Unit 2: Defining Courage in Justice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unit 2: Defining Courage in Justice


Class discussion: Courage. Share real life examples of courage that you have either witnessed first hand or have heard of. List 2 examples in your notes: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unit 2: Defining Courage in Justice

Unit 2 Defining Courage in Justice Equality
Class discussion Courage
  • Share real life examples of courage that you have
    either witnessed first hand or have heard of.
  • List 2 examples in your notes

  • Define Many people, including Jem and Scout when
    theyre young, mix up courage with strength.
  • They think that courage is the ability and
    willingness to use strength to get your way.
  • But this isnt exactly the case..

  • Courage, in To Kill a Mockingbird, is not about
    winning or losing.
  • Its about thinking long and hard about whats
    right instead of relying on personal prejudice or
    gut reaction, and then doing whats right whether
    you win or lose.

  • To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with examples of
    courage, and it is your job to identify them!
  • At one point, Atticus will define courage as he
    views it. It is also your job to locate his
    definition in the novel (quote him and cite
    chapter, page, and paragraph number), and to
    explain what he means.

Class discussion Equality
  • Share real life examples of equality that you
    have either witnessed first hand or have heard
  • List 2 examples in your notes

  • Define
  • How do YOU define equality?
  • (write your OWN definition here)
  • Now compare your definition to Atticus

Equality vs. Prejudice
  • Atticuss belief in treating and respecting
    everyone as an individual is contrasted in To
    Kill a Mockingbird with a number of other
  • These other visions are all quite different from
    each otherthey are religious, racist,
    classistbut they all share one thing in common
    they treat people as groups, they demand
    conformity, and they give no respect or credit to
    individuals or that which is different from the

Equality vs. Prejudice (continued)
  • In other words, they are all forms of prejudice
    which is a preconceived notion about a person
    based on the groups to which that person belongs.
  • Over and over again, TKAM reveals prejudice not
    just as closed-minded and dangerous, but also as

Equality vs. Prejudice (continued)
  • The most obvious form of prejudice in the novel
    is racism, which causes otherwise upstanding
    white citizens of Maycomb to accept the testimony
    of an obviously corrupt white man over the
    evidence supporting the testimony from a black

  • Yet prejudice is also visible in other characters
    and situations throughout the novel
  • Your job is to explain how this is so as you get
    to know the following characters
  • the racially condescending Mrs. Grace
  • in Aunt Alexandras belief in the importance of
    social class
  • in the gender stereotypes that people (name who)
    try to force on Scout
  • in the way the town views Boo Radley as a
    monster because he acts differently from
    everyone else. (cite specific textual evidence)

However, think about this
  • In the quest for Equality, how do some of the
    characters in the novel actually promote various
    expressions of prejudice?

  • Atticus acknowledges the evil in people and the
    world and fights against that evil, but he also
    appreciates what is good in the very same people
    who through fault or weakness might be supporting
    an evil cause.
  • Atticus believes that everyone has a basic human
    dignity, and that he therefore owes each person
    not only respect, but the effort to try to
    understand their point of view.
  • Atticus tries to instill this worldview in Scout
    when he tells her that instead of condemning
    people for doing things that she thinks are
    cruel, or unfair, or just plain weird, she should
    first try standing in their skin.

  • Define this is your job! As you read, develop
    your OWN definition of justice.
  • Do NOT copy and paste a definition from the
    dictionary or internet! (That would be plagiarism
    and you will fail!)
  • Include this after YOUR definition reasons why
    you feel the way you do AND evidence from the
    novel that support your developing worldview.
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