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DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION PHASES The purpose of the development and implementation phases is to construct the new or modified system, using the physical design ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The purpose of the development and implementation
    phases is to construct the new or modified
    system, using the physical design specifications
    from the Design Phase, to test it, to deliver it
    and pass acceptance and to set it to work in the

The Steps in the Development Phase
  1. If the software is to be custom-built the
    programs are assigned to a programmer or team of
    programmers to be developed
  2. Otherwise the software is purchased and modified
    if necessary
  3. Hardware is purchased
  4. Testing of individual components is performed
    using the testing plan from the design phase.
  5. Testing of combined components is conducted using
    the testing plan from the design phase.

The Steps in the Implementation Phase
  • A conversion method to change-over from the old
    system to the new system is chosen.
  • Testing of the whole system once it has been put
    in place is conducted.
  • The users and technicians are trained and
    appropriate user documentation produced.
  • When the system is up and running, there is a
    formal acceptance and handover from the
    developers to the organisation.
  • Procedures Techniques are set up to monitor and
    maintain the new system.

The steps on the previous slides are divided into
2 groups
  • Project Management concerned with management
    procedures that need to be followed to build the
    new system, install it, test it and finally hand
    it over to the organisation - development
  • Conversion Methods describes the various choices
    available for converting from an old system to a
    new system, and the various factors that need to
    be taken into account and implemented -

1. Project Management
  • Is defined as the planning, organising, directing
    and controlling of resources to meet a certain
    objective within a specific timeframe and within
    a prescribed budget.
  • A project is defined as any activity that has a
    defined start point and end point, and a number
    of steps along the way.
  • The management of a project is divided into two
    main areas
  • A). Production Testing Management
  • B). Implementation Management

A). Production Testing Management
  • The documents specifying the physical design of
    the system needs to be turned into reality in the
    form of working programs on a working machine.
  • The hardware and software need to be purchased or
    developed and thoroughly tested.

B). Implementation Management
  • Once the system has been built and tested the old
    system needs to be decommissioned and the new one
    installed and commissioned, and this requires a
    conversion plan.

  • As with any stage in the SDLC there is a
    necessity for creating a plan. The systems
    development and implementation plan can be
    graphical and it should set out the step-by-step
    requirements to complete the development and
    implementation of the project.

Steps in Planning a Project
  • Define the goals of the project so that it is
    known precisely what is required at the end of
    the project and how it is going to be achieved.
  • Determine the major tasks that are involved
    incompletion of the project.
  • The sequence of tasks also need to be determined.
  • Identify the resources that will be needed in
    order to complete the project.
  • Set up a calendar schedule to determine exactly
    how long each task will take.

Project Management Tools
  • Charts known as Gantt and PERT charts
    (Performance Evaluation and Review Techniques)
    are used to plot the progress of a project.
  • They are graphical representations of the tasks
    that need to be completed in the project and the
    relationships that exists between each task.

  • Software such as MS Project and Minuteman allow
    developers to use software to plan complex
  • The software can present tasks in a Gantt or PERT
    chart, monitor resources, track the progress of
    tasks and order the progression of tasks.
  • They can present critical path analysis - to
    allow project managers to determine ways of
    improving the timeline of a project, speed up
    certain tasks, and get the project back on track
    if it begins to fall behind schedule.

2. Conversion Methods
  • There are a number of approaches to the cut over
    to the full reliance upon a new system. Once the
    system is believed to be fully operational, its
    available for use in the organisation. The
    system now become part of the Conversion Phase
    during which time the changeover to the new
    system takes place.

  • Project Managers form a conversion plan, where
    the timing and management of the conversion is
    organised. This plan describes the activities
    that have to be undertaken in order to cut over
    to full scale use of the new system. The plan
    includes the activities to be undertaken and who
    will be responsible for each activity. A
    timetable should be set up that indicates when
    each activity will start and finish.

  • A good conversion plan takes into account
    possible problems and ways to deal with them.
    E.g. missing files and documents along with
    situations not taken into account during the
    design phase are just some of the problems that
    might be experienced during the changeover.

  • There are 4 main strategies for changing over
    from one system to another
  • Direct Conversion
  • Parallel Systems
  • Pilot Systems
  • Phase In

Direct Conversion
  • There is a complete change over in a very short
    time, from the old system to the new. The
    changeover is normally undertaken over a
    specified period of time to enable users to
    become comfortable with the new system as well as
    to transfer any information that might be

  • Direct conversion can be very effective. Users
    are required to begin using the new system
    immediately after a specified date. From a
    managerial / owners point of view, this method is
    preferred as there are no duplication costs. If
    significant problems arise they can be costly, as
    return to the old system is impossible. This
    type of conversion is often used in non-critical

  • Advantages
  • A fast and efficient changeover
  • Can save money
  • Disadvantages
  • Staff can be alienated due to the quick
  • Can lead to loss of productivity and profits if
    managed badly.

Parallel Systems
  • Involves running both the old and the new system
    side-by-side for a period of time.
  • An advantage of this system is the security it
    affords i.e. where there are doubts about the new
    system then the organisation can revert to the
    old system.

  • The main advantage of using this system is that
    the results of the new system can be checked and
    rechecked against the results of the old system.
    Any bugs in the new system can be fixed before
    the old system is decommissioned.
  • The disadvantages are that the costs could be
    high, because two systems are running at the same
    time and therefore jobs/ procedures are performed
    twice. This could lead to confusion by the
    employees performing the jobs.

Pilot System
  • Where a new system involves drastic changes in an
    organisation or very new techniques are to be
    used it is advisable to implement a working
    version of the system in one small department of
    the organisation before launching the application
    on the organisation as a whole. Once the system
    is fully working in one part of the organisation
    then it can be installed throughout the

  • Advantages
  • ability to make changes to the new system as a
    consequence of trials in a real situation is very
  • The members of the organisation who participated
    in the pilot can be assets in the full
    implementation of the system, because they can be
    considered experts

  • Disadvantages
  • If the pilot system is not properly handled,
    users may form the impression that the new system
    is accident prone.
  • It is time consuming to implement and its not
    always effective in picking up problems.

Phase-in Method
  • In a very large organisation it may be best to
    implement the new system through a phase-in
    method. It may be that an application is large
    or complex, that large numbers of staff require
    training or that equipment has to be purchased
    over time. It may not be possible or desirable
    to implement the new system all at once in the
    whole organisation.

  • Differences between Pilot and Phased in are
  • Pilot used as an aid in the development of an
  • Phased In application fully developed but takes
    time to completely install throughout the

3. Other Factors that need to be implemented
  • To have the new system fully implemented there
    are a number of other areas that may also need to
    be considered
  • Manually stored files must be converted to
    computer-based files
  • The physical environment may need to be modified
    to accommodate the new system.

  • Consumables such as stationary, printer
    cartridges, disks and disk storage facilities
    will need to be purchased.
  • Ergonomic requirements such as glare filters for
    computer screens, ergonomic desks, etc need to
    be attended to.

4. Procedural Requirements of the New System
  • Any changes to procedures that were used in the
    old system or any new procedures will need to be
    documented and used in the training of staff.
  • Examples of procedures

5. Data and information
  • Data from the old system needs to be transferred
    to the new system. Since file formats of the old
    and new system may be different fields may be
    merged or split, or extra fields may be needed
    care needs to be taken in planning for the
    transfer of data and careful planning must be
    undertaken for this to be successful.

6. Cost of implementation
  • The financial cost involved with implementation
    of a new or modified system can be quite
    considerable. Cost of hardware and software,
    training or disruption to work may cause the
    organisation to reconsider the conversion method.

7. Effects on Organisations and Individuals
  • There are many effects associated with
    implementing an Information System. There can be
    positive and negative effects. These effects on
    people and the organisation have to be taken into
    account and planned for in the conversion

  • Positive
  • Providing job enrichment
  • Staff learning new skills and receiving training
    to help with new tasks
  • Negative
  • Depersonalisation of services
  • Customers and employees who have to adapt to a
    new system

  • Lists of people who will be affected and how they
    will be affected need to be produced. Also plans
    should be made that detail what communication and
    training affected users will receive prior to

8. Training of Staff and Customers
  • One of the major issues when implementing a new
    or modified system is the training of staff and
    customers. Two main reasons why training is
  • the users of the system need to learn how to
    perform the procedures that are part of the new

  • the necessity to build confidence in the system
    while overcoming any negative attitudes that
    might have formed about the new system. Customers
    who need to use the system have to be trained as
    well as staff eg. Automated payment of bills over
    the phone or Internet. The training is of the
    form of step-by-step instructions that the user
    listens to on each occasion the service is used.

  • General Users Staff that uses the system in
    their day-to-day work need to be trained and made
    familiar with the system so that a smooth
    transition can be made on the day of changeover
    without loss of production or inconveniences for
    customers and other staff.
  • Customers they need to be informed of any
    changes that will affect them. This could be
    different documentation on paper or on the
    screen. The reasons why the change has occurred
    needs to be explained and a contact person,
    address or phone number given if further
    explanation or help is required..

  • A training strategy needs to be developed that
    should be out into place before the full

Training Strategy
  • Who is to be trained within most organisations
    there will be experienced and inexperienced
    users/operations, as well as managers,
    programmers and/or technicians who are
    responsible for the system. Each group needs
    specialised training. Consideration needs to be
    given to the needs of the customers who will use
    the system.
  • The training to take place - its important to
    be clear about what each group needs to learn, to
    be able to use the new system efficiently and

  • Who should conduct the training the key
    requirement for good training is to have an
    instructor who knows the software extremely well
    and has good communication skills. It doesnt
    matter if the instruction is an outside expert or
    in-house trainer.
  • The length of the training course this will
    depend on the needs of the person being trained.
    One-off sessions without follow up are poor
    ways in which to deliver effective training.
    On-going support is often necessary.

  • Where and when the training will take place
    when a new system is implemented, time taken for
    training is regarded as time away from the job
    a common mistake. The time and place for
    training should be clearly described to the uses
    and sessions should take place when users are
    fresh and able to concentrate

9. Types and Purposes of User Documentations
  • Instructions about how to sue software must
    accompany the new system, known as User
    Documentation. This documentation can be
    presented in a number of ways, each suited to
    different types of personnel associated with the
    system. User Documentation should be in place
    before the changeover is completed.

The types of User Documentation
  • Technical Reference manual created for
    technicians and describes how the system operates
    and also describes the specifications of the
    hardware and software. Information is also
    provided on how to perform modifications to the
    system if the need arises. Other information
    contained would include details on how to
    maintain the system.

  • User Guide a non-technical guide to support the
    use of the system. Its a basic set of
    instructions, which may include how to perform
    such functions as access, the system, save files,
    print files and generally how to navigate around
    the program.

  • User Manual contains more extensive details
    about the program than the user guides.
  • Quick Manual a non-technical guide that allows
    the user to get started on installing and using
    the program. Only provides very basic details on
    the most common features of the program and is
    often only one page.

  • Trouble-shooters guide a guide briefly
    describing how to deal with malfunctions of the
    system. It gives tips and hints on how to
    overcome problems that are to be performed before
    the technicians are called.

  • Procedures Manual illustrates the steps and
    procedures that must be followed when operating
    the system. It gives details of which tasks need
    to be performed, by whom and when.
  • An example is the procedure for backing up of
    data that will specify what files need to be
    backed up, when it is to be done, by whom, the
    extent of the backup and where the backups will
    be stored.

  • Trouble-shooters guide a guide briefly
    describing how to deal with malfunctions of the
    system. It gives tips and hints on how to
    overcome problems that are to be performed before
    the technicians are called.

10. Disaster Recovery Plans
  • A disaster recovery plan is a written plan
    detailing the procedures that need to take place
    if there is a major disaster such as power
    outages, virus, fire, etc. The steps in the plan
    are to guide the restoration of the computer to
    an operational state.
  • A disaster recovery plan should be developed and
    tested before the new system is completely

There are four components to a DRP
  • (a) The Emergency Plan
  • (b) The Backup Plan
  • (c) The Recovery Plan
  • (d) The Test Plan

(a) The Emergency Plan
  • This plan states the actions to be taken as soon
    as the disaster has happened. Because each
    disaster will be different, there will be
    different emergency procedures to follow. Each
    procedure has a number of steps leading to a
    consistent outcome despite the type of disaster.

  • The plan would include
  • Names and telephone numbers of people and
    emergency authorities (police/fire) to contact.
  • Certain procedures need to be followed in
    relation to computer equipment such as shutting
    down the computers.
  • Employees evacuated
  • Procedure that allows for re-entry into the

(b) The Backup Plan
  • The development of a system for making effective
    backup needs to have been developed for this plan
    to be effective. The appropriate people should
    be trained and documentation detailing the exact
    procedures to be followed needs to be produced.

  • The backup plan specifies how the organisation
    will use their backup files to resurrect the
    files necessary to resume operations. If, due to
    the disaster, a change of location is needed, a
    source of replacement equipment needs to have
    been organised.
  • The backup plan is activated directly after the
    Emergency plan.

(c) The Recovery Plan
  • This plan specifies the operations that need to
    take place so that the system can be fully
    operational. There could be possibly two
    committees that would look after the situation.
    One committee could look after the software
    replacement and the other could be responsible
    for hardware replacement.

(d) The Test Plan
  • The test plan is a dry-run of the disaster
    recovery plan. It is a simulation of a disaster
    and is written so that tests on how the
    organisation would respond to the disaster can be

11. System Access Controls
  • A successful changeover method would need to
    cater for any data and information security and
    access requirements. All passwords and other
    security arrangements need to be documented and
    in place before the system is put into service.

12. Maintaining the new system
  • Once the system has been tested, procedures and
    techniques are needed to establish a maintenance
    routine, so that I can achieve its goals and
    objectives. The maintenance of a system involves
    responding to small difficulties and problems
    that can occur and to perform routine tasks such
    as printer ink replacement and installation of
    upgrades to software.

  • In large organisations help-desk and technical
    staff need to be employed and trained.
  • The use of help desk and technical staff is very
    important in the first few weeks after the new
    system is put into place.
  • Also monitoring procedures need to be set up that
    will record performance data that will be used in
    evaluation phase and the solving of problems that
  • Software upgrades are a major maintenance task.
  • There are four types

  • Slipstream upgrade
  • This is a relatively small upgrade to the
    software. It happens routinely and is often
    without inconveniencing the user of the system.
  • Patch
  • A patch is a small change that corrects a
    problem. Patches are often used to rectify small
    bugs that may appear in a program. Anti virus
    program manufactures often release patches to
    their in field installed code to detect and
    provide remedies for new viruses.

  • New Release
  • A new release improves on some parts of the
    software, but it fundamentally operates the same
    as before. It will require minor alterations to
    user documentation and also possibly involves
    more training.
  • New Version
  • The program is currently on the system, however a
    new version will upgrade the current version,
    because there are new functions and features that
    can be used

  • Part of the maintenance requires arrangements
    that need to be made with the suppliers of
    equipment (hardware and software) to rectify
    future problems that may occur.
  • A maintenance agreement should be entered into
    when the equipment is purchased. This ensures
    that the suppliers or their designated
    maintenance organisation are the designated
    people that the purchaser has contact with to
    ensure that the equipment can be replaced or
    fixed as soon as possible

  • The final phase of the SDLC involves monitoring,
    evaluating and maintaining the system.
  • The system is evaluated to determine how
    effectively it meets the objectives identified in
    the Feasibility Study.

  • The objectives are continually assessed over the
    life of the system in three aspects
  • Performance,
  • Reliability and
  • Management of Change.
  • If the objectives are not adequately met, then
    the process of Analysis begins again.

a) Performance Evaluation
  • At this stage the system is fully tested and
  • Now the systems analyst is concerned with
    evaluating the efficiency and productivity of the
  • These characteristics can be objectively measured
    and compared to the estimates indicated in the
    analysis and design phase.

  • Efficiency is measured in terms of the times,
    cost and effort to complete a set task Eg we
    might measure the time taken for a robot arm to
    weld a car piece, or the effort needed to produce
    a report.
  • Productivity is concerned with the efficiency of
    the overall process Eg we could measure how many
    cars are produced in a full working day.

  • Efficiency and Productivity could be evaluated in
    the following ways
  • Observing the systems capacity to handle peak
    periods of demand.
  • Surveying staff to determine tasks completed
    during a set period such as one day or one hour.
  • Timing the completion of a task
  • Calculating the total cost of one working day
    including wages, electricity and materials used.

b) Reliability
  • Many problems with a system only appear after the
    system has been implemented.
  • These can include faulty equipment, incorrect
    procedures and inadequate training.

  • The reliability of the system should be
    continually supervised to ensure that procedures
    are producing their desired effect.
  • Procedures such as security, backup and
    validation could be assessed in the following

  • Random shut downs of the computer system to
    determine if processes can be carried out
  • Removal of selected files to determine if backup
    procedures are reliable.
  • Using computer professionals to test security

c) Management of Change
  • An essential part of evaluating the system is
    assessing the effects of change on job
    specifications, work environment, procedures,
  • These changes can be monitored in the following

  1. Surveying staff reactions to the new system.
  2. Testing staff knowledge of the procedures
  3. Monitoring frequency and cause of sick days
  4. Assessing adequacy of training (can be also
    achieved by surveying people being trained).

  • A program of ongoing maintenance of the system,
    which considers technology, procedures and
    personnel requirements, needs to be established.
  • This could include replacing faulty equipment,
    modifying procedures or training new staff.

Costs and Benefits
  • The function of top level management in this
    process is to evaluate the overall costs and
    benefits of the system.

Economic Costs
  • The introduction of the new system will have both
    direct and indirect economic costs
  • Cost of new equipment
  • Employment of design team and computer
  • Possible loss of production during implementation
    of system
  • Disruption to staff and possible redundancy

Social Costs
  • Changes in information systems can lead to
    negative effects on personnel and society
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Deskilling
  • Loss of employment
  • Stress due to change and technology.

Economic Benefits
  • The introduction of new system should have
    economic benefits
  • Increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Improved quality control
  • Improved customer service
  • Enhanced decision making

Social Benefits
  • Changes in information systems can lead to
    benefits for personnel and society
  • Increase in staff skills and job satisfaction
  • Health and safety reforms
  • Higher level of flexibility
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