Immunoglobulins, immune response - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Immunoglobulins, immune response


Immunoglobulins, immune response Martin Li ka – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Immunoglobulins, immune response

Immunoglobulins, immune response
  • Martin Liška

1. The structure of immunoglobulins
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2. Isotypes
  • (in principle) classes of antibodies
    distinguished on the basis of H chain structure
  • 5 types m (IgM), d (IgD), g (IgG), a (IgA) and
    e (IgE)
  • in addition, we can distinguish subtypes of
    antibodies within some classes (IgG, IgA) based
    on their H chain differences

3. Domains and their biological function
  • in principle domains of V regions form a
    recognizing unit and domains of C regions
    determine secondary biological functions of
    antibody (i.e. biological half life, distribution
    in the body, binding complement, binding to cells
    through Fc-receptor)

4. Variable region of Ig molecule
  • hypervariable loops are concentrated at the
    spikes of variable regions where antigen binding
    sites are localized
  • the binding site specifity is determined by amino
    acid sequences and both by morphology and shape
    of the loop

5. The biological features of distinct Ig classes
  • IgG
  • the most abundant serum Ig
  • the most important Ig of secondary immune
  • the only Ig which passes through the placenta
  • the main opsonizing Ig
  • activates complement via classical pathway
  • biological half life 21 day

  • found both in serum and seromucinous secretions
  • defense of mucosa
  • opsonization
  • does not activate complement

  • in pentamer form is found in serum in monomer
    form is bound on membrane of B cells
  • prevailing antibody of primary immune response
  • high-effective agglutinant and cytolytic agent
  • usually isohaemagglutinins and natural antibodies

  • the best classical way complement activator
  • does not bind phagocytes Fc receptor, but
    substantially enhances phagocytosis through
    complement activation
  • biological half life 6 days

  • free form in serum, bound on B cells membrane
  • antigen receptor on B cells

  • in normal conditions low amounts in serum
  • mainly bound on mast cells (binds through FceR)
  • anti-helminth defense
  • immediate type allergic reactions

Ig subclasses
  • differences in H chain structure and biological
  • IgG1 a IgG3 participate in defence against viral
    and bacterial protein antigens
  • IgG2 ensures defence against antigens which does
    not require help from T lymphocytes

6. Allotypic and idiotypic variations
  • allotypes allelic variants of isotypes
  • idiotypes structural determinants localized in
    variable region connected with the ability of
    antigen binding
  • idiotopes unique set of antigenic determinants
    (epitopes) of variable portion of an antibody
    (idiotype is the sum of idiotopes)
  • anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against
    idiotypes, in principle reflect an antigen

7. Genetic basis of Ig production
  • a/ L chains genes
  • K chain genes located on chromosome 2
  • - V, J and C segments
  • chain encoded in similar complex of
  • genes on chromosome 22

b/ genes encoding H chain
  • more complicated
  • localized on chromosome 14
  • V, D, J, C segments (genes encoding individual
    segments contain more regions compared with L
  • during completion of V/D/J exon, gene
    rearrangement occurs

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Development of B lymphocytes
  • Lymphoid progenitor ? pro-B cells
  • During maturation from pro-B cells into pre-B
    cells Ig genes of the heavy chain recombine
    pre-B cells express pre-BCR
  • During maturation from pre-B cells into B cells
    Ig genes of the light chain recombine
  • Immature B cells express membrane IgM
  • Mature B cells express membrane IgM and IgD BCR
    and are able to respond to antigen in peripheral
    lymphoid tissues

Mechanisms contributing to antibody diversity
  • chance recombinations
  • imprecise joining of V, D, J genes
  • N-region additions
  • extensive mutations involving variable-region
    genes after antigen exposure

Isotype switching
  • during the immune response, plasma cells switch
    from producing IgM to IgG or to another Ig class
    (IgA, IgE)
  • the switch involves a change in the H-chain
    constant domains (CH)
  • no changes in antigen-binding specifity !
  • (no alteration in the L chain or in the
    variable portion of H chain)

Allelic exclusion
  • once the process of rearrangement on one of
    chromosomes is successful, then all attempts on
    second chromosome are stopped
  • the same rule governs both for H- and L-chains
  • every single B cell produces only one type of H-
    and one type of L-chain

Clonal restriction
  • each B cell expresses identical copies of an
    antibody that is specific for single epitope
  • when a B cell divides, the chromosomes in its
    progeny cells bear the selected allelic genes,
    and these genes do not undergo any further V/J or
    V/D/J rearrangements
  • immunoglobulins produced by given B cell and its
    progeny are identical in epitope specifity and in
    k- or l-chain isotype

Clonal expansion
  • proliferation of lymphocytes activated by
    reaction with an antigen
  • all lymphocytes of generated clone have the
    identical antigenic specifity

Monoclonal antibodies
  • immunoglobulins arising from a single clone of B
    cells, or more precisely cells artificially
    created by hybridisation of B lymphocytes of
    specific antigenic specifity ( produced Ig have
    the same antigenic specifity) with tumor cell (
    cells are immortal)

The utilization of monoclonal antibodies
  • Diagnostics (flow cytometry, ELISA,
    autoantibodies etc.)
  • Treatment (anti-IgE, anti-TNF-a, anti-CD3)

Humoral immune response
  • The recognition of antigen by specific Ig on the
    surface of naive B lymphocyte
  • The binding of antigen cross-links Ig receptors
    of specific B cells and then activation signals
    are delivered inside the B cell the necessary
    second signal is provided by a breakdown product
    of the complement protein C3
  • Clonal expansion of B cell and secretion of low
    levels of IgM

Humoral immune response
  • Protein antigens activate antigen-specific T
    helper cells which stimulate B cell antigen
    presentation of these antigens to T helper cells
    is required
  • T helper cells exprime CD40L on their surface and
    secrete cytokines ? proliferation and
    differentiation of antigen-specific B cells,
    isotype switching
  • Affinity maturation affinity of antibodies for
    protein antigens increases with prolonged or
    repeated exposure to the antigens (B cells
    migrate into follicles and form germinal centers
    ? proliferate rapidly and their Ig V genes
    undergo extensive somatic mutations at the same
    time, the antigen complexed with secreted
    antibody is displayed by FDC ? B cells that
    recognize the antigen with high affinity are
    selected to survive)

Phases of humoral immune responses
Primary immune response
  • First antigen exposure
  • The amounts of antibody produced is smaller
  • 2 types of antigens
  • T-dependent help from antigen-specific T helper
    cells is required protein antigens
  • T-independent antibody production is induced
    directly, without the involvement of T helper
    cells typically polysaccharides, lipids

Secondary immune response
  • Subsequent antigen exposure
  • Higher amount of antibodies is produced
  • With protein antigens, secondary responses show
    increased isotype switching and affinity
    maturation ( production of antibodies with
    increased affinity to antigen)
  • Memory cells involvement

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Affinity and avidity of antibodies
  • affinity the strength of the binding between a
    single binding site of a molecule (e.g.antibody)
    and a ligand
  • avidity expresses the strength of interaction
    of polyvalent antibody with a polyvalent antigen

Effector functions of antibodies
  • Neutralization of microbes and their toxins
  • Opsonization of microbes (binding to phagocytes
    through Fc-receptors, stimulation of their
    microbicidal activity)
  • ADCC (Antibody-dependent cell-mediated
    cytotoxicity) microbe, which is opsonized by
    IgG, is killed by NK-cell after binding of
    immunocomplex to Fc-receptor
  • Complement system activation (classical pathway)

Ontogenesis of immune response
  • a/ prenatal

  • Mesoblast from 2nd (3rd) week of gestation
  • Liver from 6th (8th) week of gestation, in
    liver hematopoiesis persists whole prenatal
  • Bone marrow from 10th (12th) week of g., from
    20th week the main organ of hematopoiesis

T lymphocytes
  • Precursors from week 7, from week 8-9 lymphocytes
    move into thyme, where they differentiate
  • TCR gene segments rearrangement, expression of
    TCR on the surface of T lymphocytes
  • Selection

B lymphocytes
  • Precursors from day 8
  • Fetal B lymphocytes express IgM on their surface
  • Synthesis of specific antibodies start at week
    20-24, but IgAM levels are in fact undetectable,
    IgG production starts after birth

  • Macrophages can be detected by week 3-4
  • Mature monocytes appear by month 5 in fetal

  • Mature cells are detectable from week 12-14

  • B lymphocytes
  • relative counts decrease after the birth
  • respond to immunization presumably by IgM
    production, switching to other isotypes is slower
  • slow increase of childs own IgG connected with
    decrease of maternal IgG levels (by month 3-6)
  • IgM reaches levels common i adults at the age of
    1-3 yr., IgGA between the age of 10-15 yr.
  • Humoral response to polysaccharide antigen arises
    by the age of 2 yr.

T lymphocytes
  • More than 90 are naive, but their numbers
    decrease in adult age
  • Proliferation under mitogen stimulation similar
    to adults X response to specific antigens only
    after contact with them
  • Lower cytotoxic activity of T lymphocytes

Innate imunity
  • Newbornsphagocytes have generally decreased
    functional ability, activity of NK-cells is
  • Decreased total complement activity
    (concentration of its compounds is of 35-70 of

c/ Old age
  • decreased cytotoxicity of NK-cells and
  • decreased resistance against viral infections,
    decreased anti-tumour immunity
  • switching from Th1 to Th2
  • weaker humoral response under new stimuli
  • increased production of autoantibodies
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