Title: Labour Market Reforms
1Labour Market Reforms Presentation to EFC Council
By Director General
2- Sri Lanka - Major Challenges
- Employment creation (productive
- employment)
- Increased incomes
- Compliance with International Labour
- Standards
3Employment Creation Requires Investment Increas
ed Income Requires enhanced productivity Compl
iance with I L S Requires fundamental legal
framework and implementation
4Investment and Productivity Requires efficient
labour market
5- Some Key Features in an Efficient Labour Market
- Employable Workforce
- Job Placement Services
- Facilitatory Industrial Relations system
including efficient dispute settlement
mechanisms - Rational / Streamlined Terms Conditions of
employment - Streamlined termination procedures
- Unemployment protection
- No undue regulatory imposition on labour costs
- Flexibility
6- World Economic Forum
- The Global Competitiveness Report 2003/2004
- The Business Competitiveness Index
- Criteria
- Sophistication of Company operations and strategy
- The quality of the national business environment
72003 / 2004 Sri Lanka 57th out of 101 2002 /
2003 Sri Lanka 48th
8Sri Lanka Improving Rural and Urban Investment
climate (WB/ADB Report 2005) Urban Sector
constraints Electricity, Policy uncertainty,
Macro instability, Finance cost, Labour
9- Employable Workforce
- Rationalisation of Secondary, Tertiary
Educational - Policies / Strategies
- Greater interaction between private sector and
policy - makers
- Greater emphasis on identified areas vocational
education / skills - development
- Special focus on foreign employment opportunities
- Development of Entrepreneurial skills for self
10- Job Placement Services
- Accurate collection and dissemination of Labour
Market Information - Counselling Placement
- Jobsnet - Expansion
11- Facilitatory Industrial Relations System
- Currently, system is adversarial
- System needs to facilitate industrial harmony
for productivity and competitiveness at
enterprise National Level - Develop enterprise based workplace cooperation
mechanisms - Focus on IR culture than Legal Framework
12- Effective Speedy dispute settlement mechanisms
- Alternate dispute resolution procedures, eg
13- Industrial Relations Legislative Reforms
- Focus on,
- Reciprocal obligations between employers and
trade - unions
- E.g Trade Union recognition
- Collective bargaining
- Notice of strike / lock out
- Strike Ballot ?
14- Rational terms and conditions of employment
- Streamline working hours / weekly holidays for
possible - uniform application for uninterrupted
production/services - Review of holidays
- Streamline wage fixation mechanisms
- Restructure Wages Boards
- - National Wages Council (?)
15- Unemployment Protection
- Matter for social concern
- Need for balance between flexibility in
- termination laws and unemployment
- protection
- National unemployment insurance scheme
- Remove / Minimize burden from individual
- enterprises
- Role of ETF
16Streamline Termination procedures TEWA remains a
major issue Impact on employment creation /
atypical forms of employment Current legislation
needs to be reviewed for greater
flexibility Labour Tribunals Review the right
to the relief of reinstatement.
17Undue regulatory imposition on labour
costs TEWA No further increases in
superannuation/protection benefits No
legislated wage increases
18- Trade Union Concerns
- Freedom of Association and recognition of trade
unions - Right to collective bargaining
- Undue restrictions on the right to trade union
action - Protection of Worker Rights (Job Security)
- Unemployment insurance Vs. Flexibility in
termination - laws
- Consultation on socio economic issues (Social
19- Political Leadership for change ?
- Bipartite Initiative for Change ?
20- Consultation (Dialogue) at National Level
- National representative Body (Tripartite)
- Efficient Secretariat Research, Policy papers
etc - Identified common objectives
- Identified scope of activities /
Responsibilities - Form Debating Forum to Constructive Consultation
and meaningful outcome