Title: The%20original%20of%20Cock-Cola
1The original of Cock-Cola
Cock-Cola is created in America by Dr. John S.
Pemberton, who is the cellar mixes both
carbonation water and soda together, getting a
kind syrup. His partner Frank M. Robison names it
2Do you know something fun about Coca-Cola?Here
are some interesting records.
- The biggest Coca-Cola signbboard is in chile.
Its 122 meters in width, 40 meters in height,
and made up of 70000 contour bottles. - Fill of 8 ounce contour bottles with all produced
Coca-Cola in the world, and arranging the coutour
bottles around the orbit of earth, youll find
out that it can make 4334 circles. And this
distance is the same as the distance from Mercury
to Venus to mars to Jupiter. - Everyone could get 678 contour bottles of
Coca-Cola if filling of 8 ounce contour bottles
with all Coca-Cola and giving these bottles to
everyone in the world. - People in Mexico and Ice Land love to drink
Coca-Cola best in the whole world. - If the fountain in Yellow Stone Natioal Park
spurts out all Coca-Cola produced in the world at
normal speed, it will keep spurting for 1689
36. The biggest wall paiting of Coca-Cola in Asia
is in Hong Kong. This giant Coca-Cola
painting is 61 meters in height, 55 meters in
width how about the biggest neon light
signboard? Its in Tokyo and 28.3 meters in
width, 15 meters height. 7. Do you know how many
people drink Coca-Cola per second? The answer is
10450! So youre not lonely at when drinking
Coca-Cola. 8. Churchils daughter Mary had ever
named a bomber after Coca-Cola. 9. The famous
rock band Beatles had ever made an adertisement
for Coca-Cola in 1960.
And about Santa Claus, it is created by Hadden
Sund blom in 1931 and begins to be used in
advertisement. Hadden keeps creating every
different kinds of Santa Claus till 1960. By the
way, Santa Claus is the most useful advertisement
which Coca-Cola company always users in winter.
4Around the World
Although Coca-Cola was the first created in the
USA, it quickly became popular wherever it went.
Their first international bottling plants opened
in 1906 in Canada, Cuba, and Panama, soon
followed by many more. Today they produce more
than 300 brands in over 200 countries. More than
70 of their income comes from outside the U.S.,
but the real reason why they are a truly global
company is that their products meet the varied
taste preference of consumers erywhere.
5The Annual of Coca-Cola
1886 Coca-Cola is first sold at Jocobs Pharmacy
in Atlanta, U.S.A. 1888 John Pemberton, inventor
of Coca-Cola died. 1888( 8. 30) Coca-Colas
stock option transacted to the rich man Osa
Candler. ( The reason was
one day he had a headache and
was miraculously curred by coke, since
then he began to invest
in the company.) 1892 The Coca-Cola company
come into existence. 1903 Coca-Cola was sold up
to a million gallon a year. 1915 The glass
bottles were on the market, they are called
Hobbleskirt 1928 Coca-Cola began to work with the
Olympic games
61931 The first Santa Claus appeared on behalf of
Coca-Cola. It was illustrated by Hadden
Sundlom. 1943 Coca-Cola patented the word
Coke. 1950 Coca-Cola was on the cover of Time
Magazine. It became the limelight of
the world. 1955 Coca-Cola Refreshment Center
opened at Disney Land 1967 Coca-Cola food company
was brought into existence 1982 Diet Coke was
presented to the public. 1985 Coca-Cola was
carried into an American space shuttle-challenger,
and thus became the first soda pop
people ever drank in outer
space. 1992 Coca-Cola started its long-time
sponsor for the torch of Olympic. 1997 Coca-Cola
museum was opened In Las Vegas.
7Coca Cola Company creates a new catch line to the
market every year. They produce now
advertisements to refresh the old brand, to catch
up with the time, and to draw a head on new
generations. Their slogans are often short but
concise, easy to read and memorize.
- 1886 Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating!
- 1890 For headache or tired feeling summer or
winter. - 1896 Cures headache Relieves exhaustion.
- 1899 Coca-Cola makes flow of thought more easy
and reasoning - power more vigorous.
- 1903 Which? Coca-cola or Goldelle Ginger Ale
- A star drink, Morning, Evening, Night. At home
or Abroad, - Traveling or Resting. Working or
Recreating. - 1904 Delicious and Refreshing
81905 Wherever you go youll find Coca-Cola 1913
For everybody everywhere. 1927 Six keys to the
popularity of Coca-Cola Taste, Purity,
Refreshing, Sociability, the Nickel, Thirst 1952
What you want is Coke 1957 Sign of good taste
1963 Things go better with Coke
91982 Coke is it 1989 Cant beat the feeling 1990
Cant beat the real thing 1993 Always
Coca-Cola 2000 Enjoy! Coca-Cola
10Our Group Members
Chanta Eve Jane Leslie Sandy