Title: Bogdan Dabrowski, DMR-0302617
1Correlated Phenomena in Atomically Arranged
Transition Metal Perovskites
Bogdan Dabrowski, DMR-0302617
Transition metal perovskites ABO3-d have given us
superior magnetic, magneto-resistive, electron-,
fast-ion-, and super-conducting, ferro-, and
di-electric materials. We have developed "design
rules that describe their stability as a
function of chemical composition, temperature,
and oxygen content. The rules have been used to
obtain novel A- and B-site ordered perovskites
that could lead to new and improved devices
- SrMn1-xBxO3-d and La1-xSrxMnO3-d perovskites
with enhanced magnetic and ionic conducting
properties for sensors and fuel cells. -
SrRu1-xCrxO3 perovskites with improved magnetic
and conducting properties for electronic
industry. - Layer-ordered La1xBa1-xMn2O6
perovskites with TC 365 K and improved
magneto-resistive properties for recording
industry. - B-site ordered double-perovskites
Sr2BBO6 with enhanced spin polarization and TC gt
400 K for future spintronics. - Chemically
substituted high-temperature superconductors with
increased critical properties for electrical
power industry.
2Hands on Experience Brings Research Materials
Closer to Heart
This research was done with assistance of one
undergraduate and two graduate students, and one
postdoctoral assistant. The extensive
collaboration gives students an opportunity for
intellectual growth by taking advantage of
multidisciplinary and international nature of
research. Undergraduate and graduate students
taking class Introduction to Materials Science
are trained in laboratory work through hands on
projects. Each student prepares and measures
structural, magnetic, and resistive properties of
a sample of complex oxide compound used in
genuine research.
In addition, we are involved in mentoring senior
high-school students from the Illinois Math and
Science Academy in Aurora by bringing them to NIU
for discussions and laboratory work during one
day a week visits. Participants in this grant are
also involved in outreach efforts by conducting a
science camp for students in grades 8-12 on
special days, Halloween Lab and Physics Olympics