The price of getting older Health insurance for the elderly in the Netherlands, 1956-1986 R.A.A. Vonk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The price of getting older Health insurance for the elderly in the Netherlands, 1956-1986 R.A.A. Vonk


Centre for the history of health insurance, dept. Medical Humanities The price of getting older Health insurance for the elderly in the Netherlands, 1956-1986 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The price of getting older Health insurance for the elderly in the Netherlands, 1956-1986 R.A.A. Vonk

The price of getting olderHealth insurance for
the elderly in the Netherlands, 1956-1986R.A.A.
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Centre for the history of health insurance,
    funded by
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports
  • Zorgverzekeraars Nederland
  • Innovatiefonds Zorgverzekeraars
  • Main objectives
  • research to the history of health insurance,
    social security and the welfare state in the
    Netherlands and elsewhere
  • collect and preserve relevant historical archives
    (sickness funds, private health insurers, sector
    organizations, etc.)

Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Recent and upcoming publications
  • Tussen volksverzekering en vrije markt (2008)
  • Two centuries of solidarity (2009)
  • The insured as stakeholder in the health
    insurance market (2009)
  • Insurance of catastrophic medical risks. An
    international comparison (2010)
  • Private health insurance and civil society in the
    Netherlands, 1900-2006 (2013)

Bejaardenverzekering 1956-1986
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Its place in the broader system of social health
    insurance schemes in the Netherlands
  • Development of the scheme from 1956 onwards
  • The effects of risk spreading and solidarity
  • Past experiences and future prospects?

Health insurance for the elderly during the 19th
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Sickness funds (mostly commercial or
    philantropical in nature) employed age-limits for
    new applicants
  • Sickness funds usually cancelled the insurance
    when the insured reached the age of 60
  • Government enforces the Poor Law (1854) to
    provide for coverage of medical expenses of
    people with no income at all (municipal
    authorities, church).

Health insurance for the elderly, 1900-1941
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Sickness funds (mostly association funds and
    mutual workers funds) still employed age-limits
    for new applicants
  • Cancellation of the insurance when reaching the
    age of 60 no longer customary
  • Sickness fund premiums too high for most elderly
  • Poor Relief remained primary source for the
    coverage of medical expenses for the elderly

A.S. Talma, Minister of Labour (1908-1912)
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Sickness Benefits Act
  • General Disability and Elderly Benefits Act

General Disability and Elderly Benefits Act
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Cash and service benefits
  • Small pensions for elderly and disabled workmen
  • Service benefits primarily aimed at the disabled
  • Poor Relief remained important

Sickness funds Decree, 1941
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • German authorities imposed a tripartite system
  • compulsory social health insurance for wage
    earners and their dependants
  • voluntary social health insurance for non-wage
  • private health insurance
  • Social health insurance schemes and private
    health insurance seperated by an income limit

The compulsory social health insurance scheme
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • income related premiums
  • employer pays half of the premium
  • retrospective reimbursement through General Fund
  • government determined package of service
  • compulsory enrolment
  • obligatory acceptance of all eligible applicants
    and their dependents (children, spouses)

Voluntary social health insurance scheme
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • - community rated premiums
  • no retrospective reimbursement
  • open enrolment
  • - obligatory acceptance of all eligible
  • - government determined package of service

Health insurance for the elderly 1945-1956
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • 1941 elderly made eligible for the voluntary
    social health insurance scheme
  • 1947 enforcement of the Provisional law on
    Elderly Benefits
  • 1947 elderly made eligible for the compulsory
    social health insurance scheme

W. Drees, Minister of Social Affairs (1945-1948)
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Provisional law on Elderly Benefits
  • Father of social security

Social health insurance for the elderly, 1957
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • 1957 enforcement of the AOW (General Elderly
    Pensions Act), a national insurance scheme
    providing for retirement pensions for all people
    aged 65 or older living in the Netherlands
  • 1957 creation of the elderly social health
    insurance scheme

J.G. Suurhoff, Minister of Social Affairs,
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Enforcement of the AOW and the elderly social
    health insurance scheme

Elderly social health insurance scheme, 1957
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Open enrolment
  • Age-limit 65 or older
  • Income-limit linked with the height of the AOW
    pensions (1957 fl. 3410,-)
  • Premiums would cover only ¼ and ½ of the
    estimated expenses per insured person per year.
    Premium shortfall replenished by government and
    General Fund
  • Dependents (children, spouses) insured free of

Elderly social health insurance scheme
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
Government contributions
General fund compulsory scheme
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
Elderly social health insurance scheme
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Elderly health insurance meant as a safety-net
    insurance scheme for low-income elderly
  • Government tried to keep the membership base at
    a minimum to satisfy employers
  • 632.500 (/- 63 of all) elderly applied for
    elderly health insurance in 1957

Elderly and voluntary social health insurance,
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • High inflation-rate causes problems in the
    elderly health insurance scheme
  • First signs of a fatal premium spiral in the
    voluntary health insurance scheme
  • Government asks the SER (Socio-Economic Council)
    for advice

SER-advice of 1969
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Try to transfer elderly from the voluntary
    scheme to the elderly social health insurance
    scheme, by
  • increasing the income-limit to 70 of the
    income-limit of the compulsory scheme
  • creating additional bandwidths (premiums covering
    ? and ? of the estimated expenses per insured
    person per year)
  • reducing the premiums for middle income elderly

Elderly and voluntary social health insurance,
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • The reform fo the elderly and voluntary social
    health insurance schemes fails
  • Only 140.000 of the expected 250.000 elderly opt
    for insurance under the elderly scheme
  • single people didnt benefit
  • bad reputation?
  • Employers refused to increase contributions to
    fund premium reduction

Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
Elderly and voluntary social health insurance,
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • A worsening economic crisis forces the Den Uyl
    (1973-1977) government to invest heavily in
    premium reduction schemes for the elderly
  • The height of AOW pensions didnt keep up with
    the inflation-rate
  • Cumulating tax and premium surcharges affect
    middle-income elderly (AOW-plus-problem)
  • 1980 government contributions to the elderly
    health insurance scheme have risen to 1.5 billion

J.P. van der Reijden, State Secretary of Health
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • WTZ (Health Insurance Access Act)
  • MOOZ (Act on the Co-funding Over-representation
    Elderly Sickness fund Insured)

The WTZ and reform of the elderly social health
insurance scheme, 1982-1986
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Spreading of risk in the elderly social health
    insurance scheme had worsened (more elderly and
    older elderly)
  • Voluntary social health insurance scheme failed
    due to an increasingly weakening financial basis
  • percentage of elderly insured under the scheme
    rose from 10 to 20 of the total vol. ins. pop.
    during the seventies.
  • Both social health insurance schemes to be
    reformed at the same time

The WTZ and reform of the elderly social health
insurance scheme, 1982-1986
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Both elderly and voluntary social health
    insurance were dissolved
  • The membership base of the elderly social health
    insurance scheme was transferred to the
    compulsory social health insurance scheme
  • Regulating the private health insurance sector
  • Standard coverage package policy
  • Obligation to accept everyone for this policy
  • Act on the Co-funding Over-representation
    Elderly Sickness Fund Insured (cross-subsidization

Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Bejaardenverzekering as a hybrid health
    insurance scheme with traits from both the
    compulsory and the voluntary scheme
  • Elderly health insurance started as a safety-net
    insurance scheme, but developed into a broad
    health insurance scheme for roughly 75 of all
    Dutch elderly
  • Increasing need for large external contributions

Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • Influx of more elderly into the elderly health
    insurance scheme resulted in a worsening risk
  • Loosening bonds of solidarity between retiree,
    employee and employer
  • 1986 government enforces solidarity and creates
    a system of cross-subsidization

Future prospects?
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
  • The Dutch elderly social health insurance not
  • Medicare (USA)
  • Health Service System for the Elderly (Japan)
  • Some sort of solidarity between wage-earners and
    retirees is necessary to keep premiums affordable
    for elderly
  • External contributions (government,
    cross-subsidization, etc.)

Thank you for your attention !
Centre for the history of health insurance, dept.
Medical Humanities
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