Title: Energy in the Earth
1Energy in the Earth
- A. Types of Energy
- 1. Kinetic the working energy of a moving body
- 2. Potential stored energy of a body at rest
- B. Electromagnetic Radiation
- It is the ultimate source of energy on earth from
the sun. - EMR travels as a wave in space at the speed of
light 3.00 108 m/sec - All objects give off electromagnetic energy
- 1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum
2- C. When energy comes into contact with a surface
several interactions can result.
- 1. Reflected EMR waves are bounced back.
3- 3 Scattered Reflection Refraction.
- 4 Transmitted
- Energy passes through a material.
4- 5 Absorbed Energy is taken into a material.
- 6 Reradiated
- Energy is released
- from a material at a longer
- wavelength called
- infrared heat energy.
5- D. Energy Transfer
- 1. Radiation is the transfer of energy across
empty space. - 2. Conduction Movement of heat through solids.
- Involves the collision of molecules.
- 3. Convection The movement of heat through
liquids gasses. - Heat is moved by convection cells or currents.
- Driven by density differences
6Electromagnetic Energy Transfer in the
atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
Infrared energy Reradiated
7- E. Heat Temperature
- 1. Temperature is a measure of kinetic energy
- Increase Temp Increase KE
- 2. All matter is made up of particles that are in
a state of - continuous, random motion.
- 3. Heat flows from high to low
- Sources High Heat
- Sinks Low Heat
8- 4. The unit of heat energy is called the CALORIE.
- Specific heat is the amount energy needed to
raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance
1 Celsius. - 1 calorie is needed to raise the temp of 1g of
H2O 1 Celsius. - Law of Conservation of Energy
- Amount lost by a source Amount gained by
9 5. Specific Heat Calculations Specific Heat
Equation Is Used for increasing the
temperature of a substance (kE) qmC?T
q heat m mass C Specific
Heat ?T Change in Temperature
10 Specific Heat Equation qmC?T Problem 1 The
temperature of a copper was raised from 20C to
100 C Its mass was 30 grams. How many heat
calories were used to raise the
temperature? Heat Calories Problem 2 The
temperature of a water was raised from 10C to
90C Its mass was 50 grams. How many heat
calories were used to raise the
temperature? Heat Calories Problem 3 The
temperature of a ice was raised from -20C to
-10C Its mass was 50 grams. How many heat
calories were used to raise the
temperature? Heat Calories
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12- Latent Heat (Hidden Heat)
- When a substance changes state potential energy
is added to the material with out an increase in
temperature. - F. The Latent Heat of Fusion.
- A Change from a solid to liquid or back
(Melt/Freeze) - 1. Ice when heated from 0C to a melt at 0C
does not show an increase in temperature. - 2. Heat is changed to potential energy.
- Ice molecules store the heat break the
crystalline solid.
13Latent Heat Equations
q heat C Specific Heat m mass T
Temperature f fusion V vaporization
- Latent Heat of Fusion Equation
- Used During a Phase Change (pE during freeze or
melt) - qmHf
- Problem 1
- The temperature of a ice was raised from 0C to
0C as a liquid Its mass was 1000 grams. - How many heat calories were used to change
states? - Heat Calories
- Problem 2
- The temperature of a ice was raised from 0C to
0C as a liquid Its mass was 69 grams. - How many heat calories were used to change
states? - Heat Calories
14- G. Latent Heat Of Vaporization
- A changing from a liquid to a gas or back.
- 1. Boiling Water _at_ 100C will continue to gain
heat with out an increase in temperature till
water molecules break apart into a gas.
15- When a substance changes a state from Solid to a
liquid or liquid to gas It must gain latent heat - MELTING / FREEZING
- When a substance changes a state from Gas to
liquid or liquid to a solid It must lose latent
heat - Evaporization / Condensation
16Latent Heat Equations
q heat C Specific Heat m mass T
Temperature f fusion V vaporization
- Latent Heat of Vaporization Equation Used During
a Phase Change - (pE during vaporization or condensation)
- qmHV
- Problem 1
- The temperature of a water was raised from 100C
to 100C as a gas Its mass was 1000 grams. How
many heat calories were used to change states? - Heat Calories
- Problem 2
- The temperature of a water was raised from 100C
to 100C as a gas Its mass was 69 grams. How
many heat calories were used to change states? - Heat Calories
17 Latent Heat
19- The Seasons are Caused By
- The earths tilt on its axis
_at_ 23.5. - The earths revolution around the
20Winter Solstice North Pole has 24 Hrs Darkness
Note _at_ 23.5S Tropic of Capricorn The Sun is
Directly Over Head
Summer Solstice North Pole has 24 Hrs Daylight
Note _at_ 23.5N Tropic of Cancer The Sun is
Directly Over Head
Equinoxes All portions of the earth receive 12
hrs of daylight darkness. The sun is directly
overhead at the equator. Note the sun is never
directly overhead in New York!
21Four Seasons
22What Season in the Picture Below?
23Celestial Dome and the Seasons
25- Insolation In Coming Solar Radiation
- Insolation is the electromagnetic energy or
radiation received on earth from the sun. - Intensity of Insolation
- B. Is the rate at which the energy is received.
- As the angle of sun light hitting the earth
increases, the intensity of heat absorbed
261. Visible sun light is the most intense energy
received on earth that reaches the ground.
- Energy can be ABSORBED or taken into a material
and warmed then released or re-radiate back into
the environment as heat. - Heat Energy is radiated at a longer wavelength
called INRARED. - X-Rays are absorbed by magnetic field of the
earth - UV Rays are absorbed in the ozone layer.
27- 2. Global Warming is the average increase in the
earth's temperature. - a. Normally energy gained during the long
summer hours is lost in the short winter hours. - Resulting in a radiative balance and the earth
remains at a constant average temperature.
28- 3. Greenhouse Effect is a rise in the earths
average temperature caused by over heating of
trapped sunlight. - Incoming short wave radiation from the sun is
absorbed by - greenhouse gasses and converted to heat
energy. - - CO2 Carbon Dioxide
- - CH4 Methane
- - N20 Nitrous Oxides
- - H20 Water Vapor
- The absorbed radiation is changed to Infrared
heat energy at a longer wave length which becomes
trapped and the temperature rises.
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30- 4. The earth is currently experiencing a
increase in its over all average temperature
Which in turn causes changes in climate. - A warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall
patterns, a rise in sea level, and a wide range
of impacts on plants, wildlife, humans.
31- Factors that Determine The Angle of Insolation
- 1. Shape of the Earth and Latitude
- The angle of insolation changes with a curved
surface - _at_ different latitudes.
- At the poles
- The angle of insolation is low.
- More light is reflected making it cold.
- At the Equator
- The angle is greater
- More light is absorbed making it hot.
32- 2. Season of the Year and Latitude
- a. The angle of insolation at a specific latitude
- changes with each season.
- b. Note the Maximum and Minimum Angles of
Insolation from - June to December in the diagram.
33- Direct rays strike the earth perpendicular at a
90 angle - Only occurs between 23.5N and 23.5S through
out year. - The sun is never directly over head in New
341. What happens to the amount of sun light from
June to December? 2. What happens to the Altitude
of the Sun from June to December? 3. What happens
to the temperature of the location from June to
Dec.? 4. What will happen to the length of the
persons shadow from June to December?
35- 3. Time of Day
- Angle of Insolation Intensity Change through
out the day. - Low _at_ sunrise and sunset so it is cool
- High _at_ solar noon so it is hot
36- Duration of Insolation
- The number of hours of daylight received by an
area. - Atmospheric temperature depends upon the
- intensity duration of sunlight.
- a. Daily surface temperatures and insolation
- Maximum Daily Temp 2-3 pm
- Minimum Daily Temp Before Sunrise
- Temperature lag created by surface absorption of
heat and subsequent re-radiation of energy at a
later time.
Gaining Energy
Losing Energy
37- b. Yearly surface temperatures
- Maximum Duration - June 21st (15 /- hours)
Gaining Energy - Minimum Duration - December 21st (9/- hours)
Losing Energy
- Temperature lag created by surface absorption of
heat and subsequent re-radiation of heat at a
later time.
38- Yearly energy budgets for different seasons
latitudes - In the Northern Hemisphere
- Maximum Insolation - June 21st. Surplus
- Minimum Insolation - December 21st. Deficit
39- Summery Factors Effecting Insolation
- The shape of the Earth
- Latitude
- Season or Time of Year
- Time of Day
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44Elements can be identified by the electromagnetic
energy they radiate through identification of an
emission spectrum.