
    layers used in the design
  • Following graphs are based on the 3D tool
    described later in the presentation

Energy performance graphs
Design tools for 3D-IC design
  • Demand for EDA tools
  • As the technology matures, designers will want to
    exploit this design area
  • Current tool-chains
  • Mostly academic
  • We will discuss a tool from MIT

3D Standard Cell tool Design
  • 3D Cell Placement
  • Placement by min-cut partitioning
  • 3D Global Routing
  • Inter-wafer vias
  • Circuit layout management

3D Standard Cell Placement
  • Natural to think of a 3D integrated circuit as
    being partitioned into device layers or planes
  • Min cut part-itioning along the 3rd dimension is
    same as minimizing vias

Total wire length vs. Vias
  • Can trade off increased total wire length for
    fewer inter-plane vias by varying the point at
    which the design is partitioned into planes
  • Plane assignment performed prior to detailed
  • Yields smaller number of vias, but greater
    overall wire length

Total wire length vs. Vias (Cont)
  • Plane assignment not made until detailed
    placement stage
  • Yields smaller total wire length but greater
    number of vias

Intro to Global Routing
  • Overview
  • Global Routing involves generating a loose
    route for each net.
  • Assigns a list of routing regions to a net
    without actually specifying the geometrical
    layout of the wires.
  • Followed by detailed routing
  • Finds the actual geometrical shape of the net
    within the assigned routing regions.
  • Usually either sequential or hierarchical

Illustration of routing areas
Detailed routing of net when routing areas are
Hierarchical Global Routing
  • Tool uses a hierarchical global routing algorithm
  • Based on Integer programming and Steiner trees
  • Integer programming approach still too slow for
    size of problem and complexity (NP-hard)
  • Hierarchical routing methods break down the
    integer program into pieces small enough to be
    solved exactly

2D Global Routing
  • A 2D Hierarchical global router works by
    recursively bisecting the routing substrate.
  • Wires within a Region are fully contained or
    terminate at a pin on the region boundry.
  • At each partitioning step the pins on the side of
    the routing region is allocated to one of the two
  • Wires Connect cells on both sides of the
    partition line.
  • These are cut by the partition and for each a pin
    is inserted into the side of the partition
  • Once complete, the results can be fed to a
    detailed router or switch box router (A switchbox
    is a rectangular area bounded on all sides by

Illustration of Bisection
Extending to 3D
  • Routing in 3D consists of routing a set of
    aligned congruent routing regions on adjacent
  • Wires can enter from any of the sides of the
    routing region in addition to its top and bottom
  • 3D router must consider routing on each of the
    layers in addition to the placement of the
    inter-waver vias
  • Basis idea is You connect a inter-waver via to
    the port you are trying to connect to, and route
    the wire to that via on the 2D plane.
  • All we need now is enough area in the 2D routing
    space to route to the appropriate via

3D Routing Results
Percentage Of 2D Total wire Length Minimizing for
Wire Length 2 Layers 28 5 Layers 51
Minimizing for via count 2 Layers 7 5
Layers 17
  • MAGIC is an open source layout editor developed
    at UC Berkeley
  • 3D-MAGIC is an extension to MAGIC by providing
    support for Multi-layer IC design
  • Whats different
  • New Command bond
  • Bonds existing 2D ICs and places inter-layer Vias
    in the design file
  • Once Two layers are bonded they are treated as
    one entity

Concerns in 3D circuit
  • Thermal Issues in 3D-circuits
  • EMI
  • Reliability Issues

Thermal Issues in 3D Circuits
  • Thermal Effects dramatically impact interconnect
    and device reliability in 2D circuits
  • Due to reduction in chip size of a 3D
    implementation, 3D circuits exhibit a sharp
    increase in power density
  • Analysis of Thermal problems in 3D is necessary
    to evaluate thermal robustness of different 3D
    technology and design options.

Heat Flow in 2D
Heat generated arises due to switching In 2D
circuits we have only one layer of Si to
Heat Flow in 3D
With multi-layer circuits , the upper layers
will also generate a significant fraction of the
heat. Heat increases linearly with level increase
Heat Dissipation
  • All active layers will be insulated from each
    other by layers of dielectrics
  • With much lower thermal conductivity than Si
  • Therefore heat dissipation in 3D circuits can
    accelerate many failure mechanisms.

Heat Dissipation in Wafer Bonding versus
Epitaxial Growth
  • Wafer Bonding(b)
  • 2X Area for heat dissipation
  • Epitaxial Growth(a)

Heat Dissipation in Wafer Bonding versus
Epitaxial Growth
  • Design 1
  • Equal Chip Area
  • Design 2
  • Equal metal wire pitch

High epitaxial temperature
Temperatures actually higher for Epitaxial second
layers Since the temperature of the second
active layer T2 will Be higher than T1 since T1
is closer to the substrate and T2 is stuck
between insulators
EMI in 3D ICs
  • Interconnect Coupling Capacitance and cross talk
  • Coupling between the top layer metal of the first
    active layer and the device on the second active
    layer devices is expected

  • Interconnect Inductance Effects
  • Shorter wire lengths help reduce the inductance
  • Presence of second substrate close to global
    wires might help lower inductance by providing
    shorter return paths

Reliability Issues?
  • Electro thermal and Thermo-mechanical effects
    between various active layers can influence
    electro-migration and chip performance
  • Die yield issues may arise due to mismatches
    between die yields of different layers, which
    affect net yield of 3D chips.

Implications on Circuit Design and Architecture
  • Buffer Insertion
  • Layout of Critical Paths
  • Microprocessor Design
  • Mixed Signal ICs
  • Physical design and Synthesis

Buffer Insertion
  • Buffer Insertion
  • Use of buffers in 3D circuits to break up long
  • At top layers inverter sizes 450 times min
    inverter size for the relevant technology
  • These top layer buffers require large routing
    area and can reach up to 10,000 for high
    performance designs in 100nm technology
  • With 3D technology repeaters can be placed on the
    second layer and reduce area for the first layer.

Layout of Critical Paths and Microprocessor
  • Once again interconnect delay dominates in 2D
  • Logic blocks on the critical path need to
    communicate with each other but due to placement
    and desig constraints are placed far away from
    each other.
  • With a second layer of Si these devices can be
    placed on different layes of Si and thus closer
    to each other using(VILICs)
  • In Microprocessor design most critical paths
    involve on chip caches on the critical path.
  • Computational modules which access the cache are
    distributed all over the chip while the cache is
    in the corner.
  • Cache can be placed on a second layer and
    connected to these modules using (VILICs)

Mixed Signal ICs and Physical Design
  • Digital signals on chip can couple and interfere
    with RF signals
  • With multiple layers RF portions of the system
    can be separated from their digital counterparts.
  • Physical Design needs to consider the multiple
    layers of Silicon available.
  • Placement and routing algorithms need to be

  • 3D IC design is a relief to interconnect driven
    IC design.
  • Still many manufacturing and technological
  • Needs strong EDA applications for automated design
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