Title: KY 4/22 Module 1a Purposes of Data Collection
1KY 4/22 Module 1aPurposes of Data Collection
2Review of initial handouts
- Travel Survey Manual, TMIP, USDOT and EPA, 1996
- Travel Survey Manual Appendices, includes sample
RFPs - Travel Survey Course CD
- TRB Committee on Travel Survey Methods (A1D10)
reports page
3Main differences between 1996 and TODAY
- Greater use of computers for data entry at all
stages - Greater use of GPS
- Future implementation of E911 with GPS in
cellular phones - Continuing decline in response rates
- Population sub-groups who rely solely on cellular
4Data collection purposes
- Travel Demand Models
- Demographic characteristics not avail from other
data sources - Trend analysis
- Borrowing data (transferability)?
5Data collection purposes
- Travel demand models
- Trip Generation Rates
- Trip Length Frequency Distribution
- Model validation and calibration
- Mode choice models (FTA New Starts)
- Vehicle acquisition models
6Demographic Characteristics not always avail from
other sources
- Volume counts, passenger counts do not include
characteristics such as - Vehicle ownership
- Household income
- Household size
7Trend Analysis
- Daily weekday person trip rates
- Driver licensing
81969-2001 NHTS trends
9Annual Miles Per Driver
10Significantly more households in 2001 where
there are more vehicles than there are drivers.
15 million
14.5 million
64.5 million
63 million
20 million
14 million
2.8 million
1.4 million
Source Patricia Hu, ORNL. Jan 2003
11Borrowing Data/Transferability
- Primary data collection can be expensive.
Sometimes you need to borrow data. - NCHRP 365 (NCHRP 187)
- NPTS Transferability Pilot
- Quick Response
12Maybe you decide that primary data collection
13Fill out a Travel Diary
- Your assigned travel day is
- Thursday, April 17
- Need a volunteer to tabulate
- Average of person trips per day
- Average of vehicles per driver (in households)
14Constraints to Data Collection
- Three-legged stool
- Quality
- Quantity
- Cost
15Whats the hardest part of primary data
16Whats the hardest part of primary data
- Elaines opinion
- Getting the budget for the project
- Response rates and potential sample bias
- Reporting geographic information