Title: QIPP
- Podiatry Decontamination Savings
- Cold sterilisation
- Boiling
- Autoclaving
- Disposables
- Single patient use
3The Plan
- Research literature search
- Involve staff
- Instrument manufacturers
- Check legalities with Control of Infection
- Ask patients for their views
- Management Team approval
- Commissioners approval
4Governance Issues
- Patient selection exemptions
- Risk sharing, loss, RSI assessments needed
for all of these - Replacement who will fund?
5Support and interest also gained from
- Podiatry managers across the North West.
- A consultant in Public Health in Wigan who has
written in BMJ about this - Consultant in Communicable diseases
- District Control of Infection Committee
- Consultant in Pathology at the local lab
- The local commissioners
- Medical Director NHS Stockport
- Staff side / podiatry staff
- Chief Health Professions Officer
Cost of disposable packs for 54,000 treatments 226,000
12 month spend on nail surgery reprocessing 7,000
12 month spend on debridement packs 3,024
Total 236,024
Annual cost of patient nail nippers yr 1 34,000
Cost of disposable nail files 4,400
Cost of packs for at risk patients 35,400
Cost of disposable scalpels 6,000
Cost of disposable 'supplementaries' 12,000
Cost of disposable debridement packs 3024
Cost of reprocessing nail surgery packs 7,000
- Compliance with DH guidance
- Green agenda
- Patient satisfaction
- Cost saving