Work with FinLiv v. N - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Work with FinLiv v. N


Work with FinLiv v. N Jan Papuga The development of FinLiv application was realized thanks to the support of TACR agency – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Work with FinLiv v. N

Work with FinLiv v. N
  • Jan Papuga

The development of FinLiv application was
realized thanks to the support of TACR agency
Current state
  • 2 application versions currently
  • FinLiv v. N
  • released February 2014 developed mostly by Jan
  • S-N curves recording, viewing, regression
    analysis (Basquin model, model according to
  • integrates the basis of static experiments data
    manipulation storing, viewing through
    interface, saving
  • FinLivX
  • a modification of FinLivK (released 30. 6. 2013)
  • prepared by Jakub Hasman as a post-processing of
    his bachelor thesis
  • implements the functionality related to inclusion
    of static experiments their record, viewing,
    analyses based on CSN standard
  • Expected inclusion of e-N curves prepared by a
    PhD student at the VŠB-TUO university

What is FinLiv
  • An application intended to save experimental data
  • Fatigue experiments
  • Both S-N and e-N curves
  • No crack growth currently
  • Static experiments under development
  • Built in Visual Basic for Applications with a
    common MS Excel interface
  • An intended pre-processor for managing data later
    saved to on-line FinLiv database

FinLiv file content
  • form sheet the basic graphical interface
    enabling the input of data
  • data sheets any other sheets with description
    of test group sets

User can pick the selected test group
Test group vs. curve
Test group
  • Set of all experiments realized with one batch of
  • Treatment relates to the preparation of
    semi-product related to all individual curves

Exception ID_REF relates to every individual
curve, because the sources providing the data can
differ during more extensive experimental
  • Related to a particular test group
  • Treatment relates to any thermo-mechanical
    operation encountered during preparing the

Thermomechanical treatment
Hint shown while mouse hovers over the cell
describing the meaning of the parameter
Parameters to be filled in potentially are marked
by salmon colour
  • Two times within one form
  • operations during preparing semi-product
  • operations while preparing the final specimen
  • Defined
  • type of the operation
  • environment during the treating
  • possible commentaries for whatever not included
  • variables

  • Approx. 20 different pre-configured specimen
  • SP_V1 SP_V12
  • based on the configuration, thenumber of
    geometric parametersand their meaning differ
  • Related to every curve, can differwithin one
    test group
  • SP_ORIENT describes the orientationof the
    specimen axis to the majordimensions of the

Description of input loading
The same colour convention valid for inputs
This view relates to fatigue experiments
Hints included to describe the meaning
  • Up to 4 load channels can act simultaneously
  • Load modes
  • tension
  • plane bending
  • rotating bending
  • pressurizing
  • torsion
  • thermal load
  • Load types
  • harmonic loading
  • constant loading
  • triangular
  • trapezoidal
  • sampled load input
  • general load
  • load blocks
  • Gauss load

well done
to be finalized
Description of input loading
The same colour convention valid for inputs
This view relates to static experiments
Hints included to describe the meaning
  • Up to 2 load channels can act simultaneously
  • Load modes
  • tension
  • compression
  • torsion
  • plane bending
  • Load types
  • 0-max
  • constant loading

Master and Slave load channels
sa 1.682?ta ft10 ?fb
  • Master parameter is that one taken as a reference
    for this kind of loading (and used for graphic
    output therefore)
  • Other parameters of the loading (on the same
    channel or on other channels) are either its
    multiples or constants

Master and Slave load channels II
sa 1.682?ta ft10 ?fb
  • In version M, an additive constant can be added
    to the end of formula
  • a curve with lower stress being constant C
  • note
  • only the additive constant can be added () or
    subtracted (-). No other operations are allowed
  • allowed operators x multiple, addition, -
  • multiple should precede any further operation
    it is the marker that the input is a formula and
    not a constant value
  • only one multiple and one addition or subtracting
    allowed in one formula

sa sh/2-C/2
LD_V1 x0.5-50
sm sh/2C/2
LD_V2 x0.550
Individual test data input
  • END parameter for S-N curve
  • describes the condition of the end of the
  • two lifetimes can be recorded
  • for the final break of the specimen
  • for the END
  • Unfinished experiments marked by I symbol in the
    appropriate column

Action buttons - Save
  • Process the data either in data sheets or in the
  • Save
  • transfers the current setup (both test group
    information and curve information currently
    depicted) in the form sheet to the appropriate
    data sheet
  • !!!doesnt saves the file!!!

Action buttons - Show
  • Starts a form to select the curves of a given
    test group to be send to a separate file for a
    regression analysis
  • Access to another test group than currently
    selected enabled by clicking the three dots
  • The backslash \ shows that the content is a
    test group and not a curve
  • The final file created is described in this
    presentation later on

Action buttons Back Up
  • A similar selector tool as by Save, but only test
    groups listed
  • Any selected test group is detected and saved as
    a separate csv file
  • The range of saved data is based on
  • the number of cells continuously non-empty on the
    line CURVE_ID
  • the number of continuously non-empty cells in the
    column B of the appropriate data sheet

Action buttons Import
  • Pushing this buttonresults in this message box
  • A file has to be selected then based on the
    previous choice
  • Any .csv file previously saved or prepared to
    work as the data sheet
  • A sheet named csv in the selected Excel file

Action buttons Remove
  • Allows the user to remove a selected test group
    while keeping the data sheet links OK
  • Removing the data sheet manually by the Excel
    functions causes, that the MARK listbox (C3 cell
    in form) will not reflect it and the application
    can break down when this item is asked
  • Can be solved today by closing the FinLiv
    application and opening it again

Action buttons APDL Specimen
  • Information about specimens used for selected
    curves is processed
  • a text file is generated
  • it serves as an input for ANSYS APDL macro
  • based on this inputthat macrocreates the
    FE-modelof the specimen, itsboundary
    conditionsand runs the analysis

Action buttons Input for PragTic
  • An extensive form for automated defining of the
    analysis in PragTic fatigue solver is opened
  • Functionality of this command is described later

Working with FinLiv
  • The data can be input through form but also
    directly into the data sheets
  • Be careful there is no identity between the
    number of your choice in a selected listbox and
    the number in appropriate cell of the data sheet
  • sometimes it is identical, sometimes not
  • it takes some time before you grasp the right ID
    codes of the mostly used items
  • test and check first by using the form

Data sheets
  • Each curve of a particular test group is recorded
    to a separate column
  • A header related to all curves ends by TREAT4
  • The exceptional ID_REF record is placed to the
    line 3
  • It is expected that most of the records could be
    placed to another line, there is no defined order
  • Exception Records of Px_MARK, Dx_y, Ix_y and
    D_COMMENTx should be placed consecutively,
    without any interruption

Naming conventions
  • The name of the data set should correspond to
    abbreviation of the surnames of the team members
  • Hudson, C. M. A study of fatigue and fracture
    in 7075-T6 aluminum alloy in vacuum and air
    environments . Technical report NASA-TN-D-7262,
    L-8829 . Washington, 1973
  • Results in the test set Hud
  • 1 author only
  • no previous similar record
  • three letters optimum
  • Grover, H. J. Bishop, S. M. Jackson, L. R.
    Fatigue strengths of aircraft materials
    axial-load fatigue tests on notched sheet
    specimens of 24S-T3 and 75S-T6 aluminum alloys
    and of SAE 4130 steel with a stress-concentration
    factors of 2.0 and 4.0. Technical report
    NACA-TN-2389. Washington, NACA 1951.
  • Results in the test set GBA, GBB, GBC
  • more authors, but also more materials used
  • three letters optimum
  • first letters of the first two authors used, an
    alphabet marker added on the 3rd position

Numbering rules S-N curves
  • The experiments on smooth unnotched specimens
    should be numbered within IDs 01-39, if possible
  • Special curves
  • fully reversed axial loading ID30
  • repeated axial loading ID31
  • fully reversed torsion ID32
  • (repeated torsion ID33) preferable, but not
    strictly required
  • Experiments on other notched geometries set to
    next decades, e.g.
  • specimen with a hole through (40reversed
    push-pull, 41repeated tension, 42reversed
    torsion, 43-49 other combinations)
  • specimen with a circumferential U-notch
    (50reversed push-pull, 51repeated tension,
    52reversed torsion, 53-59 other combinations)

Numbering rules S-N curves II
  • Also the mode of axial loading matters say e.g.
    the most of experiments is done while combining
    tension and torsion, but also combinations of
    torsion with plane bending occur
  • 01-29, 33-39 any more complex experiments
    covering tension and or torsion
  • 30-32 basic uniaxial load modes for tension and
  • 40-41 plane bending experiments
  • 42 torsion (can be related to a different
    specimen type then 32)
  • 43-49 any combination of plane bending and/or
    torsion on this specimen type

Numbering rules Static data
  • In order to quickly orient in the data sheet a
    prefix S is added to any static tests, while
    being reported in form sheet
  • The datasheet doesnt include this prefix and you
    can recognize the static curve by CUR_TYPE3
  • Special IDs
  • averaged tension 30
  • averaged compression 31
  • averaged torsion 32
  • averaged bending 33

Static data averaged vs. experimental
  • Static tests are usually done on more samples
    (3-5), but only the average values are mostly
  • Experimental curves
  • those with complete experimental data (force vs.
  • will be evaluated after Show (not ready in this
  • averaged curve will be completed in SumUP
  • a link between the experimental curve and the
    averaged curve will be saved to csv
  • Averaged curves
  • do not contain any experimental data, just the
    statistics of the regression analysis
  • have unique IDs (see the previous slide)
  • a link between them and all experimental curves
    used for their deriving will be saved to csv

Input of static data
  • Mostly the same dialogues, but load modes, load
    types and end of the tests differ
  • Other description of the datapoint it relates
    to one time instant of the static test
  • Substantially more time instants can be recorded
    than 60
  • Parameter ROWS allows to change the dimension of
    the record (limited only by the number of rows in
  • ROWS is hard set in fatigue curves processing to

New items
  • New test group
  • item new in the MARK listbox of the form
  • asks for a name of the test group, from which the
    content is inherited (curves can be then removed
    manually in the data sheet)
  • import of an existing csv file
  • copying an existing sheet to a new location and
    renaming it
  • copying the csv file from another file
  • New curve
  • item new in the CURVE_ID listbox of the form
  • copying some existing record to appropriate
    column of the data sheet the CURVE_ID listbox
    is updated, when another test group is selected
    and then the right one chosen again

Push the button in the form
Show procedure
Show procedure
  • For selected curves of a selected test group
    creates a file in the same directory
  • the file is named TestGroupName.xls, where the
    TestGroupName is replaced by the test group
  • data of each curve is placed into a separate
    sheet named TestGroupNameCurve
  • Two additional sheets are created
  • SumUP covers results of all separate regression
    analyses done for individual curves
  • csv contains the original data sheet itself
  • The operation can be repeated additively, i.e. a
    part of curves can be processed first, then
    another one, etc.

Curve sheet
Parameters of regressions
Experimental data points
Buttons for starting the regression analyses
Regression curve according to Basquin formula
Graph for visual interpretation
Regression curve according to Kohout-Vechet
Initial state after Show operation
  • Only experimental data and related points in the
    graph are shown

Running S-N curve button
and check the SumUP sheet
  • Contains
  • functional buttons
  • Write to csv writes the regression parameters to
    the csv sheet (can be then imported to FinLiv via
    Import button)
  • Dummy Model prepares input for Dummy model
    application (APDL script for pre-processing
    multiaxial fatigue limit experiments in ANSYS)
  • description of regression parameters
  • proposal on credibility coefficients
  • master curve description
  • Here shown only S-N curve data
  • Below that also the same output for Kohout-Vechet
    model (K-V) is provided

Running KV curve button
KV regression
  • More complex
  • necessitates the use of Solver add-on to Excel (a
    non-linear solver utility)
  • check its existence in your MS Excel before
    running it
  • Run the initial estimate procedure?
  • a query box asking if to run the initial estimate
    or continue from the last saved estimated
  • useful when the regression analysis collapses

KV regression collapse
  1. Run the analysis from the initial estimate on the
    set of data points omitting the outward-lying
  2. If succeeded include all data points, deny to
    use the initial estimate and run the analysis
    from the last saved regression parameters
  3. If failed go to item 1 and repeat it again with
    another set of data points
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