Title: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
1Food and Agricultural Organization of the United
International Concerns Regarding Bt Corn
- Elina Tserlin and Arin Belden
- Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- Science and Cognition
- Geneva, NY 14456
2Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN
Slide 2
- Establishment of the United Nations
- Initiated in 1945
- International nutrition levels
- Standards of living
- Goals
- Alleviate hunger and poverty
- Provide food security
- Preserve natural resources
- Functions
- Gather and analyze information
- Organize programs
- Serve as clearinghouse
3Slide 3
FAO s Views Toward Genetically Engineered
Crops Bt Corn
- Voice of poverty-struck nations
- Helps cease famine
- Provides to needy
- Bt corn
- Sent to feed starving nations
- Higher crop yield
- Vast impacts on environment
4Current Endeavors Present in Impoverished
Slide 4
- Mexico
- Birthplace of Maize
- Stressful Farming Conditions
- Contaminated with genetically modified DNA
- 60 in the villages of Oaxaca and Puebla1
- India
- Transfer of genes from GM crops to wild
relatives - Super weeds evolve
- resistant
- cannot be killed by pesticides
- Competition with food for water, nutrients, light
- 5 of crop loss2
1von der Weid, 2002 2Times of India, 2001
5Spread of Bt Corn and Its Effect on Native
Slide 5
- Bt Corn
- Sent to starving nations by US
- Often importing countries not aware of GM crop
- Potential Harm to Starving Individuals3
- Consequences
- Cross Pollination
- Genes unintentionally spread to other maize
species - native species gets lost
3Benbrook, 2002
6Biodiversity and Its Importance to Nations
Slide 6
- Biodiversity
- Variability among organisms
- Crucial for alternatives
- Equilibrium
- Native Species
- Tolerant
- Native parasites
- Native temperatures
- Needed to fall back on
- Allows country to have its own crops4
- independence
4Quist et al., 2001
7FAOs Evaluation of Bt Corn as International
Slide 7
- Advantages of Bt corn
- Increase agricultural production
- Meet worlds food demands
- Supports non-developing countries
- Disadvantages of Bt corn
- Destroys native plants
- Loss of Biodiversity
- No fallback
8Actions of FAO Regarding Bt Corn
Slide 8
- Forum
- Hold meetings for international discussions
- Analyze new technological advances
- Inform nations
- Hold radio broadcasts where farmers share
techniques5 - Projects that check efficiency of soil
- Provide field training courses
- Final Decision
- Placed in hands of individual governments
5International Broadcast on Farm Radio
Broadcasting, 2001
Slide 9
1. Von der Weid, J.M. (2002, February 6). Letter
to Dr. Jacques Diouf, Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations, pp. 1-3. 2.
Scientists Fear Invasion of Super Weeds. (2001,
November 12). The Times of India 3.
Benbrook, C. (2002, September 27). Letter to
Distinguished Delegates from Zambia,
Benbrook Consulting Services, pp. 1-2. 4. Quist
D, Chapela, I. (2001). Transgenic DNA
Introgressed into Traditional Maize
Landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico. Nature, 414,
541-543. 5. International Broadcast on Farm Radio
Broadcasting (2001). Retreived from