Figure 6.43 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Figure 6.43


Title: BIO 342 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Author: GRDJ Keywords: First Classmeeting Description: Class organization, intro to homeostasis. Last modified by – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: anatomy | cord | figure | spinal


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Figure 6.43

Figure 6.43
S 6
Locations of neuronal cell bodies, ganglia,
pharmacology of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ)
at skeletal muscle (nAChR) Diagram of NMJ
compared to synaptic varicosities characteristic
of autonomic postganglionic axons. Locations and
proximities of target cells and distributions of
receptors on target cells. Somatic excitatory
only at NMJ (ex. Reduced muscle tone) Autonomic
exitatory or inhibitory depending on NTs and
their receptors.
The Near-future in Physiology
  • Class
  • Lab
  • Finish Anatomy of Nervous System Ch 6.
  • Sensory Physiology Ch 7
  • Muscle physiology Ch 9
  • Vision Part 2 of 2
  • Two-point discrimination test
  • Auditory/Vestibular System

Answer Study Question for Vision and
Auditory/Vestibular Systems. These will be
separate sections on Test 2 on Nov. 5th.
1QQ 14 for 1030
List the senses that are associated with the
regions of the cerebral cortex labeled X, Y and Z
and which ONE of those regions youd choose to be
dysfunctional if you had to choose one. Explain
1QQ 14 for 1030
List the regions of the body that are associated
with the spinal nerves labeled X, Y and Z and
which ONE of those regions youd choose to have
severed if you had to choose one. Explain why.
E17. A person with an anterior pituitary tumor
in which all adenohypophyseal hormones are
hypersecreted would be expected to have high
levels of which hormones?a) somatostatin b)
dopamine c) CRH d) ACTH e) prolactin
f) TSH.
G4. Which are CORRECT regarding the
post-absorptive phase?a) cells of the nervous
system perform gluconeogenesisb) the liver
converts some fatty acids to ketonesc)
glycogenolysis in muscle cells releases glucose
into the plasmad) amino acids are converted to
glucose in the livere) most cell types
metabolize free fatty acids and ketones instead
of glucose.
G5. Which of the following can stimulate the
secretion of insulin?a) the thought or smell of
food b) increased activity in the
parasympathetic nerves c) increased levels of
plasma amino acids d) an increase in plasma
glucose e) EPI f) incretins
T3. Suppose Trey jumps into a pool of cold
water. Which statements are CORRECT?a)
cutaneous arterioles may constrict even before a
detectable decrease in core body temperatureb)
the cerebral cortex will orchestrate behaviors
(getting out of the water, drying off, and
putting on clothing)c) the hypothalamus acts via
somatic nerves to produce rapid involuntary
contractions of skeletal muscles to contribute to
heat productiond) EPI and cortisol are quickly
elevated in the plasma.
N3. The part(s) of a neuron that has/have
voltage-gated channels is/area) dendrites
b) cell membrane near the nucleus c) axons
d) axon terminals e) trigger zones N4.
A somatic motor neuron cell body is located in
the spinal cord and has a myelinated axon that
forms a synapse on a skeletal muscle in the hand
one meter from its soma. Which are CORRECT?a)
The axon of this efferent neuron would be found
in a peripheral nerve that also contains afferent
axonsb) Proteins synthesized in the cell body
that are delivered to the axon terminal would
require several days to arrive in the axon
terminal.c) no more than about 500 Schwann cells
would be present along this axond) if severed at
its midpoint along the axon, it would take about
100 days for the growth cone to arrive at its
former target muscle.N6. For a neurons at
resting membrane potential of 70mVa) K is
more permeable than Nab) K is actively
transported into of the cellc) K and Na are
crossing the membrane through separate leak
channelsd) there is an electrical driving force
favoring the entry of Na into the celle) there
is a concentration driving force favoring the
entry of Na into the cellf) there is a
concentration driving force favoring the exit of
K from the cell.
Figure 6.44
S 7
Parasympathetic (cranio-sacral) division)
Sympathetic (thoraco-lumbar) division
Figure 6.46
S 8
Antagonist Curare
Antagonist Atropine
Adrenal medulla is modified sympathetic ganglion
that secretes mainly EPI
Table 6.11
S 10
Study the Simpler Table Distributed in Class!
S 8
Why activation of the sympathetic division has
widespread effects.
S 9
S 3
Touch, pain,temperature,proprioception
Vessel stretch, O2, CO2, etc.
Vision, taste,smell, hearing,equilibrium
12 pairs of cranial nerves31 pairs of spinal
Smooth muscleCardiac muscleGlands
Tracts, pathways, commissures Nuclei
Control of digestive functions in quadraplegics
via enteric nervous system.
Nerves Ganglia
Sensing the world
  • Sensory coding sensory circuits code for
    modality, intensity, location, and duration of
    external stimuli.
  • Transduction the conversion of a physical
    stimulus into a change in membrane potential
    (electrochemical signal)
  • Signals are transmitted in the form of graded
    potentials, action potentials, and synaptic
  • Receptors cells that will respond to specific
    stimuli and perform transduction
  • The process of sensory coding starts here
  • Specificity receptors are often sensitive to
    specific stimuli varies with receptor type
    (adequate stimulus)
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